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(Updated: 2023/03/22)

About the journal


Basic information


Chronicle: Social Service is a profession regulated by law and an area of scientific knowledge that has been developing in Brazil for more than seventy years. In our country there are more than 85 thousand social workers graduated and registered in their Regional Committees of Professional Inspection. In relation to the number of professionals, in Brazil we have the second biggest set of social workers in the world, the USA having the first one.

According to Yazbek, Martinelli and Raichelis (2008), "the critical production about the profession is concentrated in Brazil, and it has to be considered that all the doctoral courses are in Brazilian universities, being such courses responsible for the qualification of the first masters and doctors in the area in Latin American and European countries".

In the past three decades, the area has presented a great development in its academic production, and such production, besides having contributed to develop new and improved professional interventions in the several fields of the social policies, has achieved the writing of hundreds of books, articles, reviews, and communication of researches.

Thus, the Brazilian Social Service was enriched when it changed from a discipline almost entirely devoted to intervention to a vigorous area of production of knowledge of the social reality, which decisively contributed to the creation of postgraduation courses that gave a new influx to the research and the production of bibliography of the area.

Since its creation, in September 1979, the journal Serviço Social & Sociedade has had an editorial politics directed to giving voice to the valuable academic and professional production of social workers and related professionals, as well as it has also shown the socialpolitical development of the Social Service and the thinking of its representative bodies.

The periodical was created at the end of the military government, when several social and popular movements were questioning the authoritarian State and were demanding democratic liberties. This was the same period when there was large unions' mobilization leading to the big strikes at ABC and to the creation of Partido dos Trabalhadores and CUT.

Those were the circumstances that marked the process of rearticulation of the politicalprofessional forces in the Brazilian society and in the Social Services, which promoted diversification and democratization in the ways social workers expressed themselves and researched. In this sense, the creation of the journal Serviço Social & Sociedade was contemporary with the significant renewal of the Social Service, and it keeps on contributing to the academic and professional development of this area of knowledge and intervention in the reality, as well as the development of related areas.

It is the first journal of Social Services to have a national circulation, and it is one of the most important periodicals of reference for professors and university students, researchers and professionals who try to keep up with the debate about the important national and international issues that reflect on the Social Services and the Social and Human Sciences.

According to researcher Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva, "it is the only Latin American periodical that has got to number 100 with a regular flow of publication for thirty years". The same researcher emphasizes the "recent classification in the A1 Stratum in the Capes / MEC's Qualis System Periodicals" (SILVA E SILVA, 2009, p. 601).

Aims: To make the academic and professional production by social workers and related researchers known, as well as contributing to the debate and critical and analytical deepening of the social theory, with emphasis on themes related to the Brazilian and Latin American reality.

Areas of interest: Applied Social Sciences, Human Sciences, Social Services, Ethics, Political Science, Public Policies, Health.

Additional information: The graphic and editorial project of the journal has been reformulated every 50 issues since its creation in order to modernize and improve its visual quality, so that the journal becomes more and more attractive and easier to handle. The last reformulation happened in number 100, September / December 2009. Besides that, in the special issues published to mark each decade of existence, Serviço Social & Sociedade has invited researchers and professionals to debate a theme of interest to the area, and that debate is ultimately revised and edited to be published in its pages, which has been very well received by the public of the journal. In Issue 100 there was an even further innovation, because two DVDs with the whole reproduction of the debate promoted by the journal to celebrate its thirty years of existence were added to the issue.

Mode: Continuous Publishing

Its abbreviated title is Serv. Soc. Soc., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and legends.



Intellectual property

  • Except for the places where it is identified, the whole content of the periodical is licensed under a License Creative Commons of the type attribution CC-BY.

The on line journal has open and free access.




Editorial board





Editorial board



Enlarged editorial board

  • Alcina M. de Castro Martins (Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Coimbra/Portugal)
  • Ana Elizabete Mota (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, Recife/PE, Brasil)
  • Berenice Rojas Couto (Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC, Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil)
  • Bernardo Alfredo Henríquez (Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, Coimbra/Portugal)
  • Elaine Rossetti Behring (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil)
  • Eunice Teresinha Fávero (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul – Unicsul, São Paulo/SP, Brasil)
  • Ivanete Boschetti (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil)
  • Ivete Simionatto (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, Brasil)
  • José Paulo Netto (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil)
  • Jussara M. R. Mendes (Pontifícia Universidade Católica – PUC, Porto Alegre/RS, Brasil)
  • Maria Aparecida Cassab (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil)
  • Maria Helena V. Nunes (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga/Portugal)
  • Maria Lorena Molina (Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Costa Rica, San José/Costa Rica)
  • Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva (Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA, São Luis/MA, Brasil)
  • Marina Maciel Abreu (Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA, São Luis/MA, Brasil)
  • Marilda Vilella Iamamoto (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil)
  • Margarita Rozas (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires/Argentina)
  • Norma Montesino (Lunds Universitet Socialhogskola, Lund/Suécia)
  • Potyara Amazoneida Pereira Pereira (Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil)
  • Raquel Castronovo (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Buenos Aires/Argentina)


Editorial production


Editorial assistance

  • Gabriela Orlando Zeppone


  • Ana Paula Luccisano


  • Linea Editora Ltda.

Page setup

  • Linea Editora Ltda.

Editorial adviser

  • Maria Liduína de Oliveira e Silva



Instructions to authors


Guidance for sending and submitting articles


Serviço Social & Sociedade (Qualis A1), a quarterly online Journal by Cortez Editora, has been published uninterruptedly since 1979, and it is a space for the expression of issues related to Social Work and Human and Social Sciences, social theories, public policies and Brazilian and world reality themes.

It will be not published articles violating professional ethics, articles containing prejudiced words or ideas, and articles with points of view that are incompatible with the work philosophy of the Editorial Board or of Cortez Editora.

The concepts and information in the texts published in Serviço Social & Sociedade are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and they do not necessarily reflect the thinking of either the Journal´s Editorial Board´s or Cortez Editora´s.

The structure of the Journal is open, making it possible to present articles resulting from researches, interviews and reviews.

The Journal has open and free access, and, in order that it can keep on being that way, with access to knowledge for all, we inform that, from issue n. 141 on, the author(s) whose article is evaluated and approved for publication must contribute with the amount of R$480,00 (four hundred and eighty reais), $ 100.00 (one hundred dollars). Such amount of money will be used to cover the costs of the editorial processes: text preparation, linguistic-textual revision, revision of ABNT standards, diagramming, XML conversion and publishing in general. Besides, if the article is selected to be published in a foreign language (English or Spanish), it must be added the amount of R$18,00, $ 4.00 (four dollars) per translated page (by page it is meant 1,400 characters).

Upon being informed by the Editorial Board that the article was approved for publication, the author(s) will have a period of seven calendar days to make the payment in the account given by Cortez Editora. In case of non-payment by the stipulated date, the article will not be part of the issue of the Journal.



Form and preparation of the manuscripts


Since January 2016, Serviço Social & Sociedade operates exclusively through the SciELO Publication System, which makes use of the Open Journal System as a support for the electronic management and publication of scientific journals. Consequently, the entire process of capturing and arbitrating the articles necessarily goes through this electronic platform. Every author(s) must register in the Submission system and submit the article to be evaluated by the Editorial Board. By doing so, the author(s) can follow the evaluation process of the article from the login and password. The access to the registration system can be done from the link:

After registering, with login and password, the author(s) can submit the article to be evaluated by the reviewers and Editorial Board.

The text, received only through the platform, is submitted to the double-blind evaluation system of specialized ad hoc reviewers. Such reviews are forwarded to the Editorial Board previously assigned to each specific issue of the Journal. Then the assigned Editorial Board evaluates each review and decides which articles are going to be part of the referred issue. Such decision is made in the quarterly Editorial Board meeting.



Conditions for submission


When submitting an article to the Journal, the author(s) must read, accept and mark as accomplished each one of the conditions for submission. The list of conditions is also presented in the Guidelines for Author(s), on the About the Journal page. The items are:

1. The author(s)´s name(s) is(are) duly omitted throughout the text (requirement for double-blind analysis);

2. When registering in the system, every author must inform ORCID, expertise, name of the institution, faculty and department to which the author(s) is(are) attached, and contact e-mail. Such information cannot appear in the article (see item 1);

3. The contribution is original and unpublished, that is, it is not being evaluated for publication in any other journal;

4. The submission file is in Word format. The text is in 1.5 space, and it uses a 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font;

5. The article has a title (concise and informative, with, at the most, 100 characters, spaces included in that number). The title must be in upper and lower case, that is, the first letter in uppercase and the others in lowercase;

6. The title must be both in Portuguese or Spanish and in English. The title in English must appear just below the title in Portuguese;

7. The article must have a summary both in Portuguese or Spanish and in English with a maximum of 500 characters with space, and it must present 3-6 keywords;

8. The total volume of the text does not exceed 40 thousand characters with space, from the title to the last bibliographic reference;

9. The article does not present more than 3 authors;

10. The bibliographical references are in alphabetical order at the end of the article, containing only the works that were referred to throughout the text, and not the works that served for simple consultation. They must comply with ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) standards;

11. In the case of texts resulting from research with human beings, these must have been approved by the Ethics Committee or similar body, upon presentation of proof;

12. The author(s) declares(declare) to be aware that, in case of approval of the text, he/she (they) will have up to 7 calendar days to pay the publication fee;

13. The author(s) declares(declare) to be aware that, when the process of revision of the approved text starts, he/she (they) will have up to 3 days to answer questions/pending issues, from the date of the e-mail sent by the Editorial Department requesting the intervention of the author(s). In case of non-compliance with the deadline, the article will not be published;

14. The author(s) declares(declare) to be aware that the failure to comply with any of the items above may result in exclusion from the submission of the text.





1. The simple sending of originals for evaluation, in case of approval, already implies authorization for publication, as well as the commercialization by the publisher;

2. The copyright of the published articles belongs to the author(s), and the copyright of each edition belongs to Cortez Editora. Therefore, if the author(s) wants(want) to republish the articles in collections or other journals, he/she (they) just has (have) to mention the first publication in Serviço Social & Sociedade Journal;

3. If the publisher decides to print a specific issue of the journal, the author(s) whose article was published in that issue will be informed and will receive 2 copies by way of copyright, in the case of a single author per article. If the article was written by two or three authors, they will be entitled to 1 copy each. Copies will be sent to a single address, and the author who receives them is responsible for forwarding the copies to the other authors.




Cortez Editora Ltda Rua Monte Alegre, 1074, 05014-001 - São Paulo - SP, Tel: (55 11) 3864-0111 , Fax: (55 11) 3864-4290 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil