Objective: To characterize the access to primary dental care and the work process of Oral Health Teams (OHTs), nationwide and by geographic region, based on data from the 3rd phase of the PMAQ-AB (the Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care).
Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the external assessments of the PMAQ-AB regarding the variables access to dental care and the work process of OHTs. The data were analyzed descriptively.
Results: A significant number of healthcare users (41.2%) reported an average waiting time of 10 days to schedule dental appointments at the primary care facility (PCF). In the Northeast region, a greater number of users (48.4%) had access to dental care, with a waiting time of 7 days, whereas a smaller number of users in the Southeast region could schedule an appointment with the dentist (33.9%) and experienced a longer waiting time (17 days). Most OHTs worked in Primary Care Teams (PCTs) (85.1%), received support from Specialized Dental Care Centers (70.9%), worked with scheduled appointments and/or spontaneous demands (98.0%), listened to the users’ complaints during user embracement sessions (99.0%), and scheduled the first appointment at the dental office (51.9%).
Conclusion: In Brazil, 41.2% of the healthcare users had access to dental care and experienced a waiting time ranging from 7 to 17 days, depending on the geographic region. While the OHTs developed primary oral care actions, further initiatives to ensure the expansion of access to dental care are needed.
Keywords: Primary Health Care; Oral Health; Dental Care
To strengthen the quality of primary care delivery, healthcare actions and services should be adequately assessed and monitored [1]. In Brazil, several oral care initiatives and assessment strategies were implemented to improve national healthcare policies [2,3]. For instance, the Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB, in Portuguese) was created by Ordinance No. 1,654 GM/MS, on July 19, 2011. The main objective of the program was to provide better access to, and improve the quality of, primary care at national, regional, and local levels while allowing for greater transparency and effectiveness of government actions in this sector [4].
The three assessment phases of the PMAQ-AB have contributed to improving the quality of Primary Care Services by consolidating aspects such as infrastructure and material resources, planning, self-assessment, organization of health action records, and organization of the work process, with increments in professional valuation through performance-based financial incentives [5,6].
The assessment of the health work process via the PMAQ-AB, particularly that of Oral Health Teams (OHTs), aims to examine the effectiveness of health policies nationwide and thereby characterize the quality of primary care actions and the workflow. As a result, the assessment of the PMAQ-AB provides relevant information for decision-making to reorganize the work process of teams working at the primary care level and to further optimize the resolvability of health actions and services.
Based on the data obtained from the 3rd phase of external assessments of the PMAQ-AB, this study characterized the access of healthcare users to dental care services and the work process of OHTs in primary care nationwide and by geographic region.
Material and Methods
Study Design
This was a cross-sectional study using secondary data provided by Brazil’s Ministry of Health from the 3rd phase of external assessments of the PMAQ-AB between 2017 and 2018. The data contained the OHTs’ responses to the “External Assessment Instrument: Health closer to you” applied by researchers and/or professors working in Brazilian Universities/Teaching and Research institutions.
Data Collection
The 3rd phase of external assessments was organized into six modules according to the data collection method. In this study, Module III - User Interview at the Primary Care Facility (PCF) and Module VI - Interview with the Oral Health Team and verification of documents at the PCF, were used [4].
The questionnaire of Module III was applied to 4 users present in each PCF on the day of the external assessment, following the PMAQ-AB’s recommendation. The questionnaire of Module VI was applied to the dentist (preferably) or another OHT member. Based on the criteria of accessibility to dental care and the waiting time for having an appointment with the dentist at the PCF, the following variables were considered: Question III.18.1- “Can you schedule appointments with the dentist at this healthcare unit?” and III.18.2 - “What is the waiting time for an appointment?”. The variables related to Module VI were selected to examine the work process of OHTs, as shown in Chart 1.
Study variables related to the work process of oral health teams in the Brazilian healthcare system: Module VI.
Data Analysis
The data related to access to dental care, waiting time, and the work process of OHTs at the PCF in Brazil and by geographic region were analyzed descriptively using absolute and percentage frequencies in the SPSS program, version 25.0.
Ethical Clearance
This study was previously approved by the Research Ethics Committee at the UFRGS (Protocol No. 21,904) and complies with the ethical principles of the National Health Council’s Resolution No. 466/12.
The descriptive analysis of the selected variables (nationwide and by geographic region) is shown in Tables 1 to 3. Table 1 shows the results of the questions addressing access to dental care and waiting time (Module III) in Brazil and by geographic region (n=139,375). Tables 2 and 3 show the data on the work process of OHTs in primary care (n=22,993) from the 3rd phase of external assessment of the PMAQ-AB (Module VI).
A total of 139,375 healthcare users responded to Module III questions in Brazil, of which 10,711 were from the North, 51,778 from the Northeast, 10,107 from the Midwest, 46,731 from the Southeast, and 20,048 from the South. As for Module VI, a total of 22,993 professionals were interviewed, of which 1,736 were from the North, 10,210 from the Northeast, 1,933 from the Midwest, 6,113 from the Southeast, and 3,001 were from the South.
As shown in Table 1, 41.2% (n = 57,403) of the healthcare users managed to schedule an appointment with the dentist at the PCF. When analyzed by region, the Northeast had the largest number of users that managed to schedule appointments with the dentist (48.7%; n = 25,226), followed by the South region (41.5%; n=8,328), with percentages higher than the national average. The Southeast (34.2%; n=16,004) was the region with the lowest number of users that could schedule an appointment with the dentist at the PCF.
Our data further revealed that 3.4% of the healthcare users in Brazil were unable to schedule appointments with the dentist and 39.8% of them had never sought dental care at the PCF. The South region registered the lowest number of users unable to make a dental care appointment (2.0%), followed by the Northeast (2.8%).
The mean waiting time for having access to a dental consultation in Brazil was 10 days. The Northeast and the North regions had the lowest mean number of waiting days (7 days). The Midwest (10 days) and South (10 days) regions had a percent waiting time similar to the national average. In contrast, the Southeast region showed the highest percentage of waiting days for dental care appointments (17 days).
The variables related to matrix support and the delivery of health actions indicated that most OHTs participated in primary care teams during their work routine (85.1%; n=19,574); and 93.0% (n=21,378) of them received support from other centers in more complex cases, such as Specialized Dental Care Centers (SDCCs) (70.9%; n=15,152). The Midwest region showed the highest frequency of OHTs working in a primary care team (91.7%; n=1,772) while the lowest frequency was found in the Southeast region (75.3%; n=4,605) (Table 2).
In terms of organization of the OHTs’ agenda, most professionals in Brazil (98.0%; n=22,540) responded that OHTs guaranteed the care of scheduled users and those from spontaneous demands (98.0%; n=22.542). This similarity in the flow of care was also observed individually for each geographical region, in that most professionals responded that they guarantee the assistance of scheduled users in the Southeast (99.2%; n=6,066) and Northeast (98.1%; n=10,013) and users from spontaneous demands in the South (97.9%; n=2,938), Midwest (97.3%; n=1,881), and North regions (96.4%; n=1,673) (Table 3).
The data showed that most OHT members listened to the users’ complaints (99.0%; n=22,764) and assessed their health needs (98.9%; n=22,750). In the Northeast region, most professionals proceeded with user embracement together with the primary care team (89.2%; n=9,069). The North region, however, showed the lowest frequency of OHT members that used protocols/criteria for user embracement (70.6%; n=1,218) (Table 3).
Table 3 shows that most OHT members in Brazil organized the main flow of care during user embracement through the identification of risk and vulnerability (89.3%; n=20,461). This trend was repeated in all regions, with the highest frequency observed in the Northeast (93.2%; n=9.472). As for the ability of OHT professionals to assess and classify users' risk and vulnerability, 83.5% (n=19,129) of the respondents in Brazil had undertaken appropriate training. The highest and lowest frequency of professional training was observed in the Southeast (86.7%; n= 5,286) and North regions (71.7%; n=1,237), respectively.
Most OHT professionals in Brazil reported that the main way of scheduling the first dental appointment was visiting the dental office at the PCF (51.9%; n=11,937). This result was similar in all regions, with a higher frequency of in-office scheduling in the South region (61.9%; n=1,857). When inquired about the follow-up of dental care, most respondents nationwide reported that dental appointments were scheduled at the end of the previous visit (81.0%; n=18,616). This was consistently observed across all regions of Brazil, particularly in the Southeast (93.2%; n=5,697) (Table 3).
Absolute and relative frequency distribution of user responses to questions addressing access to dental care in Brazil and by geographic regions, 2017-2018.
Absolute and relative frequency distribution of characteristics of the work process of OHTs nationwide and by geographic region, 2017-2018, according to their performance and received matrix support.
Absolute and relative frequency distribution of characteristics of the work process of OHTs nationwide and by geographic region, 2017-2018, according to the organization of their agenda and delivery of health actions.
This study describes the population’s access to dental care in Brazil (nationwide and by geographic region) using data from the 3rd phase of external assessments of the PMAQ-AB. Our findings indicate that 41.2% (n = 57,403) of the healthcare users in Brazil had access to oral health care, with a slightly higher percentage in the Northeast region (48.7%, n = 25,226). The National Oral Health Policy (PNSB, in Portuguese) contributed to the expansion of access, with an increase in population coverage in Brazil of more than 378% (from 9% in 2002 to 43% in 2016), particularly in the Northeast Region - which showed the highest population coverage (70%) [7].
The data presented in our study reveal that only 3.4% of the healthcare users were unable to schedule an appointment with the dentist at the PCF. This is indicative of an increase in population coverage as compared to the results of the 1st phase of external assessments of the PMAQ-AB, in which 34.5% of the users had failed to schedule an appointment with the dentist [8]. In line with these findings, a recent study showed that actions developed by the NOHP increased access to oral health services in the period from 2002 to 2016 [9]. The authors reasoned that such an expansion in access to dental care may be due to the increasing number of OHTs in Brazil, significant funding of health policies, technological advances that optimize oral care delivery, and the increase in population coverage nationwide.
The assessment of primary health care services is critical for further planning and follow-up of actions, and it has been a common practice in several countries. A study carried out by the EUprimecare in 8 European countries discussed health professionals’ and users’ opinions and perceptions about the quality of primary care services. The level of access, equity of care, and user satisfaction were found to be similar among the countries examined by the authors [10]. Collectively, these results demonstrated that there has been an effort across the globe to expand the population’s access to primary health care.
In Brazil, users had to wait on average 10 days for a dental care appointment at the PCF, even though in the Northeast and North regions the waiting time was 7 days. Previous studies showed that the waiting time for specialized dental care at SDCCs ranges from 50 to 95 days [11-13]. These findings suggest that the work process of OHTs in primary care is more structured as to appointment scheduling and guarantee of care delivery, thereby meeting the user’s health needs. The waiting time for dental care can be considered an indicator of user satisfaction and the quality of OHTs’ work [14]. Users who experience long waiting times tend to reach out to other services or discontinue treatment [11].
The work process of OHTs and work-related aspects can impact the access of users to dental care, namely: being part of only one primary care team, receive support from SDCCs, conduct user embracement, identify users with greater risk and/or vulnerability, train professionals involved in user embracement, and guarantee the care of both scheduled users and those from spontaneous demand. The reorganization of the work process, more specifically between OHTs and their territory needs, in addition to the creation of participatory and integrated forms of embracement, tend to expand access and comprehensiveness of dental care [7].
Our findings showed that a significant number of OHTs worked in collaboration with a primary care team and received support from SDCCs in more complex cases. These results are consistent with those of previous studies based on the 2nd phase of the PMAQ-AB, which reported a high number of OHTs in the State of Paraná that referred users to specialized consultations in the healthcare network, mainly SDCCs [15]. Our data are also in line with a study that revealed regional differences regarding the oral health services offered in the primary care network in Brazil and, particularly, in the Southeast and South regions [16,17]. The findings of the 2nd and 3rd phases of the PMAQ-AB indicate that OHTs work in an interconnected way with specialized care centers, ensuring the continuity of care within the healthcare network.
One of the main difficulties experienced by oral health services is the organization of user demand [7,14]. In our study, a significant number of professionals who participated in the 3rd phase of the PMAQ-AB responded that OHTs guaranteed the care of both scheduled users and those from spontaneous demand. A similar finding was observed in a study carried out in the State of Paraíba using data from the 2nd phase of the PMAQ-AB [18]. Other studies also analyzed the organization of the OHT’s agenda in different Brazilian regions and concluded that most OHTs set up dental appointments for scheduled users and those from spontaneous demand [7,15,19].
User embracement refers to a relational process between subjects and technologies and acts as a recognition of the user's health needs for their therapeutic support [20]. The results of this study demonstrate that most OHT members listened to the user's complaints and assessed their health needs, with the identification of risk and/or vulnerabilities as the main flow of care. These conclusions reinforce the reasoning that when health professionals are open to establish a dialogue with the users about any questions, concerns, and oral health issues, their intervention is better rated [21].
A study using data from the 1st phase of the PMAQ-AB showed that user embracement sessions performed by OHTs increased by 24% the frequency of curative dental procedures [16]. On the other hand, a study carried out in the city of Porto Alegre identified that OHTs experienced difficulty in developing innovative actions for the embracement and access to dental care due to a large, unmet demand for care [20]. The challenges for the implementation and development of embracement practices in the primary care network reflect the work process of each team and reveal a continuous need for its reorganization.
Our study showed that the main way of scheduling the first dental appointment and follow-up was doing so directly at the dental office with the OHT. A comparative study between the 1st and 2nd phases of the PMAQ-AB pointed out difficulties experienced by users in scheduling appointments in the primary care network; the main ways of scheduling appointments were first-come, first-served basis or by attending the PCF on a specific time [22]. These measures could create organizational barriers to access of users and disorderly affect Brazilian primary care services. Therefore, the traditional organizational model of access to health care at the PCF should be revisited and incremented with the adoption of modern tools, such as telephone and internet platforms, to facilitate appointment scheduling and enhance service-user communication [22,23].
This study has important limitations to consider, namely: (i) the information gathered herein proceeds from secondary data and no direct observation techniques were used by the authors; (ii) study participants may have rated the healthcare service positively because they were in their workspaces, which could mask the reality experienced by them in the PCF. Even with these limitations, the results of this study allow us to characterize the access to dental care, waiting time, and the work process of OHTs. Our data provided insights into the strengths and/or weaknesses of oral health care in Brazil and its geographic regions.
Taken altogether, our data may support further studies testing the association between the work process of OHTs and users' access to dental care. Thus far, no studies are analyzing these factors using data from the 3rd phase of the PMAQ-AB.
In Brazil, 41.2% of the healthcare users had access to dental care at a primary care facility and experienced a waiting time ranging from 7 to 17 days, depending on their geographic region. Oral health teams developed actions that were compatible with the primary care level, such as first contact, comprehensiveness and coordination of care, user embracement, organization of the agenda, and support from specialized dental care centers. Yet, strategic measures to reorganize their work process and ensure the expansion of access to dental care are needed.
Financial SupportNone.
Data AvailabilityThe data used to support the findings of this study can be made available upon request to the corresponding author.
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