Carlos A. M. Ferraz; Milton G. Fuzatto; Imre L. Gridi-Papp
Tests were carried out to compare the effects of Chilean nitrate, ammonium sulfate and urea applied to the cotton plants by foliar spraying. These fertilizers were applied at the appropriate concentrations to give the same amount of N per hectare.
Results showed that Chilean nitrate and ammonium sulfate produced severe injuries to the leaves even when applied at low concentrations. However urea applied in concentration up to 15% did not cause damage to the cotton plants.
The low-volume application at the rate of 45 1 of solution per hectare, was the best method of spraying urea. In addition no incompatibility was observed by mixing urea and the insecticides commonly applied to the cotton plants by foliar spraying.
Although .the effects of foliar spraying with urea solutions could be observed through changes in the color of the leaves, aspect of the plants and through some increases of yield, new experiments are sugested in order to present final conclusions.
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Recebida para publicação em 10 de abril de 1969.