Open-access Promoting cessation in hospitalized smoking patients: a systematic review


OBJECTIVES  The objective of this review was to evaluate high intensity post-discharge follow-up strategies to promote smoking cessation in hospitalized patients.

METHODS  A systematic review was performed, based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA – P) protocol. The databases used for research were: PubMed, LILACS/BIREME, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane and Scielo. The included articles were randomized clinical trials, published from 1990 to 2018, which evaluated in-hospital and post-discharge intervention, and provided a minimum of 30-day care post discharge. The studies aimed to evaluate tobacco cessation.

RESULTS  Fourteen studies were selected for analysis. Across studies, pharmacotherapy was consistently effective for smoking cessation. Communication technologies likewise were consistently effective for cessation and post-discharge access.

CONCLUSION  Effective strategies exist. The challenge for future trials is to determine the best approaches for different clinical contexts, to promote cessation.

Tobacco use cessation; Smoking cessation; Patient discharge; Hospitalization; Systematic review


OBJETIVO  O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as estratégias no acompanhamento pós-alta para a promoção da cessação no paciente tabagista hospitalizado.

MÉTODOS  Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática tomando-se por referência o protocolo Preferred Reporting Itens for Systematic Rewiews and Meta-Analyses (Prisma–P). Foram utilizadas as seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Lilacs/Bireme, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane e SciELO. Os artigos incluídos foram ensaios clínicos randomizados, publicados entre 1990 e 2018, que promoveram intervenções durante e após a alta hospitalar, intervenções essas que se mantiveram pelo período mínimo de 30 dias após a alta. Os estudos deveriam ter como desfecho a avaliação da cessação do tabagismo.

RESULTADOS  Quatorze estudos foram selecionados para a análise. A revisão dos artigos destacou a farmacoterapia como elemento importante para a promoção da cessação, bem como o uso das novas tecnologias de comunicação no acesso pós-alta.

CONCLUSÃO  Ainda se impõe como um desafio o aprimoramento das estratégias de follow-up após a alta hospitalar para se adequarem aos contextos locais e alcançarem melhores taxas de cessação.

Abandono do uso de tabaco; Abandono do hábito de fumar; Alta do paciente; Hospitalização; Revisão sistemática


In 2018, Datasus1 registered more than 11 million hospitalizations in the country, which means that a large contingent of patients spent at least one night in a hospital, including many smokers. This situation configures hospitalization as a valuable opportunity to approach these patients. The post-discharge follow-up of smoking patients is considered a key element for the actions implemented in the hospital environment to be sustained in the home environment. Without the follow-up of smoking patients after hospital discharge, interventions in favor of cessation, initiated during hospitalization, lose effectiveness. However, post-discharge follow-up remains a challenge for hospitals that offer evidence-based smoking treatment2 - 4 .

That said, we consider it necessary to evaluate the strategies studied to assist the smoking patient after hospital discharge, seeking to understand which would be the most effective and promising approaches to promote smoking cessation in this group.

There are still few publications with the purpose of evaluating the strategies for approaching smokers after hospital discharge. Brasil occupies a prominent position for its successful tobacco control program, but few national studies address the challenges of post-discharge monitoring.

A meta-analysis that evaluated the approaches to promote the cessation of hospitalized smokers defined high-intensity interventions as those that, in addition to the approach during hospitalization, remained for 30 days after hospital discharge. Interventions classified as high intensity were more effective in promoting cessation3 . The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature by reviewing studies that evaluated different forms of high intensity approaches in the post-discharge period of smokers to promote cessation.


The studies’ eligibility was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (Prisma-P) protocol. The characteristics evaluated were study design, studied population, types of intervention, presence of a control group and analyzed outcomes5 .

Randomized clinical trials were selected in order to study interventions in the post-discharge period in smoking patients, with smoking cessation as the main or secondary outcome. Pilot studies were also included, as presented in an important previous review on approaches during the hospitalization period2 - 4 .

The studies contemplated interventions in smoking patients initiated during the hospitalization period, or at the time of hospital discharge, with the objective of promoting cessation, extended to post-discharge. Post-discharge follow-up should be maintained for a minimum period of 30 days after the patient leaves the hospital, an intervention considered to be of high intensity by previous meta-analysis6 .

The studied population was composed of hospitalized smokers, defined here as individuals who smoked in the last 30 days2 , 3 , 7 .

Studies that evaluated the population exclusively of psychiatric patients, who used tobacco in combination with other drugs, and in patients admitted to rehabilitation clinics were excluded.

The control group received the usual care from the various institutions studied.

Studies that presented smoking cessation outcomes, such as self-reported or biochemically proven tobacco abstinence, were included. The period of abstinence assessed after discharge could vary from short-term, such as seven days after discharge, to long-term, established here as 12 months after discharge. The abstinence to be considered could be punctual, for example, in the last seven days, or continuous, for example, since hospital discharge.

The search strategy adopted was to find articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese between 1990 and 2018. The choice of the review period was motivated by the development and wide access to new communication resources, such as internet, mobile phones and new communication technologies that started at that time.

The following databases were used for screening: PubMed, Lilacs/Bireme, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane and SciELO. To search for gray literature, in an attempt to avoid the non-inclusion of studies due to publication bias, the Open Gray platform was used, in addition to performing a manual search for authors of articles already selected. The following Boolean expressions were used: (TOBACCO USE CESSATION) AND (POST-DISCHARGE) AND (HOSPITALIZATION OR INPATIENT).

For data extraction and review of titles and abstracts, four researchers met in pairs; one of the pairs had the participation of an expert in epidemiology and the other, with a specialist in the treatment of smoking. After the initial search, repeated titles in different databases were excluded. Then, articles that did not meet the proposed acceptability criteria for the review were excluded.

The studies selected in this stage were read in full by the researchers, in order to confirm or discard their eligibility. The decision for inclusion was made by consensus among the four reviewers. The article selection process is described in the flowchart in Figure 1 .


The risk of bias was assessed individually in each study according to the Cochrane risk assessment tool (Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool - version 5.1.0), which identifies low, high or uncertain risk of bias, according to the following possibilities: Selection bias, Performance bias (performance), Detection bias, Friction bias, Reporting bias and other biases that do not belong to the aforementioned domains8 , 9 .


The initial selection on the search platforms resulted in 338 articles, two of which were added manually. Among them, 28 were repeated and 293 were excluded after analyzing the title and abstracts and resolving differences between researchers, as they did not meet the established criteria. Five studies were discarded after their complete reading, as they did not fit the search objectives (exclusively psychiatric population, non-randomized studies, uncontrolled studies, future study protocols).

14 studies carried out in the following countries were selected for the review: United States, Canada, Brasil and Australia. The data were extracted from February 1996 to June 2018. Individual data for each study were obtained from publications, as well as their protocols and records on clinical trial registration platforms (U.S. National Institutes of Health Clinical Trials Registry). The characteristics of the selected studies are shown in Table 1 .


The follow-up time for the studies ranged from 3 to 12 months. It is worth noting the finding that the current decade has the largest number of publications on the subject, with 11 studies between 2011 and 2018.

The interventions performed during the hospitalization period varied in different publications. The bedside approach, whether for smoking history, demographic data collection or counseling, was a strategy common to all studies. In one of the studies11 , only the intervention groups received counseling, while the control group received printed informational material.

The pharmacological treatment of smoking, with nicotine replacement during hospitalization, has been used in several studies, with the purpose of reducing abstinence symptoms6 , 7 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 19 - 21 .

Also regarding the hospitalization period, several studies described the referral to community post-discharge care services (quitlines), and in some studies, the way in which the reference to these services was given, whether assisted or not by the researcher, it was the strategy to be studied7 , 17 .

The post-discharge strategies in the intervention group and in the control group are described in Table 1 , which also shows the main characteristics of the population of the selected studies, the outcomes related to cessation and the results. The interventions took place at a distance, with contact, in most studies, mediated by communication technologies, with emphasis on telephone calls and interactive voice response (IVR), a technology that allows the interaction between computers and human beings through the using your phone’s voice or keypad. One of the studies intervened via text messages. Sometimes e-mail was used to send information after discharge, but it was not the main intervention mechanism. It is also worth mentioning the attempt of several studies to stimulate adherence to quitline programs, intermediating the enrollment of patients in the programs, in order to promote cessation. The follow-up time for the studies ranged from 3 to 12 months.

All the studies analyzed used some type of pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation at some point in the study. Therapy with nicotine replacement (NRT), bupropion and varenicline appear as alternatives for pharmacotherapeutic treatment, with NRT being the most widely used. The data about this are detailed in Table 2 . In most studies, there was a balance in the use of pharmacotherapy between the intervention group and the control group. Among the three studies in which the intervention group received pharmacotherapy more frequently than the control group, in one of them pharmacotherapy was part of the proposed intervention6 , 18 , 20 .


The risk of bias was established, in each study, as low (L), high (H) or undetermined (U), considering the following domains: selection, performance, detection, attrition and reporting bias. Table 3 shows the risk of bias in each study. The performance bias was considered high in all studies, in view of the evident difficulty in promoting blindness when offering or receiving interventions, given the nature of the studies. Regarding the detection bias, most studies did not present data regarding the blindness of the outcome evaluators, being, therefore, considered undetermined in most of them. The attrition bias was considered high when the withdrawal of participants was not justified by the authors. In the reporting domain, although some studies have not published a protocol, the outcomes were reported as proposed in the methodology, and therefore, the likelihood of such bias is considered low.


The intention-to-treat analysis was used, considering losses such as still smokers.


A meta-analysis published in 20123 categorized interventions to promote the cessation of hospitalized smokers into four groups, according to their intensity. The group considered to be the most intense, and which showed results in the cessation outcomes, was the group with interventions that continued for up to 30 days after discharge. In this review, we analyzed the studies that offered high-intensity approaches to assess the strategies they used.

Behavioral interventions, associated with pharmacological interventions, make up the set of measures to promote the cessation of hospitalized smokers2 , 22 , 23 . The search for those that would be the most effective strategies and the best way to offer them has been the subject of studies, especially in the last decade. The six studies that demonstrated statistically significant differences in termination outcomes had in common the use of some distance communication strategy, such as phone calls, text messages and interactive voice calls, associated with pharmacotherapy10 , 11 , 14 , 18 , 19 , 21 .

The emergence of new communication technologies and the population’s growing access to these resources drove the development of strategies and the use of these new tools since the 1990s, supported by the increase in access to telephone sets2 , 24 .

Pharmacological treatment with first-line drugs (NRT, bupropion and varenicline) is an important strategy for cessation25 . Nicotine replacement therapy was the drug strategy highlighted in this review, being common to all studies. Pharmacotherapy had an equivalent prevalence, between intervention and control groups, in most studies, with the exception of three of them15 , 19 , 20 , in which the intervention group received more medication than the control group.

Quitline programs, in which trained counselors provide support for cessation, appear as a consolidated strategy for monitoring smokers after discharge2 , 22 , 26 . The program is part of the standard care adopted by the control group for most studies. The quality of these programs may be one of the explanations for the absence of a statistically significant difference in the responses between the intervention and control groups in these studies. Control groups received interventions already established in the literature as effective, therefore, the standard of effectiveness of experimental treatments was not strong enough for differences to be highlighted. Based on the importance achieved by quitline, studies also seek to find ways to improve adherence to these programs. One of the mechanisms presented was the intermediation, by a researcher, in the participant’s access and registration to the quitline, in order to, with this, favor the cessation in post-discharge7 , 17 .

The studies that showed the efficacy of alternative strategies did not support such a difference when biochemical confirmation criteria were used, demonstrating the fragility of the information provided by self-report11 , 19 , 21 . The exception was a study14 that used interactive voice messages and guaranteed medication for a period of up to 90 days after hospital discharge.

The follow-up of hospitalized patients still poses great challenges. Understanding the cause of early relapses has been the subject of analysis, demonstrating that relapse is related to factors such as continue to smoke during hospitalization, low self-efficacy, depression, greater dependence on nicotine and not setting a date to quit smoking27 . The high number of losses in the post-discharge follow-up is another obstacle in conducting treatment, even with the help of modern communication technologies. The difficulty of follow-up and, therefore, of offering the intervention is pointed out in one of the studies as a justification for why established strategies, such as pharmacotherapy and telephone counseling, have failed to demonstrate the expected result in clinical trials15 .

Some authors consider that the negative result of the intervention does not necessarily invalidate it, and it may be necessary to have a better understanding of in which contexts they would be the most effective options7 .

This study has limitations related to the barriers of working with control groups that are not exempt from intervention, due, in fact, to the ethical implications imposed on this issue.


The idea that cessation should be promoted at every opportunity to approach smokers reinforces the need to build and apply intervention protocols for hospitalized smokers. The time of hospitalization is an especially opportune occasion for the treatment of smoking.

Pharmacotherapy has been confirmed as an important element in promoting cessation in hospitalized smoking patients. The important role of communication technologies in the monitoring of the patient after discharge was also highlighted.

In Brasil, the population’s growing access to cell phones makes the use of communication technologies very promising for the monitoring of smoking patients. It is still a great challenge for future studies to improve technologies to adapt to the social and economic realities of the Brasilian context.


  • 1 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. TabNet Win32 3.0: Procedimentos hospitalares do SUS - por local de internação - Brasil [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2019 Nov 11]. Available from:
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    20 July 2020
  • Date of issue
    June 2020


  • Received
    25 Nov 2019
  • Accepted
    08 Dec 2019
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