Six common bean cultivars were crossed in diallel and the segregant populations were assessed in the F2 and F3 generations to compare methodologies for parental selection in a breeding program based on hybridization. The cultivars involved in the diallel were A 114, A 77, ESAL 686, Milionário, Carioca, and Flor de Mayo. The segregant F2 and F3 generations were assessed on the experimental campus of the Universidade Federal de Larvas, in July 1994. It was found that the cultivars differed in their general combining ability (GCA). Flor de Mayo, which belongs to the Durango race, had the largest positive GCA estimate for grain field, and the cultivars from the Mesoamerican race, Milionário and A 114, the smallest GCA estimates. For flowering, the cultivar that most contributed to reduced plant cycle was ESAL 686. There was agreement among the results obtained from the diallel and the estimates of the parameter m + a of the populations. However, it was evident that the estimate of genetic variance of the populations should be considered as a condition to identify the hybrid population that will produce a line with high performance.
breeding program; common bean
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Alternative procedures for parent choice in a breeding program for the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
L.B. Oliveira; M.A.P. Ramalho; A. de F.B. Abreu; D.F. Ferreira
Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Caixa Postal 37, 37200-000 Lavras, MG, Brasil. Send correspondence to M.A.P.R.
Six common bean cultivars were crossed in diallel and the segregant populations were assessed in the F2 and F3 generations to compare methodologies for parental selection in a breeding program based on hybridization. The cultivars involved in the diallel were A 114, A 77, ESAL 686, Milionário, Carioca, and Flor de Mayo. The segregant F2 and F3 generations were assessed on the experimental campus of the Universidade Federal de Larvas, in July 1994. It was found that the cultivars differed in their general combining ability (GCA). Flor de Mayo, which belongs to the Durango race, had the largest positive GCA estimate for grain field, and the cultivars from the Mesoamerican race, Milionário and A 114, the smallest GCA estimates. For flowering, the cultivar that most contributed to reduced plant cycle was ESAL 686. There was agreement among the results obtained from the diallel and the estimates of the parameter m + a of the populations. However, it was evident that the estimate of genetic variance of the populations should be considered as a condition to identify the hybrid population that will produce a line with high performance.
Keywords: breeding program; common bean.
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