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Sim à garantia para a infância e juventude do exercício dos direitos elementares da pessoa humana.: Não à diminuição da imputabilidade penal

This paper contradicts less penal imputation to 18-year-old minors. It refers to the duty of the Public Ministery to ensure individual rights , and collective and diffusive rights concerning children and adolescents as well. It emphasizes the following issues: a)18-year-old minors have criminal behavior which could be ruled according to our legislation but instead they are judged under the Statute of Children and Teenagers'; (b) children and teenagers should be respected as people at a peculiar developing period of time; (c) integral prevention should be the case: social-educative measures, special assistance given to criminal adolescent who was set free, so as conditions for this teenager to be positively re-integrated within his/her familiar and social reality, having his/her potentials back.

penal imputability; Statute of Children and Teeagers'; social-educative measures

Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil