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Influência do cloro, sôbre a composição do caldo da cana de açúcar Co 290, aplicado no solo, na forma de cloreto de sódio


Considering the economic importance of the sugar industry among ourselves, the authors carried out a field experiment (Latin square) with Co 290 sugar cane, on a white sandy soil of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, applying NaCl in increasing rates (from 6.8 to 54.5 grams per plant), in order to study the effects of chlorides, on productivity and on the composition of juice. No toxic or stimulating effect was found, and there was no change in yield, in degree of purity of the juice, in general aspect of plants or in colour of leaves and culms. No difference was observed between potassium sulphate or chloride, as source of potash for sugar cane culture. Data collected and the literature cited suggest: (a) that the use of the variety Co 290 is indicated for soils rich in chlorine, such as the saline soils of the North-east and Atlantic Coast of Brazil; (b) that it is necessary to extend studies in Research Institutes and Agricultural Experiment Stations of the country to verify the behaviour of other varieties of sugar cane in the types of soils mentioned, especially with respect their yielding capacity. The authors are already planning such investigations.


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Considering the economic importance of the sugar industry among ourselves, the authors carried out a field experiment (Latin square) with Co 290 sugar cane, on a white sandy soil of Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil, applying NaCl in increasing rates (from 6.8 to 54.5 grams per plant), in order to study the effects of chlorides, on productivity and on the composition of juice. No toxic or stimulating effect was found, and there was no change in yield, in degree of purity of the juice, in general aspect of plants or in colour of leaves and culms. No difference was observed between potassium sulphate or chloride, as source of potash for sugar cane culture.

Data collected and the literature cited suggest: (a) that the use of the variety Co 290 is indicated for soils rich in chlorine, such as the saline soils of the North-east and Atlantic Coast of Brazil; (b) that it is necessary to extend studies in Research Institutes and Agricultural Experiment Stations of the country to verify the behaviour of other varieties of sugar cane in the types of soils mentioned, especially with respect their yielding capacity. The authors are already planning such investigations.

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Não podemos deixar de externar os nossos agradecimentos ao Prof. Dr. F. G. Brieger, pelo auxílio prestado na sua Secção, no cálculo aritmético necessário à análise estatística. Também somos gratos à Secção de Agrogeologia, do Instituto Agronômico do E. S. Paulo, de Campinas, pelas análises de cloro, feitas no material solicitado; ao Dr. E. Malavolta pelas sugestões na redação do texto e finalmente aos funcionários e operários das Secções Técnicas de Química Agrícola e Química Tecnológica, colaboradores anônimos, porém de grande valia nos trabalhos experimentais.


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ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 1945 - Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis, la. edição, pág. 559. Washington D. C.

BARBIER, G. 1937 - Action des chlorures et des sulfates dans la nutrition minerale de la plante. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agri. France 23: 700-706.

BORBOLLA y ALCAIA, JOSE' Mª. R. de la. 1947 - La influencia del cloro sobre las plantas. An Insti. Esp. Edaf. Ecol. Fis. 6 (1): 145-166.

BOTTINI, ETTORE. 1946 - Chimica Agraria - I - Chimica Vegetale - págs. 431-432. Editore. Ing. V. Giorgio. Torino.

BRIEGER, F. 1946 - Limites unilaterais e bilaterais na Análise Estatística. Bragantia, vol. 6, págs. 479-545, figs. 1-6.

BROWNE, C. A., and F. W. ZERBAN. 1941 - Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis, págs. 74-81. 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, London.

COURY, T. 1937 - Postilas de prática de Química Agrícola (Análises de solos) do 3º. Ano da E. S. A. "L. Q. '\

EVANS, H. 1937 - The root system of the sugar cane: IV. Absorption and exudation of water and mineral substances. Empire our., Exp. Agr. 5: Agr. 112-124.

EYNON, LEWIS and J. HENRY LANE. 1934 - Determination of reducing sugars by Fehling's solution with Methylene Blue indicator. Norman Rodger, London.

FORT, C. A. and N. MCKAIG, Jr. 1942 - Comparative chemical composition of juices of different varieties of Louisiana sugar cane - Tec. Bul. n. 688 U. S. Dept. of Agr. Washington D. C. pp. 1-68.

GEERLIGS, H. C. P. 1917 (a) - Chemical Control in Cane Sugar Factories, págs. 27-28, Ed. Norman Rodger, London.

GEERLIGS, H. C. P. 1917 (b) Tratado de la fabrication del Azucar de Cana 3a. Ed. Trad. p. Espanhol por Nicolas Van Sorkum - pág. 340. Ed. J. H. de Bussy, Amsterdam.

GLICK, G. B. 1929 - Potash and chlorine in cane juices, Facts about sugar. 24: 978-983.

HALDANE, J. H. 1927 - Deterioration of cane mill juices and its prevention by antiseptic measures. Int. Sug. Jour. 367-370.

LILL, J. G., S. BYALL, and L. A. HURST. 1938 - Effect of common salt aplications on yield and quality of sugar beets - Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron., 30 (2): 97-106.

MALAVOLTA, E. 1951 - Estudos sôbre o enxofre - Tese para Livre Docência (Piracicaba). Comunicação particular.

MARTIN, G. P., and C. W. CARPENTER. 1936 - Report on pathology. Proc. Hawaii Sugar Planter's Assoc., Rpt. Exp. Sta. Com. 29-35.

MELLO MORAES, J., e T. COURY. 1936 - Análises dos Solos. Rev. "O Solo" ns. 7-12. Piracicaba.

MELLO MORAES, J. 1938 - Postilas de Química Agrícola (2a. Cadeira), 3º. Ano, E. Sup. Agric. "Luiz de Queiroz"., Univ. S. Paulo.

OCHI, S. 1926 - Clarification of juice, syrup, etc. by chlorination, using also activated carbon. Toyotmagun, Tokyo, Japan. Int. Sugar. Jour. 28: 332.

PAIVA NETTO, J. E. de, e M. S. QUEIROZ. 1946 - Cloretos (Cl-) nos solos do Est. de S. Paulo e sua dosagem. Bragantia (Campinas) 6 (3): 119-142.

PAIVA NETTO, J. E., R. A. CATANI, M. S. QUEIROZ e A. KUPPER. 1946 - Contribuição ao estudo dos métodos analíticos e de extração para a caracterização química dos solos do Est. S. Paulo. Rev. Agricultura vol. XXI n. 11-12.

RAVENA, C. 1935 - Chimica Pedológica. II terreno agrario ed i fertilizzanti, Editore Nicola Zanichelli, Bologna.

REMY, T. 1940 - Potash Fertilization of the Sugar Beet. Centralblatt Zucherindustrie 48 (35): 585-589. [Facts about sugar, 35 (12): 43] .

SUKUKI, K. and T. TANABE. 1935 - Utilization of chlorine as juice clarifying agent. Rept. Govt. Sugar Exp. St. 56-68 - Tainan, Formosa.

TOTTINGHAM, W. E. 1915 - The role of chlorin in plant nutrition. Ab. in Science. Bibliography of the literature on the minor elements. 4th Ed. vol. 1: pág. 603.

VINCENT, G. P. and E. G. FENRICH. 1942 - Sodium chlorite in cane sugar refining. Sugar. 37 (10): 26.

  • ARRHENIUS, O. 1928 - The influence of the concentration of chlorine on the development of the sugar cane - Exp. St. Rec., vol. 59, pág. 136.
  • ARRHENIUS, O. 1930 - Die Frage des chlor. Ztchr. Pflanzenernahr., Dungung, u. Bodenk. 16: 310-314.
  • ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 1945 - Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis, la. edição, pág. 559. Washington D. C.
  • BARBIER, G. 1937 - Action des chlorures et des sulfates dans la nutrition minerale de la plante. Compt. Rend. Acad. Agri. France 23: 700-706.
  • BORBOLLA y ALCAIA, JOSE' MŞ. R. de la. 1947 - La influencia del cloro sobre las plantas. An Insti. Esp. Edaf. Ecol. Fis. 6 (1): 145-166.
  • BOTTINI, ETTORE. 1946 - Chimica Agraria - I - Chimica Vegetale - págs. 431-432. Editore. Ing. V. Giorgio. Torino.
  • BRIEGER, F. 1946 - Limites unilaterais e bilaterais na Análise Estatística. Bragantia, vol. 6, págs. 479-545, figs. 1-6.
  • BROWNE, C. A., and F. W. ZERBAN. 1941 - Physical and Chemical Methods of Sugar Analysis, págs. 74-81. 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, London.
  • COURY, T. 1937 - Postilas de prática de Química Agrícola (Análises de solos) do 3ş. Ano da E. S. A. "L. Q.
  • EVANS, H. 1937 - The root system of the sugar cane: IV. Absorption and exudation of water and mineral substances. Empire our., Exp. Agr. 5: Agr. 112-124.
  • EYNON, LEWIS and J. HENRY LANE. 1934 - Determination of reducing sugars by Fehling's solution with Methylene Blue indicator. Norman Rodger, London.
  • FORT, C. A. and N. MCKAIG, Jr. 1942 - Comparative chemical composition of juices of different varieties of Louisiana sugar cane - Tec. Bul. n. 688 U. S. Dept. of Agr. Washington D. C. pp. 1-68.
  • GEERLIGS, H. C. P. 1917 (a) - Chemical Control in Cane Sugar Factories, págs. 27-28, Ed. Norman Rodger, London.
  • GEERLIGS, H. C. P. 1917 (b) Tratado de la fabrication del Azucar de Cana 3a. Ed. Trad. p. Espanhol por Nicolas Van Sorkum - pág. 340. Ed. J. H. de Bussy, Amsterdam.
  • GLICK, G. B. 1929 - Potash and chlorine in cane juices, Facts about sugar. 24: 978-983.
  • HALDANE, J. H. 1927 - Deterioration of cane mill juices and its prevention by antiseptic measures. Int. Sug. Jour. 367-370.
  • LILL, J. G., S. BYALL, and L. A. HURST. 1938 - Effect of common salt aplications on yield and quality of sugar beets - Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron., 30 (2): 97-106.
  • MALAVOLTA, E. 1951 - Estudos sôbre o enxofre - Tese para Livre Docência (Piracicaba). Comunicação particular.
  • MARTIN, G. P., and C. W. CARPENTER. 1936 - Report on pathology. Proc. Hawaii Sugar Planter's Assoc., Rpt. Exp. Sta. Com. 29-35.
  • MELLO MORAES, J., e T. COURY. 1936 - Análises dos Solos. Rev. "O Solo" ns. 7-12. Piracicaba.
  • MELLO MORAES, J. 1938 - Postilas de Química Agrícola (2a. Cadeira), 3ş. Ano, E. Sup. Agric. "Luiz de Queiroz"., Univ. S. Paulo.
  • OCHI, S. 1926 - Clarification of juice, syrup, etc. by chlorination, using also activated carbon. Toyotmagun, Tokyo, Japan. Int. Sugar. Jour. 28: 332.
  • PAIVA NETTO, J. E. de, e M. S. QUEIROZ. 1946 - Cloretos (Cl-) nos solos do Est. de S. Paulo e sua dosagem. Bragantia (Campinas) 6 (3): 119-142.
  • PAIVA NETTO, J. E., R. A. CATANI, M. S. QUEIROZ e A. KUPPER. 1946 - Contribuição ao estudo dos métodos analíticos e de extração para a caracterização química dos solos do Est. S. Paulo. Rev. Agricultura vol. XXI n. 11-12.
  • RAVENA, C. 1935 - Chimica Pedológica. II terreno agrario ed i fertilizzanti, Editore Nicola Zanichelli, Bologna.
  • REMY, T. 1940 - Potash Fertilization of the Sugar Beet. Centralblatt Zucherindustrie 48 (35): 585-589. [Facts about sugar, 35 (12): 43]
  • SUKUKI, K. and T. TANABE. 1935 - Utilization of chlorine as juice clarifying agent. Rept. Govt. Sugar Exp. St. 56-68 - Tainan, Formosa.
  • TOTTINGHAM, W. E. 1915 - The role of chlorin in plant nutrition. Ab. in Science. Bibliography of the literature on the minor elements. 4th Ed. vol. 1: pág. 603.
  • VINCENT, G. P. and E. G. FENRICH. 1942 - Sodium chlorite in cane sugar refining. Sugar. 37 (10): 26.
  • Influência do cloro, sôbre a composição do caldo da cana de açúcar Co 290, aplicado no solo, na forma de cloreto de sódio

    J. Mello MoraesI; J. R. AlmeidaI; T. CouryII; F. Pimentel GomesII; O. ValsechiII; G. RanzaniIII; E. J. KiehlIII
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      06 Nov 2012
    • Data do Fascículo
    Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Av.Páduas Dias, 11, C.P 9 / Piracicaba - São Paulo, Brasil, tel. (019)3429-4486, (019)3429-4401 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil