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Legal regime of the Atlantic Rain Forest and the risk to survival in situ of endangered species

The legal system of protection of the Atlantic Rain Forest - established by the Federal Law nº 11,428, of 12.22.2006, and by its regulation, the Federal Decree nº 6,600, of 11.21.2008 - foresees the protection of the endangered species. However, the practical application of its legal issues, in these cases, has been limited due to the need of a correct understanding of the concept of "risk to the survival in situ of species". This paper aims to contribute to the biome conservation and of its biodiversity, by the comprehension of the expression in epigraph, which is not static and may have different meanings. Its definition depends on the evaluation of ecological processes in each concrete case, considering the situation of the "vulnerability to the extinction" of each specie threatened. It is a question of qualitative research, of analytic character, carried out by means of exam of secondary facts.

Biodiversity; Environmental Law; Environmental License

ANPPAS - Revista Ambiente e Sociedade Anppas / Revista Ambiente e Sociedade - São Paulo - SP - Brazil