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Psychological attention to persons with disability

The present article tries to clear the role of Special Psychology in relation to giving attention to persons with special educational needs, its characteristics, work, relations with other sciences and areas of work of the psychologist in this dimension of Psychology. Special psychology is defended in this area having in mind its especifity as a branch of Psychological Sciences, the work of the psychologist and defending the space of the psychologist.

special psychology; persons with disability; special education needs

Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil