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Online mentorship program: a space for the professional development of beginner and experienced teachers

The text introduces the theoretical-methodological framework, and initial results, of an intervention-research about the formative processes of beginner teachers and their mentors. The initial formation of teachers by their mentors takes place under the Mentorship Program of the UFSCar Teachers' Portal (, and the formation of mentors (experienced teachers) happens in presence meetings with the authors of this work. Research and intervention are based on a constructive-collaborative methodology, and the main tools of data-gathering are the narratives - both written and spoken - and interactive conversations. The theoretical framework assumes that: the learning of teaching is a continuous process influenced by beliefs and conceptions, and by knowledges of different natures; the initiation to teaching is a conflicting, but rich, period of intensive learning, during which the beginner teacher effectively becomes a teacher; teacher educators - just as teachers in general - need support for their professional development; continued education must be school-centered, even when virtually, and focus on responding to teachers' demands considering the context of the action; online education via the Internet is an important possibility for teacher education. Among the results, we mention the construction of new professional knowledges by the beginner teachers, mentors, and researchers; the experience by the mentors - seasoned and successful teachers - of initiation processes similar to those undergone by the beginner teachers they supervise; the potentials of learning communities and of narratives for the promotion of the professional development of teaching.

Initial teacher education; Mentor formation; Mentorship program; Online education

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil