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Social and educational strategies to face “pedagogical continuity”: young students, inequality and technological appropriations in Villa María, Argentina, during the Covid-19 pandemic


This article analyzes the relationship between the configuration of social inequality, the access and use of information and communication technologies in the educational field, and its constitution as a mediation resource for the exercise of the right to education in the local and regional context of crisis on the emergency of the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis that we present here constitutes the preliminary advance on qualitative data generated from alternative methodological strategies, deployed in the context of social isolation between October and December 2020 among young and non-young school agents in the city of Villa María, Argentina. In this way, we intend to intervene on sociological debates in a series of dimensions: the pandemic as a dynamic factor of social inequalities, the validity of the digital gap and the problem of technological appropriations, the daily evolution of public policies for the management of the pandemic in the territory and the action repertoire of different social agents to resolve their social reproduction in a new context.

Social strategies; Pedagogical continuity; Young people; Covid-19; Technological appropriations

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Cep: 90619-900, Tel: +55 51 3320 3681 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil