On the II SIPS path
The history of sciences is not made only by great ideas. Above all, it is made of individuals that dare facing its zeitgeist with sensitiveness, cleverness, intelligence and hard work, becoming individuals that produce good ideas, becoming true hallmarks of their times. That is true to the constructing of Social Psychology in the Western world, and to Social Psychology in Brazil, as well. Among slow and fast paced advances, latencies and unexpected events, we have sought for ways of thinking, explaining and intervening on a society that is new, diverse and abounding in contradictions, consistently offering us a never-ending field of inquiry that demands the support of great theories. In recognition to a man who has identified this field and embraced the survey in Social Psychology committed to the Brazilian society, and based on sound theoretical and methodological grounds, in 2010 the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) granted the title of Emeritus Professor to Leoncio Camino who, as Cícero Pereira put by that time, has always taught that running the way is the best way to find responses in our lives.
To ensure that ceremony the importance it deserves, the Group of Research in Political Behavior, supported by the UFPB Department of Psychology and the Post-Graduation Program in Social Psychology, organized an International Symposium on Social Psychology (SIPS.) By the end of the event, a group of social psychologists - Ana Raquel Torres/UFPB, Fátima Santos/UFPE, Marcos Emanoel Pereira/UFBA, Marcus Eugênio Lima/UFS and me, from the University of Brasilia - committed to provide continuity to that symposium, making it the first one of a series of symposia. The idea was to bravely assume the differences that not only get us apart but, above all, those that hinder the Brazilian Social Psychology from strongly devoting to nurture a new generation of researchers, facing its theoretical-methodological - and even ideological - diversities as something healthy, leaving intolerance behind in the definition of its paths, in a creative and ripe way.
In this light, the group, under the auspices of the Serge Moscovici International Center of Research in Representations and Social Psychology, and of the Post-Graduation Programs in Psychology of the Federal Universities of Bahia, Brasilia, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Sergipe, held the II SIPS in Brasilia, in October, 2012. Following the topic of The paths of Social Psychology in Brazil, the organizing commission tried to foster a dialogue between different theoretical-methodological trends that, most of the times, believed to be in and adopted (op)positions that definitely hinder the approximation between them. Still following the UFPB initiative, we pay homage to Cornélis Johannes van Stralen. Undoubtedly, without this social psychologist the Brazilian Community Psychology would not be an international reference, as it is today.Six round-tables have approached the following topics: 1. Research topics in Social Psychology in Brazil; 2. Theoretical contributions provided by research in Social Psychology in Brazil; 3. Research methods in Social Psychology in Brazil; 4. The Brazilian Social Psychology in the international arena; 5. Education in Social Psychology in Brazil; 6. The Paths of Social Psychology in Brazil.
To remain coherent to the proposal, we tried to invite Brazilian social psychologists representing several theoretical-methodological approaches, and with different times of duty in academic research and in education of Social Psychology researchers. Moreover, to have an external view to support the brainstorming on Social Psychology in Brazil, each round-table counted on the participation of a foreign social psychologist as debater. Based on the manuscripts produced by the Brazilian authors, the debaters have outlined their own manuscripts. This material, that we consider to be rich, updated and timely to Psychology as a whole, and notably to the Brazilian Social Psychology, was submitted to the analysis of the Revista Estudos de Psicologia of Natal. The full texts that led the brainstorms during the II SIPS are disclosed here. And, to locate readers in this brainstorm, several scenes were presented in the Symposium. Somehow, almost all exhibitors have envisaged the need for deepening the reflections of topics, theoretical and methodological approaches, internationalization, and education in Social Psychology in the set of sciences, of the disciplines that make up the field of Psychology, and in both national and international academic scene.
On behalf of the organizing commission to the II International Symposium of Social Psychology, I would like to invite readers to follow the paths we have run in this event, identifying the richness that dialogue with difference and with the different can entail.
Angela M. O. Almeida
Brasília, March 2013