June 19, 2013

To the editor

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the chronic and continuous infection of the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) 4. It is a major public health problem that has threatened the health of human beings worldwide, especially in developing countries. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched the “Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis”, which aims to save a million lives by 201511, China, the second among the 22 high-burden countries, has different incidences and prevalence of TB in different provinces. As the largest trading city in southern China, Guangzhou, located in the southern subtropical, with over 7.94 million registered inhabitants and 4.76 million floating population6, here TB has become one of the extremely common airborne transmission diseases. According to the document from Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and prevention (GZCDC), a total of 19,701 cases were newly diagnosed in 2012, yielding annual incidence rate of 1545.01 per 100,000 inhabitants, public health authorities are concerned about its unacceptably high prevalence.

In this study, we obtained data of TB cases in Guangzhou during the period of 2007-2012, from the National Notifiable Disease Report System (NNDRS). Descriptive statistics are used to describe the basic features of TB confirmed cases, chi-square test was used to exam linear trends in proportions by years. In China, TB is a notifiable Class-B communicable disease, all cases were diagnosed according to the unified diagnostic criteria issued by Chinese Ministry of Health, for a patient's illness to meet the case definition for TB the clinical signs (cough, coughing up blood, night sweat, fatigue, fever, and weight loss, etc) must be present and taken samples for laboratory confirmation (TB skin test, TB blood test, sputum smears and cultures, chest radiograph (X-ray), and appropriate laboratory tests). A standard form was adopted by local physicians and epidemiologist to collect individual information on each TB case, including age, address, onset date, diagnosis, and laboratory test result. Routine case reporting is done by hospitals through NNDRS within 24 hours.

From January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2012, a total of 136,394 TB confirmed cases were reported in Guangzhou, of which 69.83% (95,240) were male patients and 30.17% (41,154) were female patients. Annual incidence rate from 2007 to 2012 was 2612.33, 2384.31, 2103.75, 1822.62, 1609.18, and 1545.01 (per 100,000), respectively, showing a declining trend. The age ranged from 0.6 to 103 years (mean age was 40.41 years). The proportion of confirmed cases between <5, 6-19, 20-44, 45-64, and >65 was 0.43% (581), 6.63% (9038), 2.61% (3565), 78.33% (106842), and 12.00% (16368), respectively. By occupation, the highest proportion of cases was businessperson, which accounted for 29.31% (39,974) of all cases, followed by workers and farmers, which accounted for 23.01% (31,380) and 14.70% (20,050), respectively. Majority of cases lived in rural areas (69.65%). Notably, from 2007 to 2012, the proportion of patients identified as the floating population was 21.47% (5591), 19.29% (4843), 22.43% (5264), 28.06% (6070), 31.82% (6507), and 33.41% (6583), , p = 0.00 (Table 1).

Table 1
Statistical summary of tuberculosis cases reported in Guangzhou, China, 2007-2012

Despite the overall incidence rate of TB declined gradually in recent years, we found the proportion of patients identified as the floating population appeared an increasing trend by years. Similar observation was also reported in Wuhan city of China15. In Guangzhou, majority of the floating population are rural-to-urban migrants, they usually lived in crowded places, with poor sanitation, low health risk awareness, and limited access to health care10 13. Numerous studies revealed that compared to permanent residents, the floating population have higher incidence in many infectious diseases such as malaria1, measles5, and influenza7, etc. Furthermore, it is also reported that the floating population are at greater risk for HIV infection than the general Chinese population14. Once people coinfected with TB and HIV, the risk of reactivation increases to 10% per year12, mortality increases dramatically9. This suggested that more efforts should be directed towards improvement of TB control among the floating population.

In contrast to the finding from Africa where TB primarily affects adolescents and young adults3, we found more than 90% of cases reported were in the ages ≥ 45 years. This is because since 1978, BCG vaccine has been incorporated into Child Immunization Program in China2. According to the routine immunization schedule, BCG is given to children under 15 years of age, free of charge. However, most people at present aged 45 years and older have not been vaccinated, this make them more susceptible to TB infection compared to those vaccinated. We also found that the majority of TB cases are rural residents, this is consistent with the study from most of Chinese cities8. In addition, by occupation, businesspeople accounted for the highest proportion of cases, the gender of TB confirmed cases was more heavily male than female. One possible explanation for this might be that these people are more active in social activities, therefore more likely to contact with TB cases.

Taken together, we reported that the TB infection continued to have fairly high prevalence in Guangzhou, China. Among the patients, the floating population has made up a noticeable percentage and has appeared as an increasing trend on years. The male, age ≥ 45 years, businesspersons, and rural residents may be also considered high-risk groups for tuberculosis infection. This information may be useful for TB control programs in the future.


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  • 2 Chen ZR, Wei XH, Zhu ZY. BCG in China. Chin Med J (Engl). 1982;95:437-42.
  • 3 Lawn SD, Bekker LG, Middelkoop K, Myer L, Wood R. Impact of HIV infection on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in a peri-urban community in South Africa: the need for age-specific interventions. Clin Infect Dis. 2006;42:1040-7.
  • 4 Lima NA, Vasconcelos CC, Filgueira PH, Kretzmann M, Sindeaux TA, Feitosa Neto B, et al. Review of genitourinary tuberculosis with focus on end-stage renal disease. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2012;54:57-60.
  • 5 Liu S, Xu E, Zhang X, Liu Y, Du J, Wang J, et al. The epidemiological characteristics of measles and difficulties of measles elimination in Hang Zhou, China. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013;9:1296-302.
  • 6 Li T. Varicella emergency vaccination seemed instrumental in declining chickenpox incidence in Guangzhou, Southern China. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo. 2013; 55:217.
  • 7 Li T, Fu C, Di B, Wu J, Yang Z, Wang Y, et al. A two-year surveillance of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in Guangzhou, China: from pandemic to seasonal influenza? PLoS One. 2011;6:e28027.
  • 8 Li X, Zhang H, Jiang S, Wang J, Liu X, Li W, et al. Active pulmonary tuberculosis case detection and treatment among floating population in China: an effective pilot. J Immigr Minor Health. 2010;12:811-5.
  • 9 Luetkemeyer AF. Current issues in the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis and HIV coinfection in the United States. Top HIV Med. 2010;18:143-8.
  • 10 Lu XP, Wu M. Determinants of household healthcare expenditure of rural floating population in Beijing: a Tobit model approach (Article in Chinese). Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. 2010;42:565-9.
  • 11 Orcau À, Caylà JA, Martínez JA. Present epidemiology of tuberculosis. Prevention and control programs. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2011;29(Suppl 1):2-7.
  • 12 Selwyn PA, Hartel D, Lewis VA, Schoenbaum EE, Vermund SH, Klein RS, et al. A prospective study of the risk of tuberculosis among intravenous drug users with human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med. 1989;320:545-50.
  • 13 Shi Y, Ji Y, Sun J, Wang Y, Sun X, Li C, et al. Lack of health risk awareness in low-income Chinese youth migrants: assessment and associated factors. Environ Health Prev Med. 2012;17:385-93.
  • 14 Zhang L, Chow EP, Jahn HJ, Kraemer A, Wilson DP. High HIV prevalence and risk of infection among rural-to-urban migrants in various migration stages in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sex Transm Dis. 2013;40:136-47.
  • 15 Zhu M, Wang J, Dib HH, Wang Z. Enhancing the management of cross-regional transfer of floating tuberculosis cases by active follow-up and communication. Eur J Public Health. 2012;22:577-82.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Oct 2013
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