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Cana forrageira competição de variedades


At the 2nd. Department of Zootechny of the E. S. A. L. Q., in Piracicaba, between 1953 and 1955 an experiment of sugar cane varieties was carried out, with the objective of discovering varieties to substitute "Taquara" (the variety most widely used) and Co 290 (the most recommended). The former was condemned as being too susceptible to cane smut and the latter showes signs if degeneracy. In the experiment, 8 varieties were used with 3 replications in randomized blocks, in 3 rows each. The cane was crop not in the same period, but when they were at comparable ripeness (70 cm of apparent culm). They were crop twice during the year, with a sharp hoe near the soil. The summary of the results and the statistical analyses are shown in tables 1 to 3, showing the possibility of there being 3 groups: A superior one composed of Co 419, a median one, in decreasing order of production, composed of Kassoer, CB 40-69. Co 413, IAC 36-25 and POJ 161 and an inferior group composed of Co 290 and Taquara. There is a possibility that POJ 161 belongs to the last group. Nevertheless, this variety is not recommend because of its susceptibility to smut. As Kassoer is more healthy, vigorous and enduring than Co 419 and other varieties, it is shown recommendable. IAC 36-25 is being recommended presently for forage since its productions is lower than Kassoer, placing 5th productivity, although statistical significance was not detected. As our final conclusions, Co 419, Kassoer, CB 40-69, Co 413 and IAC 36-25 can be planted as forage while POJ 161, Co 290 and Taquara should not. The last two were exactly those used as forage reserve in the 2nd. Department at the beginning of the experiment.

E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz"


At the 2nd. Department of Zootechny of the E. S. A. L. Q., in Piracicaba, between 1953 and 1955 an experiment of sugar cane varieties was carried out, with the objective of discovering varieties to substitute "Taquara" (the variety most widely used) and Co 290 (the most recommended). The former was condemned as being too susceptible to cane smut and the latter showes signs if degeneracy.

In the experiment, 8 varieties were used with 3 replications in randomized blocks, in 3 rows each. The cane was crop not in the same period, but when they were at comparable ripeness (70 cm of apparent culm). They were crop twice during the year, with a sharp hoe near the soil.

The summary of the results and the statistical analyses are shown in tables 1 to 3, showing the possibility of there being 3 groups: A superior one composed of Co 419, a median one, in decreasing order of production, composed of Kassoer, CB 40-69. Co 413, IAC 36-25 and POJ 161 and an inferior group composed of Co 290 and Taquara.

There is a possibility that POJ 161 belongs to the last group. Nevertheless, this variety is not recommend because of its susceptibility to smut. As Kassoer is more healthy, vigorous and enduring than Co 419 and other varieties, it is shown recommendable.

IAC 36-25 is being recommended presently for forage since its productions is lower than Kassoer, placing 5th productivity, although statistical significance was not detected.

As our final conclusions, Co 419, Kassoer, CB 40-69, Co 413 and IAC 36-25 can be planted as forage while POJ 161, Co 290 and Taquara should not. The last two were exactly those used as forage reserve in the 2nd. Department at the beginning of the experiment.

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Recebido para publicação em 8/ 9/ 1961.

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  • CASTRO, J. B. de - 1958 - A Estação Experimental de Cana-de--açucar em Piracicaba. Supl. Agr. do "O Estado de São Paulo". São Paulo. 4 (156): 8-0
  • FIGUEIREDO, JR. - 1959 - Medidas de Contrôle do "Carvão da Cana" São Paulo Avicola. São Paulo. 1 (4): 14-16
  • MONTEIRO, F. P. - 1941 - O problema da Alimentação do Gado no Tempo de Sêca. Depart. de Ind. Animal. São Paulo. Bol. 2. 13pp.
  • MORRISON, F. B. - 1950 - Feeds and Feeding. 21.Ş ed. Unabr. The Morrison Publishing Company. Ithaca. New York. 1.207pp
  • PIMENTEL GOMES, F. - 1960 - Curso de estatística experimental. Universidade de São Paulo. E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz". Instituto de Genética. Publ. didática n.° 2. 228 pp
  • ROCHA, G. L. da - 1959 - Cana de açucar como forragem. Sup. Agr. "O Estado de São Paulo". São Paulo. 1 (12): 6
  • SEGALA, A. L. - 1958 - Utilidades da Cana-de-açucar. "Rural" São Paulo. 38 (116): 26-28
  • TORRES, A. P. - 1955 - Variedades de Canas Forrageiras. Supl. Agr. "O Estado de São Paulo". São Paulo. 1 (19): 11
  • ZANY, J. N. B. - 1950 - Para ter leite não basta ter vacas. SIA 833 Rio de Janeiro. 3.Ş ed. 42 pp
  • Cana forrageira competição de variedades

    A. P. Torres; D. F. de Sousa; A. P. Trivelin
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      10 Set 2012
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Recebido
      08 Set 1961
    Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil