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Revista Brasileira de Inovação, Volume: 19, Publicado: 2020
  • Política Industrial e Indústria 4.0: a retomada do debate em um cenário de transformações no paradigma tecnoprodutivo Editorial

    Diegues, Antonio Carlos; Roselino, José Eduardo
  • A permanência do pensamento de Celso Furtado Editorial

    Suzigan, Wilson; Garcia, Renato
  • Capacidades tecnológicas y vínculos territoriales en empresas argentinas de maquinaria agrícola Artículo

    Mochi, Silvina

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Resumen Las persistentes brechas tecnológicas de los países en desarrollo en un contexto de transición hacia nuevos paradigmas tecno-organizacionales, evidencian la necesidad de profundizar en el entendimiento sobre sus procesos de cambio tecnológico. En este marco, el objetivo del presente artículo es analizar el sendero de construcción de capacidades tecnológicas, productivas y organizacionales en empresas argentinas de maquinaria agrícola, a fin de desentrañar sus procesos de innovación y mecanismos de aprendizaje. Asimismo, se estudian los vínculos con los agentes territoriales, teniendo en cuenta el rol de las instituciones intermediarias. Desde un abordaje empírico, evolutivo y sistémico se realizó una investigación cualitativa que permitió demostrar la influencia de un conjunto de factores micro y meso, así como irregularidades, discontinuidades y diversidad de niveles y tipo de capacidades en las trayectorias de empresas industriales. De esta manera, el trabajo aporta elementos que contribuyen a los estudios evolucionistas sobre cambio tecnológico y desarrollo territorial, y a la reflexión en el diseño e implementación de instrumentos de políticas públicas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The persistent technological gaps of developing countries in a context of transition to new techno-organizational paradigms highlight the need to deepen understanding about their processes of technological change. In this framework, the objective of this article is to analyze the path of construction of technological, productive and organizational capacities in Argentine agricultural machinery companies, in order to unravel their innovation processes and learning mechanisms. Likewise, links with territorial agents are studied, taking into account the role of intermediary institutions. From an empirical, evolutionary and systemic approach, this qualitative research was carried out to demonstrate the influence of some micro and meso factors, as well as irregularities, discontinuities and diversity in the levels and type of capabilities in the trajectories of industrial companies. In this way, the paper provides elements that contribute to the evolutionist studies on technological change and territorial development, as well as to the reflection in the design and implementation of public policy instruments.
  • Economic upgrading in global value chains: concepts and measures Article

    Marcato, Marília Bassetti; Baltar, Carolina Troncoso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper has critically documented a vast literature addressing the multi-layered outcomes associated with participating in global value chains (GVCs). In particular, this paper reviews and synthesizes the definitions and quantitative measures of one particular dimension of the GVC analysis that is two-fold: the economic and social upgrading. More specifically, we discuss the economic perspective of upgrading, which is usually associated with “moving into higher value-added stages”, and it is commonly assumed to be followed by positive spillovers regarding technology and productivity. This paper emphasizes the important diversity of definitions and measures within the GVC literature, considering it as a reflection, to a certain extent, of the absence of a systematic theoretical apparatus in the GVC literature. The paper concludes with some considerations on the role of policymakers in promoting social upgrading as an important topic in the GVC research agenda.
  • Epistemic policies: Sectoral funds, support for innovation, and science in Brazil Article

    Pereira, Danilo Mariano

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article consists of an analysis of the legislation which instituted the Sectoral Funds Programme in the 1990s and 2000s. The objective is to characterize the initial components and strategies of the programme, as well as its role in the context of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policies at the time. It should be said that I will not look at this legislation as a jurist or public policy analyst, who would see it as a structure of normative acts or an instrument of state governance. As an anthropologist, I will seek in this legal structure a discourse, that is, the defence of a certain conception of science. I am interested in the fact that such legislation registers and, at the same time, arranges the construction of an episteme, that is, a new view on science, knowledge and the arrangements necessary to connect them with society. The theoretical debate underlying this article derives from the anthropology of science, which offers us an insight into science and epistemes that is needed for the continuity of analyses.
  • Aggregate growth models from a Schumpeterian perspective: a review Article

    Romero, João P.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The paper presents a critical assessment of the Schumpeterian macroeconomic approach to economic growth. Taking as reference a representative sample of important works within this tradition, the paper identifies the main contributions and limitations of the macroeconomic Schumpeterian literature to understanding economic growth. More specifically, the literature review carried out in this paper focuses on three of Schumpeter’s ideas that have become particularly influential in macroeconomic growth theory: (i) the role of technological transfer in productivity growth in follower countries; (ii) the importance of research intensity for technical progress; and (iii) the prominence of technological competitiveness for trade performance. The contribution of the paper is twofold: (i) it provides an organized review of the macroeconomic literature until its present state; and (ii) it indicates important gaps in this literature that should be the focus of further research.
  • Innovation Ecosystem in Application Platforms: An Exploratory Study of The Role of Users Article

    Giovanini, Adilson; Bittencourt, Pablo F.; Maldonado, Maurício Uriona

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Application platforms are part of innovation ecosystems where interactions between end users and developers self-regulate the growth of the ecosystem itself. One of the most important information for this process is user reviews. This paper uses one ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions for 2016, based on 20 variables for 60 countries to measure consumer demand, using a new indicator based on end-user assessments to verify consistency of relations between quality of demand (measured by the new indicator) and the innovative performance of different countries in this productive segment. The results show the robustness and the new research possibilities that arise, given the positives characteristics presented by the new indicator built by big data and data analytics tools. This indicator shows that the quality of demand supports innovations in the productive segment, which has led to the concussion that obtaining more sophisticated demand feedback represents a potentially powerful stimulus for advancing application development.
  • Technology-based Entrepreneurial Opportunity Discovery and Development: A Comparative Case Study Research in Three Latin American Countries Article

    Arechavala-Vargas, Ricardo; Donado-Mercado, Alexandra; Núñez-López, Viridiana; Andrés, María Fernanda

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Technology-based entrepreneurs in Latin America face different institutional environments and have less access to knowledge and to technological resources than those in industrialized economies. Opportunity discovery and construction therefore follow also different paths. Results from a set of parallel case studies in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico, explore some differences in terms of the role of available technological and market knowledge, and in terms of the entrepreneur’s background. It also explores strong similarities among these countries’ economic development, their R&D infrastructure, and their institutional environments. These similarities shape similar patterns in their entrepreneurs’ endeavours. These patterns have important public policy implications for promoting innovation in transitional economies.
  • Imitación creativa frente a las oportunidades de la farmabiotecnología: enseñanza de experiencias nacionales de industrialización (muy) tardía Artículo

    Lavarello, Pablo; Sztulwark, Sebastián; Mancini, Matias; Juncal, Santiago

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Resumen En este artículo se analiza la experiencia de ascenso industrial de Corea del Sur y la India en la industria biofarmacéutica mundial. A partir de un abordaje histórico comparativo, se analiza cómo durante los últimos años y ante el escenario de expiración de las patentes de los productos farmacéuticos de mayor complejidad, estos dos países lograron avanzar en procesos de industrialización “muy tardíos” a partir del desarrollo de una estrategia de imitación creativa. Se indaga, en particular, cómo estos países siguieron trayectorias diferenciadas de entrada: por un lado, la de “salto de etapas”, que demandó un conjunto de acciones deliberadas orientadas a favorecer a ciertas actividades o sectores de una forma focalizada; por otro, la de tipo secuencial, en la que los cambios institucionales y de política fueron más graduales, asegurando un conjunto de condiciones generales de infraestructura tecnológica y propiedad intelectual.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article analyzes the experience of industrial upgrading in South Korea and India in the global biopharmaceutical industry. From a comparative historical approach, it is analyzed how during the last years and before a scenario of expiration of the patents of the pharmaceutical products of greater complexity, these two countries managed to advance in “very late” industrialization processes based on a creative imitation strategy. It is inquired, in particular, how these countries followed different paths of entry: on the one hand, that of “stage skipping”, which demanded a set of deliberate actions aimed at favoring certain activities or sectors in a focused way; on the other, the sequential type, in which the institutional and policy changes were more gradual, ensuring a set of general conditions of technological infrastructure and intellectual property.
  • Dime cómo creces y te diré cómo inviertes. El impacto de la I+D, los recursos humanos y los sistemas de innovación en el crecimiento económico: una comparación internacional Artículo

    Suárez, Diana; Fiorentin, Florencia; Erbes, Analía

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Resumen Este artículo analiza el impacto de las inversiones en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) y en recursos humanos calificados (RHC) en el crecimiento económico, dado el sistema nacional de innovación (SNI). Pese a la relevancia de estas inversiones, se ha prestado escasa atención a las características de los SNI que las determinan. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis: i) las inversiones en I+D impactan en el crecimiento de los países de ingresos altos y medios; ii) sólo en estos últimos las inversiones en RHC impactan en el crecimiento; iii) ninguno de los tipos de inversiones impacta en los países de ingresos bajos; iv) entre los países de ingresos altos la infraestructura avanzada es el factor explicativo más importante del entorno; en los países de ingreso medio se agrega la infraestructura básica y la equidad y en los países de ingresos bajos solo resulta significativa la infraestructura básica.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article analyses the impact of investments in research and development (R&D) and qualified human resources (QHR) on economic growth, subjected to the national innovation system (NIS). Despite the relevance of these investments, little attention has been paid to the characteristics of the NISs that determine them. Results confirm the hypothesis: i) investments in R&D impact on the growth of high- and medium-income countries; ii) only in the latter investments in QHR impact growth; iii) none of the investments impacts on growth among low-income countries; iv) among high-income countries, advanced infrastructure is the most important explanatory factor of the environment; basic infrastructure and equity are also significant among middle-income countries, and only basic infrastructure is significant in low-income ones.
  • Inova Petro: explicações para o desempenho do programa a partir de uma análise ex ante Artigo

    Santos, Ricardo Jose dos

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma análise ex-ante do Programa Inova Petro para o período compreendido entre 2012 e 2017 e responder à seguinte questão: por que a mais importante política de inovação para a cadeia nacional de fornecedores da indústria de petróleo e gás natural apresenta dificuldades em contratar os planos de negócio aprovados? Ao realizar o estudo do programa a partir dos elementos O-M-P (Organizações-Métodos-Propósitos), conclui-se que as fragilidades do Programa Inova Petro estão relacionadas ao baixo nível de coordenação entre as organizações que planejam e executam a política e a seleção dos métodos adequados para o alcance dos propósitos planejados.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The goal of this work is to make an ex-ante analysis of the Inova Petro Program for the period 2012-2017, and answer the following question: Why the most important policy of inovation for the national chain of oil and natural gas industry supplier shows difficulties on hiring the approved business plans? By performing the study of the program starting with the elements O-M-P (Organization-Methods-Purposes), it is conclused that the fragilities of the Inova Petro Program are related with the low level or coordenation between the organizations that plan and execute the policy and the selection of apropriate methods for the achieve of the planned purposes.
  • Niche evolution, external circumstances, and network transformation: from butiá technical niche to butiá socio-technical niche Article

    Dias, Marcelo Fernandes Pacheco; Ramirez, Matias

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article analyses the impact of external factors on niche evolution and, in particular, the change from a technical niche into a socio-technical niche. When we review the literature on niche evolution, we find that discussions on the impact of external factors on niche evolution are not clear, particularly, on new financial sponsors’ expectations. Therefore, this paper attempts to answer the following research question: Do changes in public financial resources contribute to transforming a technical niche into a socio-technical niche? We analysed an agricultural innovation niche case based on Butiá Native Fruits (e.g. Butiá odorata and others species), developed mainly by Temperate Climate Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) to understand whether and how external factors might contribute to an evolution of a niche. We found that new financial sponsors’ expectations can cause an important change in the evolution of a niche. Before the existence of a new external finance sponsor, the technical network niche was composed of research organisations and researchers working on isolated projects. However, after a new external finance sponsor was found, the network or organisations moved into experimental activities, upscaling, and outscaling, and began to incorporate multilevel organisations and people. Consequently, a more complex, coordinated organisation was created that incorporated social co-production, democracy, and participation, and the niche progressed towards a socio-technical niche.
  • Potencial criativo e padrões de migração: uma abordagem computacional baseada em agentes Artigo

    Favaretto, Leonardo Francisco; Catela, Eva Yamila da Silva

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O presente trabalho formula um modelo computacional baseado em agentes visando compreender o comportamento migratório da classe criativa e os padrões de aglomeração urbana a ele associados, assim como a relação de tais padrões com o potencial criativo. Na formulação do modelo, foram utilizados conceitos de geografia evolutiva econômica, teoria de redes e a literatura de economia criativa. O modelo simula o aprendizado, interação e migração dos agentes, considerando diversidade étnica, política e sexual, assim como as amenidades urbanas e oportunidades de emprego como fatores atratores da classe criativa. Como resultado, observa-se uma relação exponencial entre o potencial criativo e população de uma localidade, sugerindo uma vantagem relativa e absoluta dos grandes centros no que tange ao potencial para inovar. Considerando as variáveis que interferem na velocidade de crescimento do potencial criativo, a quantidade de conhecimento trocado entre os agentes parece exercer um efeito potencializador superior ao número de interações entre agentes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present work displays a computational agent-based model that aims to comprehend the migratory behaviors of the creative class and its relationship with the urban agglomeration patterns and the creative potential. In the model formulation, we used concepts from evolutionary economic geography, network theory and creative economy literature. The model simulates the learning, interaction and migration of the agents, taking ethnic, political and sexual diversity into consideration, as well as urban amenities and job opportunities as attractive factors to the creative class. As a result, we observe an exponential relationship between the creative potential and a locations’ population, suggesting that big urban centers do have a relative and absolute edge in terms of potential to innovate. Among the variables that interfere in the growth speed of the creative potential, the amount of exchanged knowledge between agents seems to have a bigger effect than the number of interactions between agents.
  • Uma abordagem da dinâmica do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico das baterias lítio-íon para veículos elétricos Artigo

    Bermúdez-Rodríguez, Tatiana; Consoni, Flávia Luciane

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O principal componente dos veículos elétricos (VE) é a sua bateria. Considerando que as baterias lítio-íon têm oferecido as melhores respostas a diferentes problemas tecnológicos, o que inclui tempo de recarga, autonomia, peso e densidade energética, questiona-se qual tem sido o seu desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico ao longo do tempo. O objetivo deste artigo é avançar na compreensão desta questão a partir de um estudo bibliométrico e de patentes das baterias lítio-íon para VE. Os resultados indicam que a dinâmica de publicação de artigos científicos e de famílias de patentes tem sido crescente, em especial a partir de 2009, motivada por preocupações ambientais e pelo interesse de uma diversidade de empresas no crescimento deste mercado. Países asiáticos tais como Japão, China, Coreia do Sul e Taiwan, além dos Estados Unidos e algumas nações europeias, ocupam a liderança nesta corrida tecnológica. Um ponto de destaque são as redes de colaboração que têm se formado entre universidades com foco na publicação de artigos científicos, e entre montadoras tradicionais e empresas do setor eletroeletrônico, para atividades de patenteamento. Este movimento evidencia a necessidade da articulação e complementaridade entre diferentes áreas do conhecimento para o avanço do desenvolvimento tecnológico das baterias de lítio-íon.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The main component of Electric Vehicles (VE) is the battery. Lithium-ion batteries have offered the best performance to different technological problems, such as recharge time, autonomy, weight, and energy density. Then, the raised question is what has been their scientific and technological development over time. This paper aims to understand this issue from a bibliometric study and patent analysis of lithium-ion batteries for VE. The results indicate that the dynamics of publication of papers and patent families have been increasing, especially since 2009, motivated by environmental concerns and the interest of companies in the growth of this market. It highlights the leadership of Asian countries such as Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan, as well as the United States and some European countries, in the publication of both papers and patents. Finally, we highlight the collaborative networks between universities for the publication of papers and between incumbent car companies and electric-electronic companies for patenting. These networks demonstrate the need for articulation between different areas of knowledge to advance the technological development of lithium-ion batteries.
  • Os esforços inovativos das grandes empresas farmacêuticas no Brasil: o que mudou nas duas últimas décadas? Artigo

    Paranhos, Julia; Mercadante, Eduardo; Hasenclever, Lia

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este artigo compara os esforços inovativos das grandes empresas farmacêuticas nacionais (GEFNs) e transnacionais (GEFTs) atuantes no Brasil. A metodologia descritiva utiliza dados não publicados das últimas três edições da Pesquisa de Inovação (Pintec) - 2008, 2011 e 2014 - e uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura sobre a indústria farmacêutica e suas estratégias de inovação para explicar os esforços inovativos descritos pelos dados. Os resultados mostram a evolução positiva das GEFNs em termos de esforços de criação de capacidades inovativas, e a manutenção do padrão de baixos esforços inovativos das GEFTs no Brasil. Conclui-se que as GEFNs estão alterando seu padrão de investimentos em atividades inovativas. Tais resultados corroboram estudos empíricos, que mostraram o avanço na complexidade das capacidades inovativas dessas empresas, e apontaram outras estratégias utilizadas, como parceria com centros de conhecimento e internacionalização da P&D.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article compares the innovative efforts of large national (GEFNs) and transnational (GEFTs) pharmaceutical companies operating in Brazil. The descriptive methodology uses unpublished data from the last three editions of the Innovation Survey (Pintec) - 2008, 2011 and 2014 - and a literature review of the pharmaceutical industry and its innovation strategies to explain the innovative efforts described by the data. The results show the positive evolution of GEFNs in terms of the effort to build innovative capacity, and of GEFTs to maintain the standards of low innovative efforts in Brazil. It is concluded that GEFNs are changing their pattern of investments in innovative activities. Such results corroborate empirical studies, which showed the advance in the complexity of innovative capabilities of these companies, and pointed out other strategies used, such as partnership with knowledge centers and internationalization of R&D.
  • Incorporation of Knowledge through acquisition in the Pharmaceutical Industry: an analysis focused on patent inventors Article

    Matos, Murilo Montanari de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article focuses on the incorporation of knowledge conducted by large pharmaceutical corporations through the acquisition of small enterprises. The objective was to evidence to which degree the incorporation of knowledge is performed by a sample of 8 large pharmaceutical companies. In order to do this, we rely on qualitative methods, based on a sample of eight companies and 54 small enterprises they acquired in the period from 2005 to 2012. From the sample we compiled the patents granted to the small firms within the USPTO. The analysis conducted develops two central actions. The first is the inventor’s usage, defined as the small enterprises inventors, which when incorporated by large pharmaceutical corporations started to develop patents through the acquiring larger company. The second is the incorporation of research trajectories, which means how inventors cite their past work as they are incorporated into the larger companies. This article concludes that the incorporation of inventors is a relevant strategy among the large companies studied so that these companies can incorporate external knowledge bases from the acquired smaller enterprises; however, just a few inventors are incorporated, which shows that just a small group of people conducts innovative research for large companies. This article contribution was to categorically evidence the incorporation of knowledge through new metrics, being them: inventor’s usage and research trajectory incorporation.
  • Uma avaliação dos impactos da Indústria 4.0 sobre o setor aeronáutico Artigo

    Ferreira, Marcos José Barbieri; Neris Jr, Celso Pereira

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este trabalho procura discutir e avaliar os impactos do conjunto de tecnologias associadas à Indústria 4.0 no setor aeronáutico. Foram selecionadas e conceituadas as principais tecnologias com elevado potencial de impacto na indústria aeronáutica, indicando a capacidade transformadora de cada uma delas. A partir disso, estabeleceu-se uma tipologia dos impactos destas tecnologias nos vários segmentos da indústria aeronáutica procurando qualificar as alterações na estrutura de mercado como: (i) insignificantes; (ii) pequenas, quando há empresas entrantes; (iii) intermediárias, quando se estabelece um novo modelo de negócio; e (iv) grandes, quando há a criação de novas categorias de produtos. Ademais, procurou-se mostrar a possibilidade da formação de um novo segmento que estará centrado na oferta de serviços de transporte aéreo urbano de uso compartilhado, com a utilização de veículos de pouso e decolagem vertical, propulsão elétrica e pilotagem autônoma, conformando o papel disruptivo das tecnologias analisadas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper seeks to discuss and evaluate the impacts of the group of innovations brought by industry 4.0 in the aeronautical sector. Were selected and conceptualized the main technologies with high possibility of transforming the aeronautical industry, indicating the transforming capacity of each one. As a result, it was defined a typology of impacts of these technologies in the various segments of the aviation industry looking qualify the changes in market structure: (i) negligible; (ii) small when there are new entrants; (iii) intermediate, when establishing a new business model and; (iv) large, when there is the creation of new product categories. In addition, we try to show the possibility of creating a new segment that will focus on providing urban air transport services for shared use, with the use of landing vehicles and vertical takeoff, electrical propulsion and autonomous driving, shaping the disruptive role of analyzed technologies.
  • The resurgence of industrial policies in the age of advanced manufacturing: an international comparison of industrial policy documents Article

    Labrunie, Mateus L.; Penna, Caetano C. R.; Kupfer, David

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper analyses recent industrial policy plans made by five leading countries: China, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and United States. This is done through the analysis of policy documents, using an original framework. Our analysis reveals that these policies have two main motivations. First, the acknowledgement of new technological opportunities and challenges, that allow not only for higher growth rates and competitiveness, but also for addressing ‘societal challenges’ (persistent socio-environmental problems). Second, the growing understanding that, because of the increasing complexity of innovation, private sector efforts alone are not enough, and a higher level of convergence between actors and institutions is needed. We also identify that the policy structures and proposed instruments of these strategies are quite conventional, which contrasts with the rhetoric of these policies. This reveals that the ‘resurgence’ of industrial policies is yet not a return to the ‘old’ policies of the twentieth century, but a new breed, which is much more cautious of interfering with market mechanisms.
  • Conceitos e tecnologias da Indústria 4.0: uma análise bibliométrica Artigo

    Lima, Faíque Ribeiro; Gomes, Rogério

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar características da produção científica internacional nas tecnologias associadas à Indústria 4.0. A metodologia empregada é composta de duas etapas: (i) seleção das tecnologias (termos) apontadas na literatura específica; e (ii) análise bibliométrica das publicações científicas que contêm os termos característicos da Indústria 4.0 existentes na base de dados Scopus. A hipótese adotada foi que, por ser um processo em andamento, a Indústria 4.0 e seus conceitos ainda estão em construção. Algumas das conclusões do trabalho são: os países que mais se destacam são aqueles que implantaram estratégias nacionais relacionadas às tecnologias da Indústria 4.0 e que obtiveram, nos anos posteriores, um amplo crescimento no número de publicações; e, dentre as instituições de financiamento, as governamentais se destacam no patrocínio das publicações científicas, em especial as chinesas, comprovando o esforço público.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The general objective of this work is to evaluate characteristics of international scientific production in technologies associated with Industry 4.0. The methodology employed consists of two stages: (i) selection of technologies (terms) pointed out in the specific literature; (ii) the bibliometric analysis of scientific publications that contain the characteristic terms of Industry 4.0 existing in the Scopus database. The hypothesis adopted was that, as it is still an ongoing process, Industry 4.0 and its concepts are still under construction. Some of the conclusions of the work are: the countries that stand out the most are those that implemented national strategies related to the technologies of Industry 4.0, obtained, in the subsequent years, a wide growth in the number of publications; and, among the financing institutions, the governmental ones stand out in the sponsorship of scientific publications, especially the Chinese ones, proving the public effort.
  • O Sistema Tecnológico Digital: inteligência artificial, computação em nuvem e Big Data Artigo

    Silva Neto, Victo José da; Bonacelli, Maria Beatriz Machado; Pacheco, Carlos Américo

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O avanço das tecnologias digitais na última década motivou análises a respeito de uma nova era no capitalismo. A maioria delas, contudo, é estreita em escopo, por abordar apenas tecnologias isoladas. Além disso, são curtas em temporalidade, por não reconhecerem os vínculos destas tecnologias digitais com o bloco de tecnologias de informação e comunicação precedentes. Propõe-se no presente trabalho uma visão de escopo mais amplo e temporalidade mais extensa para preencher estas lacunas. Conceituou-se o Sistema Tecnológico Digital (2010-2020) como o cluster de inteligência artificial, computação em nuvem e Big Data. Este cluster gera três fluxos de inovações: digitização, algoritmização e plataformização. As relações autocatalíticas entre as tecnologias deste cluster e entre sistemas prévios de TIC indicam continuidade histórica. No entanto, o fenômeno da comoditização de dados que se desdobra deste sistema configura-se como descontinuidade histórica de monta.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The advancement of digital technologies in the last decade has motivated analysis regarding a new era in capitalism. Most of these analyzes, however, are narrow in scope, as they only address isolated technologies. In addition, they are short-lived, as they do not recognize the links between these digital technologies and the preceding block of information and communication technologies. We propose a broader scope and longer timeframe to fill these gaps. We conceptualized the Digital Technological System (2010-2020) as the cluster of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and Big Data. This cluster generates three innovation streams: digitization, algorithmization and platformization. The autocatalytic relationships between the technologies of this cluster and between previous ICT systems indicate historical continuity. However, the phenomenon of data commoditization that unfolds from this system is configured as a major historical discontinuity
  • Rio de Janeiro's insertion in the offshore oil knowledge network Article

    Françoso, Mariane Santos; Hiratuka, Celio

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract In a context of global production networks, cities are the loci of the knowledge generation process. They bring together various actors and assets necessary for this sophisticated activity. The generation of knowledge involves the interaction between actors within the same city, such as companies, universities, and research centers, and also between actors from different cities, forming a network. However, not all cities can participate in this network, and the literature has mostly focused on networks formed by cities in the Global North and in high-tech industries. This article aims to map and investigate the knowledge network in the offshore oil industry, showing whether cities in oil-rich countries in the Global South are part of this network. The analysis is carried out at the city level, highlighting the cities that appear as important places for generation of knowledge. To meet our goal, we created a patent database using patents granted by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) between 2007 and 2017, designed a network based on the inventors’ location, and performed the k-core analysis. We found that Rio de Janeiro is the only city in a Global South, resource-rich country that appears in the most central layers of the network. Rio de Janeiro’s insertion is based on two groups of actors that play different roles and are highly influenced by the local National Oil Company, Petrobras.
  • A formação do pensamento de Celso Furtado, o imperativo tecnológico e as metamorfoses do capitalismo Artigo

    Paula, João Antonio de; Albuquerque, Eduardo da Motta e

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este artigo apresenta um apanhado do conjunto da obra de Celso Furtado e rastreia as etapas e as influências mais importantes na formação de seu pensamento. No conjunto de sua obra, Celso Furtado atribui um papel central ao progresso tecnológico na sua interpretação da dinâmica do sistema capitalista, em especial na estruturação da divisão centro-periferia. Esse lugar central do progresso tecnológico é notável na avaliação que faz Celso Furtado da primeira estruturação do capitalismo global resultado das forças expansionistas do núcleo industrial inicial. Essa estrutura derivada da revolução industrial será transformada persistentemente, donde a formulação de uma visão das metamorfoses do capitalismo a partir desse olhar desde a periferia sobre a dinâmica do progresso tecnológico.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This article reviews Celso Furtado's work and tracks the most important stages and influences in his formation. Celso Furtado attributes a central role to technological progress in his interpretation of the dynamics of the capitalist system, especially in shaping the center-periphery divide. Technological progress, a key component of the first industrial nucleus and its expansionist forces, structures the initial steps of a global system. This global system, derived from the industrial revolution, will be subsequently transformed, hence Celso Furtado's elaboration on metamorphoses of capitalism. Furtado's approach has the advantage point of a view from the periphery of the dynamics of technological progress.
  • Produtividade da indústria brasileira: decomposição do crescimento e padrões de concentração em uma abordagem desagregada, 1996-2016 Artigo

    Torezani, Tomás Amaral

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo decompor o crescimento da produtividade do trabalho da indústria brasileira no período 1996-2016 com o intuito de identificar as contribuições da mudança estrutural e da produtividade intrassetorial para o referido crescimento agregado, bem como avaliar o seu padrão de concentração setorial de crescimento. A partir de uma abordagem desagregada, com base nas informações anuais de 95 atividades econômicas da PIA-Empresa, o presente artigo contribui para a literatura em diversas frentes. Ao realizar diferentes métodos de decomposição e de agregação dos dados, foi possível avaliar com propriedade a real contribuição dos determinantes do crescimento da produtividade industrial brasileira no período. Os resultados indicaram, de forma geral, contribuições positivas do componente intrassetorial e contribuições negativas do componente mudança estrutural. Em relação ao padrão de concentração setorial do crescimento da produtividade industrial agregada, observou-se uma concentração bastante desigual e localizada.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The present study aims to decompose the labor productivity growth of the Brazilian industry in the period 1996-2016 in order to identify the contributions of structural change and intrasectoral productivity to the referred aggregate growth, as well as to evaluate its sectorial concentration pattern growth. Based on a disaggregated approach, with annual information on 95 economic activities of PIA-Enterprise, this article contributes to the literature on several fronts. By using four different methods of decomposition and three data aggregations, it was possible to properly assess the real contribution of the determinants of growth in Brazilian industrial productivity in the period. The results indicate, in general, positive contributions from the intrasectoral component and negative contributions from the structural change component. Regarding the pattern of sectorial concentration of growth in aggregate industrial productivity, a very uneven and localized concentration was observed.
  • Modern Evolutionary Economics Book Review

    Anderle, Rodrigo Volmir
  • Universidades e Desenvolvimento Regional - as bases para a inovação competitiva Maurício Serra; Cássio Rolim; Ana Paula Bastos (2018) Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Ideia D, 2018, 412p. ISBN 978-85-5731-002-5 Resenha

    Rego, Conceição
  • Massa Crítica: Unicamp e a origem do polo de tecnologia de Campinas Guilherme Gorgulho (2019) São Paulo: Editora da Unicamp. 2019. ISBN 9788526814967 Resenha

    Costa, Cátia Miriam
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua: Carlos Gomes, 250. Bairro Cidade Universitária, Cep: 13083-855 , Campinas - SP / Brasil , Tel: +55 (19) 3521-5176 - Campinas - SP - Brazil