Open-access Preconditioners for higher order finite element discretizations of H(div)-elliptic problem


In this paper, we are concerned with the fast solvers for higher order finite element discretizations of H(div)-elliptic problem. We present the preconditioners for the first family and second family of higher order divergence conforming element equations, respectively. By combining the stable decompositions of two kinds of finite element spaces with the abstract theory of auxiliary space preconditioning, we prove that the corresponding condition numbers of our preconditioners are uniformly bounded on quasi-uniform grids.

preconditioner; higher order finite element; stable decomposition; H(div)-elliptic problem

Preconditioners for higher order finite element discretizations of H(div)-elliptic problem

Junxian Wang; Liuqiang Zhong; Shi Shu

School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Xiangtan University, Hunan 411105, China. E-mails: / /


In this paper, we are concerned with the fast solvers for higher order finite element discretizations of H(div)-elliptic problem. We present the preconditioners for the first family and second family of higher order divergence conforming element equations, respectively. By combining the stable decompositions of two kinds of finite element spaces with the abstract theory of auxiliary space preconditioning, we prove that the corresponding condition numbers of our preconditioners are uniformly bounded on quasi-uniform grids.

Mathematical subject classification: Primary: 65F10; Secondary: 65N22.

Key words: preconditioner, higher order finite element, stable decomposition, H(div)-elliptic problem.

1 Introduction

Let Ω be a simply connected polyhedron in

3 with boundary Γ and unit outward normal ν. We define the Hilbert spaces H0(div; Ω) as follows

H0 (div; Ω) = {u ∈ (L2 (Ω))3 | ∇ . uL2 (Ω), ν . u = 0 on Γ}

with the inner product

(u, ν)div = (u, ν) + (∇. u, ∇.ν),

where (·, ·) denotes the inner product in (L2(Ω))3 or L2(Ω).

In this paper, we consider the following variational problem: Find uH0(div; Ω) such that

where ƒH0(div; Ω)' is a given data and

with the constant τ > 0.

The bilinear form a(·, ·)induces the energy norm

Variational problem of the form (1) arises in numerous problems of practical import. Typical examples include the mixed method for second order elliptic problems, the least squares method of the form discussed in [3], and the sequential regularization method for the time dependent Navier-Stokes equation discussed in [6]. For a more detailed discussion of applications, we refer to [1].

To avoid the repeated use of generic but unspecified constants, following [9], we will use the following short notation: x y means x < Cy, x y means x > cy, and xy means cx < y < Cy, where c and C are generic positiveconstants independent of the variables that appear in the inequalities and especially the mesh parameters.

Outline. The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce two kinds of higher order finite element equations, and present the corresponding frame of constructing preconditioner. We construct the preconditioners for two kinds of higher order divergence conforming element equations, and prove that their corresponding condition number is uniformly bounded in Section 3 and Section 4, respectively.

2 Finite element equations and framework of preconditioner


h be a shape regular tetrahedron meshes of Ω, where h is the maximum diameter of the tetrahedra in h. Now, we present two families of divergence conforming finite elements spaces (see [7])


k denote the standard space of polynomials of total degree less than or equal to k, and k denote the space of homogeneous polynomials of order k.

We consider the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations which arise from the finite element discretization of variational problems (1): Find (k > 1, l = 1, 2) such that

Their algebraic systems can be described as

Since is symmetric positive definite, we use precondition conjugate gradient (PCG) methods to solve algebraic systems (5). In this paper, we will construct the preconditioners for the cases of higher order finite equations, and present some estimates of the corresponding condition numbers.

For this purpose, we need to introduce some auxiliary spaces and corresponding operators.

Let V = with inner product a(·, ·) given by (2).


1, ..., J, J, be Hilbert spaces endowed with inner products j(., .), j = 1, ..., J. The operators j: j
are isomorphisms induced by j(., .), namely

j(j, j) = < j
j, j > ∀j, jj,

here we tag dual spaces by ' and use angle brackets for duality pairings. For each

j, there exist continuous transfer operators Πj : j
V. Then we can construct the preconditioner for operator as follows:


j :
j are given preconditioners for j, and are adjoint operators of Πj.

Now, we present the following theorem of an estimate for the spectral condition number of the preconditioner given by (6).

Theorem 2.1. Assume that there exist constants cj, such that

and foruV, there exist jj such that u = and

then for the preconditioner B given by (6), we have the following estimate for the spectral condition number

Proof. We define the space

= 1 × 2 × ... × j

with the inner product

and the following two operators

Π = (Π12, ..., Πj) :


= diag (1, 2, ..., j) :


= diag (1, 2, ...,j) :


Thus we can rewrite the definition of operator B given by (6):

B = Π Π*.

Using the definitions of inner product in , operators Π and , and conditions (7)-(8), then there exists a constant := , such that

and for ∀ uV, there exists , such that u = Π and

||||< c0||u||A

From Corollary 2.3 of [5], we immediately get an estimate for the spectral condition number of the preconditioned operator B

The desired estimates then follow by combining the above inequality and the following fact

The principal challenge confronted in the development of preconditioners by applying Theorem 2.1 is to construct some appropriate spaces and operators which satisfy (7) and (8). In the following two sections, we present the corresponding spaces and operators for two kinds of divergence conforming element spaces, respectively.

3 Preconditioner for finite element equations of first kind

We first introduce Sobolev functional space

H0(curl; Ω) = {u (L2(Ω))3|∇ × u (L2(Ω))3, ν × u = 0 on Γ}

with the norm

There exist two families of edge finite element spaces for the space H0(curl; Ω) (see [2, 4, 7]).

1. k order Nédélec element of first kind:


k = (k-1)3 ⊕ {p ∈ (k)3 | p (x) · x = 0}

2. k order Nédélec element of second kind:

We also need to introduce the following space of piecewise k–degree discontinuous scalar elements on h:

The Sobolev spaces H0(div; Ω), H0(curl; Ω) and the corresponding finite element spaces possess the exceptional exact sequence properties (see [4, 7])

Assuming that u has the necessary smoothness, we can define two kinds of interpolants: and , such that uand u(more details refer to [4, 7]). Especially, the interpolation is not defined for a general function in H0(div; Ω). Here let us quote a slightly simplified version (see Theorem 5.25 of [7]).

Lemma 3.1. Suppose that there are constants δ > 0 such that u ∈ (H1/2+δ(K))3 for each K in h. Then u is well-defined, and we have

with a constant only depending on the shape regularity of


The finite element spaces is equipped with bases (k, 1) comprising locally supported functions. These bases are L2 stable in the sense that

with constant only depending on the shape-regularity of


Lemma 3.2. The interpolation operator is bounded on ((Ω))3 and satisfies

with a constant only depending on the shape regularity of


Furthermore, all above operators possess the following commuting diagram property (see [7])

We may apply the quasi-interpolation operators for Lagrangian finite element space introduced in [8] to the components of vector fields separately. This gives rise to the projectors

h:((Ω)) 3
, which inherits the continuity

and satisfies the local projection error esitmate

Now, we present the stable decomposition of , k > 2.

Lemma 3.3. For any , there exist Span{b}, , such that


where the constant

0 only depends on Ω and the shape regularity of h.

Proof. For any given , using the continuous Helmholtz decomposition, there exist Ψ∈ ((Ω)) 3, pH0(curl; Ω) such that


with constants only depending on Ω.

Taking the div of both sides of (23) and using (14), we get

Owing to Lemma

Ψ is well defined. Furthermore, the commuting diagram property (18) implies

This confirms that the third term in the splitting

actually belongs to the kernel of div. By (12), then there esists qH0(curl; Ω) such that

Noting that

h Ψ, which leads to

Substituting (25), (26) and (27) into (23), we have

Since , (Idh ) Ψ ,hΨ, we obtain ∇ × (q + p) ∈ (div0) by using (28), then observing (13), there exists qh, such that


It's easy to obtain by noting that hΨ and ∇ × qh ∈∇ × . Substituting (29), (30) and (31) into (28), we conclude

which completes the proof of (21).

Using (30), triangular inequality, Lemma 3.2, (20) and (24), we have

which leads to

It follows readily from inverse estimate and (16) that

Using inverse estimate again yields

By means of (33) and inverse estimate, we get

In view of (32), triangular inequality (34), (35) and (36), we have

which completes the proof of (22). □

We rely on the stable decomposition for V = in Lemma 3.3 and apply the abstract theory in Section 2 to define the preconditioner for finite element equations of first kind.

Let V = and choose two auxiliary spaces and the corresponding transfer operators as follows.

1. = , with inner product 1(·, ·) which is defined by


The transfer operator is Π1 = Id.


2 = with inner product 2(·, ·) = a(·, ·) in the sense that

which concludes that

2 = . The transfer operator is Π2 = Id.

Making use of (6), the auxiliary space preconditioner for reads

where is the preconditioner of , 1 is the preconditioners of 1.

Noting that

1 denotes the diagonal matrix of , in the practical application, we will take 1 as the Jacobi (or Gauss-Seidel) smoothing operator for . Obviously, this special choose satisfies

where the constant

1 is independent of the mesh parameters.

First, we prove that the above transfer operators satisfy the condition (7).

Due to the definitions of inner product and transfer operator in space

1, for any given , where αb, we have

where the constant M bounds the number of basis functions whose support overlaps with a single element K.

For any given

22, it's easy to obain

Combining (39) with (40), we conclude that (7) holds with the constants c1 = M and c2 = 1.

Secondly, the above spaces and operators satisfy the condition (8) by using the Lemma 3.3.

Summing up, we obtain the following theorem by using Theorem 2.1.

Theorem 3.4. Forgiven by (37), and 1satisfies the condition of (38), then we have

with a constant only depending on the constants0,1and the shape regularity of h.

4 Preconditioner for finite element equations of second kind

Now, we present the another stable decomposition of with k > 2.

Lemma 4.1. For any, there are and φhsuch that


where the constant c0only depends on Ω and the shape regularity of h.

Proof. For any , we can interpolate by Lemma 3.1. Thus, using (18), we have

In view of (14), we have

Making use of (45) and noting that = Id in (44), we get


Noting that - , then by (46) and (13), there exists φh , such that

where = , which completes the proof of (42).

Using (47), (15) with δ = 1/2, and the inverse estimate, we obtain

Squaring and summing over all the elements, we get

In view of (3) and (48), we find

Making use of (47), triangular inequality and (48), we have

A direct manipulation of (47) gives that

A combination of (49), (50) and (51) concludes (43). □

In this case, let V = . We choose the following two auxiliary spaces and the corresponding transfer operator.


1 = with inner product 1(., .) = a(., .) in the sense that

which concludes that

1 = . The corresponding transfer operator is Π1 = Id.


2 = with inner product

The corresponding transfer operator is Π2 = curl.

Then by using (6), we obtain the auxiliary space preconditioner for as follows

where is the preconditioner of , and 2 is the preconditioners of 2 given by (52).

Especially, we adopt the preconditioner

2 in [10], this choice satisfy

where the constant C1 is independent of the mesh parameters.

It is easy to prove that the above transfer operators satisfy the conditions (7). In fact, using the definitions of inner products and transfer operators in spaces

l (l = 1,2), we have

namely, the conditions (7) of Theorem 2.1 hold with the constants c1 = c2 = 1.

Applying Theorem 2.1 and using Lemma 4.1, we have the following Theorem.

Theorem 4.2. Forgiven by (53), and 2satisfies the condition of (54), then we have

with a constant only depending on the constants c0and C1and the shape regularity of h.

Combining Theorem 3.4 and Theorem 4.2, by using a Jacobi (or Gauss-Seidel) smoothing, we can translate the construction of preconditioner for into the one of. Furthermore, by using the preconditioner of H(curl; Ω)-elliptic problem, we can translate the preconditioner for into the one for . Since Hiptmair and Xu [5] have constructed an efficient preconditioner for , we construct the efficient precondtioners for (k = 1, l = 2 or k > 2, l = 1,2) and prove the corresponding spectral condition numbers are uniformly bounded and independent of mesh size h and the parameter τ by this recursive form.

5 Implementation of algorithm and numerical experiments

For simplicity, we only give the description of the preconditioning algorithm defined by (53) when k = 2.

Note that when k = 2, (53) turn to

In the following, we first discuss the description of algorithm about the preconditioner . For this purpose, we introduce the following operators


then, the algorithm about the operator can be described by (see [5] formore details)

Algorithm 5.1. For a given g, then ug = gcan be obtained as follows:

Step 1: Applying m 1 times symmetric Gauss_Seidel iterations in variational problem

with a zero initial guess to get1, whereƒ = g.

Step 2: Computing2by

Step 3:Computing3by

which can be obtained by

1. Applying m2times symmetric Gauss_Seidel iterations in (59) with a zero initial guess to get 4.

2. Computing 5 by

3. Set 3 = 4+ ()T


Step 4:Set ug = 1+()T


By [5], the preconditioner defined by Algorithm 5.1 satisfy

K () < C1

where the constant C1 is independent of the mesh size h and parameter τ.

Next, we give the description of algorithm for the operator curl

2curl*. Firstly, let

n = dim (), dim (),


then we introduce the transfer matrix(or operator)

By using , we can define the following matrix(or operator)

In view of (4.1) in [10], we can construct the preconditioner

2 for , and its spectral condition number satisfy

where the constant C2 is independent of the mesh size h and parameter τ.

Noting that the operator

2 can be divided into three parts: the first part is to use the Jacobi (or Gauss-Seidel) smoothing for (52) in space , the second part is to solve the restriction of (52) in , the third part is to solve the restriction of (52) in ∇ . We can drop the second and third parts by using the fact that the second part is the same as (60) and curl grad 0. Hence the operator curl
2curl* can be simplified.

Summing up, we can obtain the following algorithm of the preconditioner .

Algorithm 5.2.For g, the solution ug = g ∈ can be gotten as follows:

Step 1:Computing u1by Algorithm 5.1.

Step 2:Applying m3times symmetric Gauss_Seidel iterations to get u2∈ V2,1by

( u2, v2) = (g, ∇ x v2), ∀ v2∈ V2,1.

Step 3: Set

ug = u1+ u2

For variational problem (4), we apply Algorithm 5.2 to the following two examples:

Example 5.1.The computational domain is Ω = [0,1] × [0, 1] × [0, 1] and the corresponding structured grids can be seen in Figure 1. For the convenience of computing the exact errors, we construct an exact solution u = (u1, u2, u3) as

Example 5.2. The computational domain is the spheres of radius 1 and the corresponding unstructured grids can be seen in Figure 2, the exact solution u = (u1, u2, u3) is

Now, we present some numerical experiments with m1 = m2 = m3 = 3.

Table 1 gives the L2 and H(div) error estimates for Example 5.1 when τ = 1, which shows that is the optimal convergence.

The condition number estimates and iteration counts for Example 5.1 and Example 5.2 are listed in Tables 2 - 5 for different values of the mesh size h and the scaling parameter τ. By these Tables, we find that the condition number and iteration counts are independent of the mesh size h and weakly dependent on the parameter τ.

Acknowledgements. The authors are partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10771178), NSAF (Grant No. 10676031), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No. 2005CB321702). Especially, the first author is supported by Hunan Provincial Innovation Foundation For Postgraduate (Grant No. CX2009B121).

Received: 27/II/09.

Accepted: 30/VII/09.



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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Mar 2010
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Feb 2009
  • Accepted
    30 July 2009
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