Open-access Magnetic and structural features of RNi2B2C and RNiBC (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd) superconducting compounds


Temperature dependent Mössbauer spectroscopy on 57Fe doped (1 at % of Ni) RNi2B2C and RNiBC provided clear evidence of a pair-breaking field at the Ni site for non-superconducting compounds. This field is not present in the superconducting collinear AF DyNi2B2C, however it appears when this compound is diluted with non-magnetic Lu (Dy1-xLu xNi2B2C). Important local information on the spin structure of the R magnetic moments is obtained for both systems. The local symmetries of RNi2B2C and RNiBC compounds, measured through the deltaE Q, were found to be linearly correlated with the c<FONT FACE=Symbol>¢/</FONT>a ratio (c´ is the distance of the R-C layers between which the Ni2-B2 layers are sandwiched). A scaling of Tc with the local symmetry (c<FONT FACE=Symbol>¢/</FONT>a) was found to be the same for all the RNi2B2C and RNiBC (except for Y) compounds.


Magnetic and Structural Features of RNi2B2C and RNiBC (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd) Superconducting Compounds

E. M. Baggio-Saitovitch, D. R. Sánchez, and H. Micklitz*

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas,

Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, Urca, CEP 22290-180 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Received on 28 February, 2002

Temperature dependent Mössbauer spectroscopy on 57Fe doped (1 at % of Ni) RNi2B2C and RNiBC provided clear evidence of a pair-breaking field at the Ni site for non-superconducting compounds. This field is not present in the superconducting collinear AF DyNi2B2C, however it appears when this compound is diluted with non-magnetic Lu (Dy1-xLuxNi2B2C). Important local information on the spin structure of the R magnetic moments is obtained for both systems. The local symmetries of RNi2B2C and RNiBC compounds, measured through the DEQ, were found to be linearly correlated with the c¢/a ratio (c¢ is the distance of the R-C layers between which the Ni2-B2 layers are sandwiched). A scaling of Tc with the local symmetry (c¢/a) was found to be the same for all the RNi2B2C and RNiBC (except for Y) compounds.

I Introduction

The interplay between superconductivity and magnetically ordered structures, which is the main reason for the great interest in the RNi2B2C compounds, essentially does not exist for the RNiBC family [1-5], since with the exception of LuNiBC [3] none of these compounds has been found to be superconducting. In order to understand why this is the case, despite the fact that the structures of both classes of compounds are very similar, except for an additional R-C layer (next section), we have studied in detail crystallographic structure, magnetic ordering and transport properties of RNiBC (R= Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd) compounds. Especially 57Fe Mössbauer Effect (ME) spectroscopy on 1 at % 57Fe-doped RNi2B2C and RNiBC has been used to study the local structure at the Fe (Ni) site via the nuclear quadrupole splitting and the magnetic order of the R magnetic moments via the transferred magnetic hyperfine field.

II Structure

The similarities between the RNi2B2C and the RNiBC structure are illustrated in Figs. 1(a) and (b): while in RNi2B2C [ º (RC)1(NiB)2] there are alternating layers of R-C and Ni2-B2, an additional R-C layer exists between the Ni2-B2 layers in the RNiBC [ º(RC)2(NiB)2] series. Thus, in both classes of compounds the Ni2-B2 layers, which are responsible for superconductivity, are sandwiched between two R-C layers. These Ni2-B2 layers are built from NiB4 tetrahedra with a B-Ni-B bonding angle j as indicated in figs. 1(a) and (b). In RNiBC series the lattice parameters c and d [see fig 1(a)] turned out to be essentially independent of R with c=7.55Å and d=2.41Å [4,5]. In RNi2B2C (see Fig. 1(b)) (c/a) = 2(c¢/a), with c¢ being the distance of the R-C layers between which the Ni2-B2 layers are sandwiched and a being the lattice parameter in the basal plane [6]. In the RNiBC compounds c¢ is given by c¢ = c-d (Fig. 1(a)).

The |DEQ| values for RNiBC (R= Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd) and for RNi2B2C (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd, Nd, Pr) [7,8] are plotted in Fig. 2 as a function of the structural parameter (c¢/a) which is a measure for the B-Ni-B bonding angle j [see Figs. 1(a) and (b)].

Fig. 2 shows that all compounds, RNi2B2C as well as RNiBC, have the same linear correlation between (c¢/a) and |DEQ|. This clearly indicates that both the crystallographic and the electronic structure (which determine DEQ) at the Fe(Ni) site in RNiBC and RNi2B2C compounds are very similar for equal structural parameter (c¢/a). Furthermore, since |DEQ| is a measure for the deviation from ideal tetrahedral symmetry, we have to conclude from Fig. 2 that the NiB4 tetrahedra in RNiBC compounds displays stronger deviation from ideal tetrahedral symmetry than the RNi2B2C compounds. Considering the band structure calculations by Mattheiss et al [9], which have shown that ideal tetrahedral symmetry of the NiB4 tetrahedra happens to coincide with a relative high density of states at the Fermi energy, it becomes evident why the structure of the RNiBC compounds is less favorable for superconductivity than that of the RNi2B2C compounds (see section IV).

III Magnetism

HoNi2B2C orders antiferromagnetically at TN = 8.5 K and becomes superconductor at 8 K. An incommensurate modulated magnetic structure appears at ~ 6 K, which seems to be responsible for the reentrant behavior, i.e., the suppression of superconductivity between 4.7 K < T < 6 K (Fig. 3(a)).

The loss of superconductivity in this range of temperature is attributed to the appearance of a pair-breaking field at the Ni layer, where 57Fe probe is located. The transferred magnetic hyperfine field Bthf at the Ni (57Fe) site, resulting from the four nearest neighbor of Ho atoms (two from the Ho layer above and two from the Ho layer below the Ni plane), will not cancel in the interval 4.7 K < T < 6 K, due to the incommensurate antiferromagnetic structure of HoNi2B2C. The Bthf as a function of the temperature (Fig. 3(b)), shows clearly that such a magnetic pair breaking field indeed exists in the reentrant region for the HoNi2B2C compound. A pair-breaking field (transferred hyperfine field) was observed at the Ni site and also suppresses superconductivity in TbNi2B2C [10] and GdNi2B2C [11]. Such kind of pair breaking field is not observed in case of DyNi2B2C and ErNi2B2C, where superconductivity coexists with magnetic order [12].

The superconductivity in the collinear AF superconductor DyNi2B2C relies on the delicate canceling of the ordered magnetic moments on the Ni site. As a consequence, no Bthf was observed at any temperature in this compound. On the other hand, the doping of DyNi2B2C with other non-magnetic elements (e.g. Lu), Dy1 - xLuxNi2B2C, disturb this balance and would yield to the appearing of a net Bthf at the Ni site, such that Lu should act like a magnetic impurity. So, a decreasing of Tc with the Lu doping, in agreement with the Abrikosov-Gor'kov theory, was observed [13]. Furthermore, these elements introduce disorder in the 4f -spin system such that simultaneously TN also decreases with doping concentration. Low temperature Mössbauer experiments on non-superconducting Dy0.8Lu0.2Ni2B2C shown that in fact a Bthf exist below TN and act as pair breaking field. Fig. 4 shows the Bthf, as a function of the temperature for Dy0.8Lu0.2Ni2B2C.

The magnetic ordering temperatures TM of RNiBC (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb, Gd) have been determined by AC susceptibility measurements [5]. We have plotted these values for the different compounds in Fig. 5 together with those of the corresponding RNi2B2C and RRh4B4 compounds as a function of the de Gennes factor. While the TM values of the RNi2B2C compounds nicely follow a linear relation with the de Gennes factor (see Fig. 5) this is not the case for the RNiBC compounds where TM for Dy and Tb are even higher than that for Gd (see Fig.7). This finding is very similar to that found for ferromagnetic (FM) ordered RRh4B4 compounds where again the highest TM does not occur for Gd but for Dy (Fig. 5). Crystal field effects have explained this fact which enhance TM of FM compounds in such a way that TM of TbRh4B4 and DyRh4B4 is higher than that of GdRh4B4 [14]. As it is shown below, DyNiBC and TbNiBC have a FM structure just below Tc.

From the analysis of magnetoresistance data for RNiBC (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb , Gd) [5] one obtains FM coupling for Er, Dy and Tb, corroborated by recently neutron diffraction data [15]. 57Fe ME studies below TM for RNiBC (R=Er, Ho, Dy, Tb , Gd) show a magnetic hyperfine field at the Fe (Ni) nucleus for Tb and Er, again in agreement with neutron and magnetoresistance data. No magnetic hyperfine field, on the other hand, was observed for Ho, Dy and Gd. While this is in agreement with the other experimental data for Ho and Gd, the absent hf field in DyNiBC is a puzzle.

IV Superconductivity

The Tc of the heavy magnetic rare earth RNi2B2C has been found to decrease linearly with increasing de Gennes factor (gJ-1)2J(J+1) [16]. This correlation pointed the magnetic pair-breaking as the dominant effect in determine the depression of Tc in magnetic RNi2B2C compounds but does not explain the behavior of non magnetic Lu, Y and La. However, a different approach, in which the structural effects seem to play an important role in determining the variation of Tc in the rare earth-nickel-borocarbides (including the magnetic and non-magnetic RNi2B2C, and their counterparts RNiBC), will be shown below.

A deviation of the ideal tetrahedral symmetry of the NiB4 of LuNi2B2C can be obtained experimentally doping the Lu site with the nonmagnetic La. Being the ionic radius of the La different from Lu the doping will lead to a change in the (c¢/a) parameter. Because these samples are nonmagnetic, there is no magnetic influence on superconductivity and the depression of Tc will be determined only by structural effects (change of (c¢/a) parameter). The above arguments are also valid for YNi2B2C if doped with La. In view of these facts we decided to prepare the Lu1 - xLaxNi2B2C and Y1 - xLaxNi2B2C alloys.

In order to see if there is any relation between this structural parameter and the superconducting transition temperature Tc we have plotted in Fig. 6 the Tc value for LuNiBC [3] together with those for the non-magnetic RNi2B2C (R=Lu, Sc) compounds, the non-magnetic mixtures (Lu1 - xLax)Ni2B2C [17], (Y1 - xLax)Ni2B2C [18] and the magnetically ordered RNi2B2C (R=Tm, Er, Ho, Dy) compounds. The non-magnetic LuNi2B2C, ScNi2B2C, (Lu1 - xLax)Ni2B2C and LuNiBC show a linear relation between (c¢/a) and Tc (see solid line in Fig. 6). The non-magnetic mixtures (Y1 - xLax)Ni2B2C also show a linear relationship between (c¢/a) and Tc (see dashed line in Fig. 6) with a slope which is identical to that for the other non-magnetic compounds. This slope of Tc vs (c¢/a), thus is a measure for the decrease of Tc with increasing (c¢/a).

The Tc values found for (Y1 - xLax)Ni2B2C are higher (for the same (c¢/a) value) than those of RNi2B2C family of borocarbides. As mentioned in section II, this feature is likely related with the fact that the Y does not behave as a rare earth in these series of compounds, which is also observed in the Chevrel phases [19].

The YNiBC becomes superconducting when doped with Cu [20], and their Tc vs c¢/a plot follows quite the same trend observed for the Y1 - xLaxNi2B2C series (Fig. 9). Despite the fact that in this case there occurs a change in the density of states at the Fermi level it seems that again a structural change is relevant for the change in Tc when the Cu substitutes the Ni in YNiBC.

Quite surprisingly the magnetically ordered RNi2B2C (R=Dy, Ho, Er) compounds with TN close to Tc are on the same line as the non-magnetic compounds. Only Tc of TmNi2B2C with TN << Tc is slightly below the line (see Fig. 6), indicating that there is a clear paramagnetic pair-breaking effect due to exchange scattering in the framework of Abrikosov-Gorkov theory for this compound. Thus, the pair breaking effect of the R magnetic moment seems to be very small for Dy, Ho, Er and it is D Tc » -2 K for Tm. This finding is quite in contrast to the generally accepted opinion that Tc in all magnetically ordered RNi2B2C compounds scales with the de Gennes factor [6,16]. However, it is in perfect agreement with very recent theoretical calculations [21] which have shown that the Ni(3d), electrons which are mainly responsible for superconductivity, do not feel the R magnetic moments in the case that the R magnetic moments are antiferromagnetically ordered, i.e. for Dy and Ho.

In the R1-xR'xNi2B2C pseudoquaternary alloys, where one of them is magnetic (e.g. R = Lu or Y and R' = Gd [11,22]), Tc will decrease according to Abrikosov-Gorkov theory. In this case, the pair breaking effect is more effective in reduction of Tc than the structural effect (change of c¢/a) and cannot be considered in our linear relation of Tc with (c¢/a).

Taking into account what was discussed above, the (c¢/a) parameter (a measure of the distortion of the NiB4 tetrahedra) seems to be a relevant parameter, which determines Tc in all non-magnetic and antiferro-magnetically ordered RNi2B2C and RNiBC compounds. On the other hand, the Tc scale with (c¢/a) ratio and the de Gennes factor in a similar way for the heavy rare earth RNi2B2C. However, in the Abrikosov-Gorkov framework is not possible to explain the differences in Tc of the nonmagnetic LuNi2B2C, ScNi2B2C, YNi2B2C, LaNi2B2C, and the R-C double layer LuNiBC compound.

The superconducting properties of the RNi2B2C phases are attributed to an electron-phonon mechanism [9]. Although the Fermi electrons in these materials have predominant Ni(3d) character, the superconductivity occurs only when a special s-p band is optimally aligned relative to the Fermi level (i.e., when the NiB4 tetrahedra angles are nearly ''ideal'') and which exhibits strong electron-phonon coupling [9].

Since we expect that the structure by itself can not determine Tc, more work is necessary to elucidate the role of the structural effects on the electron-phonon coupling, which seems to be essential to describe the nature of the depression of Tc in the rare earth-nickel-borocarbides series of compounds.

V Conclusion

57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy on 57Fe doped RNi2B2C show a transferred hyperfine field at the Fe (Ni) nucleus for the compounds where superconductivity is not observed (TbNi2B2C and GdNi2B2C) and where the superconductivity disappears in certain region of temperature (HoNi2B2C in the reentrant region) and doping (Dy0.8Lu0.2Ni2B2C, below TN). This transferred hyperfine field is interpreted as a field originating from the magnetic moments of the neighboring R atoms, which are in a spin configuration different that commensurate antiferromagnetic, and acts as a pair-breaking field at the Ni site. 57Fe Mössbauer results in RNiBC indicate a ferromagnetic spin structure for TbNiBC and ErNiBC and antiferromagnetic one for HoNiBC. Electrical field gradient measurements at Fe site show that the NiB4 tetrahedra in RNiBC displays stronger deviation from ''ideal'' tetrahedral symmetry (as that LuNi2B2C) than the RNi2B2C compounds. The same linear relation between Tc and (c¢/a) was found for the magnetic as well as the non-magnetic RNi2B2C and the RNiBC series, indicating that structural effects may be essential for the establishment of the superconducting state in the rare-earth-nickel-borocarbides.


We thank the financial support from FAPERJ/RJ, VW Foundation, Capes/Brazil, CNPq/Brazil and DAAD/Germany D. R. S. thanks Latin American Center for Physics (CLAF) for his Post-doc fellowship.


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  • *
    Permanent address: II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicherstr. 77, 50937 Köln, Germany
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      04 Dec 2002
    • Date of issue
      Sept 2002


    • Received
      28 Feb 2002
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