In de past 50 years, maternal mortality rates have declined, in contrast, the number of deaths due to injury during pregnancy is on the rise. The authors report a case of 24° week pregnant woman victim of penetrating abdominal trauma by gunshot who sustained a grade I11 transfixing injury of the uterine fundus. Treatment was conservative regarding the fetus. Hysteroraphia of the injuries was executed with closure of both penetrating orifices. Obstetrical-gynecological evaluation and echogram documented letal viability in the post-operative period. Post-operative follow-up was performed with periodical echograms up to delivery on the ninth month. Clinical findings, treatment and follow-up will be discussed.
Trauma; Penetrating trauma; Uterus injury
Trauma; Penetrating trauma; Uterus injury
Ferimento transfixante de útero em gestante
Penetrating injury in gravid uterus
Gerson Luís Laux, TCBC-PRI; Alcides Branco Filho, ACBC-PRII; Cláudia Fabricio de MelloIII; Esdras Camargo Andrade ZanoneIV; Lincoln Graça NetoIV; Fabiano Luiz ErzingerV
IMédico Chefe do Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do HUC
IIMembro da equipe de Cirurgia Geral
IIIMédica Obstetra do Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças
IVResidente do Serviço de Cirurgia Geral
VDoutorando da PUC-PR
Endereço para correspondência Endereço para correspondência: Dr. Lincoln Graça Neto Rua Pasteur, 416/401 80250-080 - Curitiba - PR E-mail:
In de past 50 years, maternal mortality rates have declined, in contrast, the number of deaths due to injury during pregnancy is on the rise. The authors report a case of 24° week pregnant woman victim of penetrating abdominal trauma by gunshot who sustained a grade I11 transfixing injury of the uterine fundus. Treatment was conservative regarding the fetus. Hysteroraphia of the injuries was executed with closure of both penetrating orifices. Obstetrical-gynecological evaluation and echogram documented letal viability in the post-operative period. Post-operative follow-up was performed with periodical echograms up to delivery on the ninth month. Clinical findings, treatment and follow-up will be discussed.
Key words: Trauma; Penetrating trauma; Uterus injury.
Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.
Full text available only in PDF format.
1. Birolini D, Utiywama E, Steinman E - Trauma em gestantes em cirurgia de emergência. São Paulo: Livraria Atheneu Editora, 1996,263-70 .
2. Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Mattox KL - Reproductive system trauma. In Trauma. Stamfort Ed. Appleton & lange, 1995,695-715.
3. Ma OJ, Mateer JR, DeBehnke DJ - Use of ultrasonography for lhe evaluation of pregnant trauma patients. The Journal of Trauma 1996;40:665-8.
4. Awwad JT, Azar GB, Seoud MA, et al- High-velocity penetrating wouds of lhe gravid uterus: Review of 16 years of civil war. Obstetrics e Gynecology.1994;83:259-264.
5. Iliya FA, Haij SN, Bushsbaum HJ - Gunshot wounds of the pregnant uterus: Report of two cases. The Journal of Trauma 1980,20:90-2.
Recebido em 25/5/98
Aceito para publicação em 9/11/98
Trabalho realizado no Serviço de Cirurgia Geral do Hospital Universitário Cajuru (HUC) Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná.
Referências bibliográficas
- 1 Birolini D, Utiywama E, Steinman E - Trauma em gestantes em cirurgia de emergência. São Paulo: Livraria Atheneu Editora, 1996,263-70 .
- 2 Feliciano DV, Moore EE, Mattox KL - Reproductive system trauma. In Trauma. Stamfort Ed. Appleton & lange, 1995,695-715.
- 3 Ma OJ, Mateer JR, DeBehnke DJ - Use of ultrasonography for lhe evaluation of pregnant trauma patients. The Journal of Trauma 1996;40:665-8.
- 4 Awwad JT, Azar GB, Seoud MA, et al- High-velocity penetrating wouds of lhe gravid uterus: Review of 16 years of civil war. Obstetrics e Gynecology.1994;83:259-264.
- 5 Iliya FA, Haij SN, Bushsbaum HJ - Gunshot wounds of the pregnant uterus: Report of two cases. The Journal of Trauma 1980,20:90-2.