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Analysis of argumentative texts prepared by Chilean students of pedagogy * Ivonne Fuentes Román is a Doctor and Master in Linguistics, an undergraduate and postgraduate university academic, currently dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Playa Ancha. Specialist in the production and comprehension of texts, she is part of research teams as a principal researcher and co-researcher, with internal and external financing associated with these lines of study, as well as being an expert consultant for the Teacher Evaluation System at a national level. Maritza Farlora Zapata is a Doctor in Linguistics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile), a university academic with a degree in Literature and Linguistics, and a Spanish teacher from the same institution. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students and has focused her professional career on teaching and researching the development of comprehension and writing skills of university students.


Within the framework of academic discourse, this research contributes to the study of argumentation as a discursive genre and a modality of thought widely used in the discursive practices of higher education students. The aim of the study is to analyse the pragmatic-dialogical and discursive-textual dimensions of argumentative writings produced by Chilean students of the first year of Pedagogy. The global coherence was reviewed by relating the theses with the arguments proposed and considering the use of prototypical connectors of this discursive modality. The corpus, made up of 217 texts of first-year students, was analysed quantitatively using the free software Antconc to determine the frequency of use of prototypical features. Subsequently, a random selection of the corpus was analysed in terms of its discursive and pragmatic assessment of use. The results describe the textual options, the structure, types of arguments and the pragmatic relevance of the texts, giving account of the most widespread anomalous practices revealing flaws in writing for argumentative purposes. It is considered that an argumentation-focussed approach to academic discourse written by future educators contributes in a systematic and transversal way to their training, which is not only relevant to improve the quality of their written communications, but is valuable in that it collaborates with the development of critical thinking skills, considered central to the learning of scientific disciplines (ARCHILA, 2012) and teaching (DOMINGO, GÓMEZ, 2014).

Argumentation; Academic writing; Discursive competence

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