This study was designed to examine an essay written by Stuart Hall, a social scientist from Jamaica, whose academic productions in the field of cultural studies are classic. The paper considers his ideas from the points of view of Jacques Derrida, as expressed in the book The Monolinguism of the Other. In this study, we are concerned with the topic of identity, especially language and citizenship.
identity; deconstruction; language
identity; deconstruction; language
Identidades e suas impossibilidades
Zelina Beato*
Doutoranda Lingüística Aplicada - Unicamp
This study was designed to examine an essay written by Stuart Hall, a social scientist from Jamaica, whose academic productions in the field of cultural studies are classic. The paper considers his ideas from the points of view of Jacques Derrida, as expressed in the book The Monolinguism of the Other. In this study, we are concerned with the topic of identity, especially language and citizenship.
Keywords: identity, deconstruction, language.
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Referências bibliográficas
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