Open-access Validation of a booklet on language developmental milestones in childhood


Purpose:  to develop and validate the content of printed educative material (booklet) on the typical oral language development.

Methods:  methodological development research with content validation. The material was produced following a literature review, in which the available publications approaching this theme were analyzed. The descriptors used were “child language”, “child development”, “language development”, and “language development disorders”. A total of 37 judges (specialists in the field and target audience) participated, divided into groups: speech-language-hearing therapists (LJG), educators (EJG), and relatives (RJG). They answered a 5-point Likert-scale instrument. The absolute percentage agreement (APA) and content validity index (CVI) were applied, whose respective minimum values of 75% and 0.78 were adopted.

Results:  the booklet encompassed the aspects of phonology, semantics, syntax, narrative and hearing, citing what is expected for each age. At the end of each topic, suggestions on how to stimulate the child’s language were made. The mean VCI scores were: LJG=81.3%, EJG=93.51%, and RJG=89.4%.

Conclusion:  the booklet reached a high content and design validity index and will aid health education initiatives, allowing its content to be spread among families and professionals involved in child development.

Keywords: Validation Studies; Language Development; Educative Technology; Health Education; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences


Objetivo:  construir e validar o conteúdo de um material educacional impresso (cartilha) sobre desenvolvimento típico da linguagem oral.

Métodos:  pesquisa de desenvolvimento metodológico, com validação de conteúdo. O material foi produzido após revisão da literatura, analisando as publicações disponíveis desta temática com os descritores: linguagem infantil, desenvolvimento infantil, desenvolvimento da linguagem, Transtornos do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem. Participaram 37 juízes (especialistas na área e público alvo) subdivididos em grupos: fonoaudiólogos-GJF; educadores-GJE; e familiares-GJFA, que responderam um instrumento com escala likert de 5 pontos. Foram aplicados o percentual de concordância absoluta (PCA) e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) com valores mínimos adotados de 75% e 0,78, respectivamente.

Resultados:  a cartilha contempla os aspectos de fonologia, semântica, sintaxe, narrativa e audição, citando o que é esperado para cada idade e aborda ao final de cada tópico sugestões sobre como estimular a linguagem da criança. Os escores médios de IVC foram: GJF=81,3%, GJE=93,51% e GJFA=89,4%.

Conclusão:  a cartilha atingiu alto índice de validade de conteúdo e apresentação final e subsidiará ações educativas em saúde, favorecendo a disseminação do conteúdo a familiares e profissionais que acompanham o desenvolvimento infantil.

Descritores: Estudos de Validação; Desenvolvimento da Linguagem; Tecnologia Educacional; Educação em Saúde; Fonoaudiologia


Health education initiatives can lead to the development of new knowledge, as well as changes in behavior and lifestyle1, including the motivation to seek health professionals to get more information and learn about possible treatments2. This process involves the communication between institutions/professionals and the citizens3,4, and, in this context, the printed educative technologies - as posters, books, booklets, handouts and/or pamphlets - are widely used resources3,5-9.

Printed technology supports and reinforces oral information and/or discussions, serves to offer instructive guidelines in cases of future doubts, and aids in decision-making3-6, besides increasing the target audience’s autonomy10, making it part of the mediation between professionals and the population in the educative process4-12.

The development of printed educative material must follow certain principles: a) be scientifically based11-14; b) have a meta-educational approach to the intended audience15; c) be both readable and understandable to the intended audience13,14,16; d) be evaluated by judges regarding its content, language, structure, design/layout, illustrations, and general composition13,14. The printed material must be attractive and easy to read; therefore, the vocabulary used must be coherent with the message and target audience16. The content must be validated first by specialized judges with expertise in the field and then by the public audience16-18.

In the field of neuroscience, language acquisition is one of the classic examples of a critical or sensitive period of development. Studies refer to different temporal windows for learning different language levels. Hence, one learns phonology from birth to the end of the first year of life; syntactical development occurs between the 18th and 36th month of life; and vocabulary has an important lexical boom at the age of 18 months, though acquisition goes on throughout the whole life19. Being exposed to language in one’s first year of life influences the brain’s neural circuits still in the preverbal period, and the development of vocabulary in the first years of life is associated with future academic success20. The extension of oral vocabulary at 24 months of age is a predictive factor of the child’s academic performance (reading and mathematics) in preschool age21.

Following up child language development from birth is extremely important, as the period from 0 to 36 months is essential to linguistic development, and any exposure to risk and/or protection factors can directly affect this process15.

Many relatives are uncertain about their children’s language development and how to deal with these situations. Many times, they seek a pediatrician’s or educator’s instruction, although the ideal is that they be referred for a language-expert speech-language-hearing therapist.

A booklet scientifically developed and validated is a very relevant option of an educative instrument to inform the different public - as health professionals, educators, relatives, and other people who have direct contact with the children - about the language developmental milestones. Its importance lies in widely spreading this content to encourage the recognition of delays and the early referral to the speech-language-hearing assessment and intervention processes, thus contributing to the prognosis of different cases.

During practice in different scenarios of supervised internship, in different levels of complexity (as in primary schools, family health care units, and speech-language-hearing diagnosis and intervention specialized centers), many relatives, in the anamnesis, commonly reported having been instructed to wait until the child was five or six years old (the period when language development is completed) to seek help. Thus, considering these facts and the information exposed in the previous paragraphs, the first research question arose: “Is there any scientifically validated printed material to inform about language development from birth to the six years old?”. After analyzing the institutional guidelines and informative material from the Municipal and State Departments of Education and Health and the Ministry of Health, no such educative technology was found. Hence, the process of developing the first version of the material was started, which brought about the second research question: “Is the content of this material adequate, according to the specialized judges’ evaluation? Is it adequate for the public audience?”.

Thus, this study aimed at developing and validating the content of a printed educative technology (booklet) about the typical oral language development to inform and advise relatives, as well as health and education professionals.


This study is a descriptive, methodological development16-18 research on the validation of a piece of technology, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Ribeirão Preto Clinics Hospital under number 1.972.306/2017. All the judges were formally invited to participate and filled out and signed the Informed Consent Form (ICF). All of them were reassured of having their questions answered throughout the study. They were also given the right to interrupt their participation.

Development of the Booklet

The material was developed following the recommendations mentioned in the literature for preparing educative material2,7,11-16,22-25. This stage was divided into four phases: 1) literature review, to develop the scientific basis for the content; 2) content organization; 3) Development of the booklet’s content, illustrations and layout; and 4) content and design validation.

Terms selected from the list in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), 2016 version, were employed for the literature review (phase 1), namely: child language; child development; language development; language development disorders; speech-language-hearing sciences; and health education. The search strategy was organized with the support from a librarian, using the OR and AND logical operators to combine the terms. The chosen databases for the search were the Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS), and the Scientific Electronic Library (SciELO). The scientific articles were selected according to the following inclusion criteria: time of publication (from January 2005 to January 2017); language (published in Portuguese); availability (free full-text electronic access); and, after having read the abstracts, those that clearly mentioned the developmental milestones of the phonological, semantical and syntactical aspects and the narrative function of children who speak Brazilian Portuguese, as well as the protection and risk factors. In the end, 12 references were fully read, having their content registered in a spreadsheet, subsiding the development of the material.

In phase 2, the content was initially organized in a spreadsheet that grouped together all the described developmental milestones by age group and then by language level.

In phase 3, regarding content, the topics were written out, paying special attention to textual cohesion and coherence and adequacy to the current Portuguese orthographical norms. As for the illustrations and layout, the illustrations and watermarks inside the booklet were produced by a graphic design student from the Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP, Brazil, whereas the image on the front and back cover was taken from the Freepik free-access website.

The booklet was developed in the Microsoft Publisher® software. The material was divided into topics (by age group) as follows: a) Newborn to 12 months old; b) 13 to 24 months; c) 2 years and 1 month to 3 years; d) 3 years and 1 month to 4 years; e) 4 years and 1 month to 6 years old. The content was organized in order, encompassing the oral language aspects of phonology, semantics, syntax, narrative and hearing. Information (tips) on attitudes favorable to the child’s language and speech development was included at the end of each topic, as well as behaviors to watch out for as risk indicators of this development (Figure 1).

Figure 1:
Content from pages 4 and 5 of the booklet

Educative Material Content and Design Validation

Sample: Judges’ eligibility Criteria

The jury of specialized experts (speech-language-hearing judges’ group - LJG) comprised eligible speech-language-hearing clinical therapists from two public services and a private clinic, who met the criteria: performing language diagnosis and intervention in children and adolescents, and being employed at the time of the collection. The estimate was for the selection of nine judges, as described in the literature26,27, who were identified by the network or snowball sampling16,26.

Comprising the jury that represented the target audience, two groups of judges were chosen: one with educators (EJG) from two preschools, nursery school teachers, from the municipality’s public and private system; and one with relatives (RJG), involving the family of children and/or adolescents that were waiting in the reception area of an integrated public medium-complexity rehabilitation service. The total estimate was of 15 participants in the LJG, 15 in the RJG, and 30 in the EJG (10 from the public school, and 10 from the private school). It was a convenience, non-probabilistic sample; therefore, only the judges who did not participate to agree, did not reply within schedule and/or returned the instrument without having the required items filled out were excluded.

Collection Instrument

An instrument with close-ended questions in questionnaire format was developed, considering the validation research in the literature4,5,9,10,13,14,28,29. It was divided into blocks: a) content; b) language; c) illustrations; d) layout; and e) motivation (Table 1), adding up to 20 questions with a Likert-type psychometric response scale16,17,26,28: SD (strongly disagree); D (disagree); NAND (neither agree nor disagree); A (agree); and SA (strongly agree)

Table 1:
Total possible answers by category of scale questions

In the final arrangement, there were three dichotomous (yes/no) questions: 1) “Would you make any change in the content?”; 2) “Would you change the writing of the text in any aspect (vocabulary used)?”; and 3) “Would you make any change in the graphic layout (text organization, images and forms)?”. In case the judge marked YES, they could write out their suggestions in a designated place.

The header brought the instructions, explaining that the judge should first read the booklet and then answer the questionnaire. There was a space provided right underneath it to check what group the judge belonged to (LJG or EJG), their date of birth, and time of professional experience; for the RJG, schooling and current occupation were added. After a pretest, the content and vocabulary were adjusted so it could be then applied.

Collection Procedure

After the first version of the booklet was fully developed, e-mails were sent to the speech-language-hearing therapists explaining the purpose of the project, inviting them to participate as content-expert judges and requesting to schedule a meeting to hand them the folder with the research kit, which contained the ICF, the printed version of the booklet, and the questionnaire with instructions. The material stayed in the judges’ hands for one to seven days, and then the kits were collected. After data analysis, the booklet was revised and updated for the printing of the second version, whose content had already been validated by the specialists.

Validation by the target audience took place in two stages. In the first one, the second version was presented for validation by the EJG. The principals of one public and one private school were contacted for authorization. The educators were approached in the school and those who agreed to participate received the kit - with the ICF, the second version of the printed booklet, and the questionnaire with instructions -, which should be returned within seven days. After this group analyzed the material, the third version of the booklet, with the necessary adjustments, was produced. Then, in the second stage, the mothers who were with their children in the waiting room of a public rehabilitation service were invited to make part of the RJG. In this person-to-person approach, the purpose and procedure of the research were explained (instructions for analyzing the material and answering the questionnaire); then, those who agreed to participate signed the ICF and received the research kit, which contained the third version of the material. The researcher waited there for 45 minutes, on average, to receive the questionnaire back.

Analysis Procedure

The information about the judges was organized in Microsoft® Excel® (2016) spreadsheets. The descriptive analysis was made with the calculation of absolute and relative frequencies, in addition to the measures of central tendency (mand and median).

The answers obtained in each block (content, language, illustrations, layout, and motivation) were placed in spreadsheets, one (1) point given to the marked answer and zero (0) to the other items on the Likert scale.

The agreement between judges was defined as the degree in which two or more evaluators, using the same scale, gave equal classification to the same object of analysis2,7,10-16,28-30.

Two agreement measures were used: a) absolute percentage agreement (APA), or agreement index (AI); and b) content validity index (CVI). The absolute percentage agreement (APA) is found by calculating the number of times the evaluators agreed and dividing it by the total number of evaluations, and then multiplying the result by 100 to obtain the percentage. The minimum agreement value considered was 75%26,29. The CVI was applied to measure the degree of agreement between the judges for each one of the items comprising the blocks of the instrument (Table 1). The number of answers marked in the agreement scale (4 and 5 - agree and strongly agree) was divided by the total number of answers10,27. The cutoff score employed for the CVI was 0.78, for both each answered item and the questionnaire as a whole7.


Throughout the process, three versions of the material were developed, which were revised regarding its content and design, until the final version was validated. Table 2 shows the content that was selected after the literature review to compose the first version of the booklet.

Table 2:
Content selected to comprise the first version of the booklet after the literature review

Validation of the Booklet

The LJG comprised nine speech-language-hearing therapists from a medium-complexity public service and two from a private clinic, who had graduated from college, on average, 7 years and 6 months before. In the EJG, there were 17 educators, six from the public school and 11 from the private one; they had graduated from college, on average, 10 years and 6 months before. The mean age in the RJG was 38 years, and 66% had finished high school; the two judges who had not finished middle school were capable of reading and writing fluently. Table 3 shows all judges’ schooling.

Table 3:
Judges’ schooling by group

The illustration block, comprising five criteria, achieved mean CVI of 0.66, below the expected (Table 4), which was the only block with two “disagree” answers marked. Hence, after the modification suggestions had been analyzed, the illustrations were revised; moreover, some diagrams were included to call the reader’s attention to the most important aspects of the chronological period. As for the content block, whose CVI was 0.90 (Table 4), the experts suggested that some items be excluded, and the written language, illustrations and layout be adapted (see Figure 2). It should be highlighted that in the other criteria the options “disagree” and “strongly disagree” were not marked.

Table 4:
Distribution of the expert judges’ analyses (CVI mean values) by criteria

Figure 2:
Modifications suggested by the expert judges after evaluating the first version

The mean CVI values, following the evaluation of the second version of the educative material by the target audience group of judges, are presented in Table 5.

Table 5:
Distribution of the number of agreements (CVI mean values) between target audience judges

It is noted that the mean CVI of the illustration block was within cutoff limits, established at 0.78, whereas the other criteria were over 0.90, indicating that content, language, layout and motivation achieved a great level of agreement.

It was also noted that the general mean CVI score per question was 0.80% (by the LJG), 0.93% (by the EJG), and 0.90% (by the RJG) (Tables 4 and 5). Therefore, there was a high level of agreement between expert and target audience judges, enabling the third version of the booklet to have its content and design validated.

The absolute percentage agreement (APA) of the whole booklet reached the value of 98.45%, which is above the minimum established for acceptance in this study (75%)26 and considered among evaluators a high agreement value.

It should be emphasized that the booklet was evaluated by content judges (experts) and target audience judges. The final validated version, which included the suggested changes, was printed in the A4 format (sheets of 29,7 x 21 cm), with front and back cover, and containing 23 pages. Of these, 11 had their content distributed by topic (by age group), as follows: a) newborn to 12 months; b) 13 to 24 months; c) 2 years and 1 month to 3 years; d) 3 years and 1 month to 4 years; and e) 4 years and 1 month to 6 years. It was orderly arranged, encompassing the aspects of phonology, semantics, syntax, narrative, and hearing, based on the literature reviewed. Tips on how to stimulate the child’s language, as well as behaviors to watch out for as indicators of risk to language development, were added at the end of each topic. On page 12, there is information about the speech-language-hearing therapists’ work and how to find help from them. On pages 13 to 21, tables are summarizing the main age milestones and evolutive behaviors, with the following titles: Hearing; Speech Sounds; Speaking Words; Speaking Sentences; Telling Stories. In the end, there were two pages with bibliographical references. An example of how the pages were designed is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3:
Example of page arrangement


The educative material is an effective method to aid in the health teaching/learning process25-29, which can increase the autonomy of the target audience, as well as of the professionals who work with them, leading to better conducts30.

The booklet validated through this study will help families and other health and education professionals - who are in contact with 0- to 6-year-old children - monitor their language development and be able to identify the delayed milestones. Once identified, the adult responsible for the child will be encouraged to seek professional help from a speech-language-hearing therapist to get the diagnosis and treatment, if it is the case.

When the parents are uncertain about their children’s language development and how to deal with it, it is essential to refer them to a language-specialized speech-language-hearing therapist30. However, the guidelines and institutional informative material from the Municipal Departments of Education and Health and the Ministry of Health were analyzed, and no specific educative material in the format of printed booklet dealing with the issue of child language development from birth to six years old was found, as was the target audience intended in this study. The educative material in the printed format is easy to handle and is meant to be taken home, which reinforces the instructions and answers doubts whenever necessary. The role of the written material includes reinforcing the orally-given information and discussion, as well as aiding in cases of future doubts and decision-making29.

The written material has advantages for unschooled, little schooled and/or illiterate people, as long as in the planning process mechanisms are used to overcome the barriers to understanding the messages and strategies that encourage the target audience to start using the booklet, and keep them interested in using the educative material. The use of simple language and/or pictographic resources that convey a culturally-relevant message can diminish the communication difficulties, making it more effective and giving it further outreach29. Moreover, the judges’ agreement per question - which ranged from 70.27% to 100%, with a mean agreement score of 88.45%, significantly over the minimum value established at 75%29 - makes evident that the content was clearly conveyed to the target audience. Hence, it promoted their understanding of the information regarding its technical and didactic-pedagogical aspects, eliminating (or decreasing) the possibility of erroneous interpretations.

The mean CVI values (Tables 4 and 5) for the criteria comprising the content, language, layout and motivation blocks indicate that the experts and the target audience considered the information in the booklet relevant, and the validation by the target audience was extremely important for this technology to be used as a health education tool. The target audience considered the content motivating (CVI of 1 for EJG, and 0.96 for RJG, as seen in Table 5) and the language adequate (CVI 0.94 for both groups - Table 5). Such a positive evaluation is important for the material to be used as a means of conveying information since the booklet was thought of and developed to be an instrument to spread the content on child language development. The scientific validation by the target audience16-18 adds credibility to the technology since it states that the tool is adequate to mediate educative initiatives.

The illustrations (drawings, images, photographs, symbols) are very important for the text’s readability and understandability, with the role of calling the readers’ attention, raising and keeping their interest in reading it, and adding and substantiating information. The layout and design make the reading easier and the material more attractive to the reader5. The items that had the lowest CVI values (Table 4) were precisely those related to illustrations in the first version of the booklet. Thus, based on the experts’ suggestions, an adjustment process was undertaken to make the illustrations and images informative, self-explanatory, and related to the content exposed in the written text. Many papers on validation of educative materials report that this adaptation process following the judges’ analysis is essential to adjust the technology not only in its design but also in content and scientific rigor16,17,26. This critical analysis was essential to improve the new version of the material, which would be handed to the public target.


The educative material was developed as a booklet, dealing with the main milestones of typical child language (phonology, semantics, syntax and narrative) and hearing development. Its validation by the different groups of judges (speech-language-hearing therapists, preschool educators, and the children’s and adolescents’ relatives) revealed it to be a useful, reliable, effective and valid instrument or tool in health education, characterizing it as a facilitator in spreading this information to families and health and education professionals.


Gratitude is extended to the Pró-reitoria de Cultura e Extensão da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and to the Santander Bank for the grant provided for the development, printing and distribution of the final product.


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  • Research support source: Programa Unificado de Bolsas - Universidade de São Paulo (PUB - USP) and Santander Bank

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    08 May 2020
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    10 Nov 2019
  • Accepted
    31 Mar 2020
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