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(Updated: 2022/08/31)

About the journal


Basic information


Sociedade & Estado (S&E) publishes original articles that reverberate the notorious diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of social sciences.

The review Sociedade e Estado has been edited by the Department of Sociology at the University of Brasilia since of 1986. In this period, original works related to Social Sciences were published in the following categories: theoretical studies, critical reviews of literature, research reports, technical reports, reviews and notices.

Its abbreviated title is Soc. estado, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Indexing Sources

  • CLASE - citas latino-americanas de sociologia y economia
  • Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas Editoriais das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras
  • DATAINDICE - Banco de Dados Bibliográficos do Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro-IUPERJ
  • DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • EuroPub Database
  • GOOGLE Acadêmico
  • IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
  • LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • OJS/PKP - Open Journal System / Public Knowledge Project
  • ProQuest
  • REDALYC - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portuga
  • RESEARCHING BRAZIL - Indiana University
  • ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
  • SciElO - Scientifie Electronic Library Online
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)


Intellectual Property


The on line journal has open and free access.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.



Institutional sponsors


Since its creation, the review has received financial support from CNPq.

  • CNPq
  • FAP/DF
  • ICS/UnB
  • SOL/UnB



Editorial Board








Editorial Committee



Editorial Board



Editorial production

  • Preparation of Documents:
    Enderson Paulo dos Reis
  • Editing, Proofreading and Layout:
    Franck Soudant



Instructions to authors


Scope and Editorial policy


Sociedade e Estado publishes original work in Sociology and related domains with   theoretical, methodological and/or empirical contributions to the field. Sociedade e Estado accepts submissions in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and other languages subject to the editorial team decision. The following  types of paper can be published as articles, in special sections or in thematic issues (these are subject to specific conditions detailed below).

1. Theoretical studies: conceptual analyses and discussions that contribute towards understanding existing theoretical models and that elaborate hypothesis for future research;

2. Technical notes: reports and descriptions of original research instruments and techniques;

3. Research reports: reports on research projects that deploy scientific methods and are based on empirical data;

4. Critical reviews of the literature on issues and themes of interest of the Social Sciences, especially Sociology;

5. Book reviews;

6. Methodological studies: papers on research techniques/procedures and data analysis;

7. Translations (only published on some of the journal’s platforms);

8. News (only published on some of the journal’s platforms).

Each article will receive its own DOI (Digital Object Identifier).



Manuscript preparation



1. Sociedade e Estado publishes articles authored by Ph.D. holders or Ph.D. candidates. Exceptional cases will be analysed individually by the Editorial Team;

2. Submissions are accepted solely through the journal website;

3. Submitted papers are initially assessed by the journal’s Editorial Team. Those accepted in this stage will then be submitted to a double-blind peer review process including, at least, two specialists in the article’s topic;

4. Authors have the choice to submit in conformity with Open Science, except for articles submitted to thematic issues. Those willing to have their papers sent to an open review process, must fill out the relevant form during submission and upload the manuscript on the Open Preprint System (OPS) server after being notified by the Editorial Team;

5. Sociedade e Estado does not accept articles with evidence of plagiarism or with over 20% of auto-plagiarism. The journal uses a software to verify plagiarism. Ethical procedures as well as good academic practice should be observed by the authors, such as disclosing funding information and ethics committees approval for their research projects, if applicable.  During submission the author(s) will be required to sign statements concerning these matters;

6. Article’s information, descriptions, analyses and further contents are the author’s sole responsibility;

7. Authors will be notified of the approval or rejection of their articles. Authors who have previously published in Sociedade e Estado  should observe a quarantine of one and a half year (18 months) between the date of publication and a new submission;

8. Authors will be notified of suggested or necessary modifications in content and/or structure and must make them in a maximum period of a month. In case these changes are not made in accordance with the Editorial Team instructions, the article will not be accepted;

9. After papers have been submitted to the journal,  changes or amendments are not allowed.

10. Articles must be written using standard academic language (Portuguese or foreign), and the authors may be asked to submit their papers to a professional reviewer on their own expense.


1. Articles must be submitted as a double-spaced, Word-formatted and typed file (font: TIMES NEW ROMAN, size 12) with a maximum of 30 consecutively numbered pages;

2. The first page must indicate the article’s title (and subtitle, in case there is one);

3. If the submission takes place only through the journal’s website (not through the preprint system), any information or quotations that may identify the manuscript’s authorship have to be removed without impairing the content, or the respective references must contain the word “author”, since it will be subject to a  double-blind peer-review process;

4. Articles must have an abstract in Portuguese of up to 150 words, as well as an English translation. It should summarise the paper´s objective(s), methods and main conclusions. In addition, it must include five keywords (both in Portuguese and English), and the article’s title in English. Articles in other languages should further include all these elements in the chosen language;

5. Book reviews must be critical, therefore contextualizing the reviewed work in its thematic field and shall not surpass eight pages of length (doube-spaced). The reviewd book must have been published during the last two years (in case of Brazilian works) or five years when it is a foreign work. The reviews will be submitted with a title chosen by the author, followed by the complete reference of the reviewed book and presenting, at the end, the literature of other works of the thematic dialogue that support its findings;

6. Footnotes must be of substantial nature (i. e., not bibliographic) and be reduced to the necessary minimum, being no longer than eight lines. Quotations throughout the paper must accord to the following format: (author, date, page);

7. Quotations must be put in “inverted commas” in the body text if under three lines, and if three lines or longer must appear as an indented paragraph format, to the left, 1,5 cm, with font 10. Quotations must be in the article’s language;

8. Images must be have to be prepared electronically and be sent in separate files indicating the program used for their elaboration preparation;

9. Tables and charts should be numbered (following the order of appearance in the text), and prepared through Excel or Word. They must be submitted in a separated file;

10. References must be presented at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, observing the current ABNT norms. Examples:

  • Books:
    BHAMBRA, Gurminder. Connected sociologies. London: Bloombury, 2014.
  • Articles:
    SORJ, Bila. “Sociologia e trabalho: mutações, encontros e desencontros”. Rev. bras. Ci. Soc., v. 15, n. 43, p. 25-34, Jun. 2000.
  • Book chapters:
    TOLEDO, M. R. A. “A Companhia Editora Nacional e a política de editar coleções”, in: BRAGANÇA, A. (Org.). Impresso no Brasil. Dois séculos de livros brasileiros. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2010.
  • Dissertations and theses:
    SANTOS, Mariza Veloso Motta. Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional: O mapeamento de uma formação discursiva. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade de Brasília, 1991.

11. The responsibility for the papers published in Sociedade e Estado lies exclusively with the authors, not necessarily expressing the opinion of the journal’s Editorial Team, Editorial Committee or Advisory Board.


1. Sociedade e Estado publishes regular issues alternating them with thematic issues.

2. Thematic issues must be composed of five to seven articles, following the above mentioned guidelines.

3. Thematic issue proposals can be submitted at any moment to the Editorial team, which will analyze its relevance to the journal.

4. Each thematic issue proposal must be accompanied by a theoretical discussion of its theme, the CV’s of the proponents, an abstract of each of its composing article as well as a short biography of each author. Guest editors must be Ph.D.’s holders and have made a significant contribution to the Social Sciences, especially to Sociology.

5. At least two of the thematic issue articles must be in English and two authors need to have foreign institutional affiliations. Guest editors are allowed to submit one article preferably in co-authorship. They must also write a concise presentation of the thematic issue.

6. In case the proposal is accepted, the deadline for submitting the articles will be fixated by the Editorial team, which upon receiving the papers will direct them to a double-blind peer review process. Guest editors may suggest reviewers to the Editorial team, respecting the principles of anonymity in regard to the article’s authorship.

7. Copyediting of the articles in English or other foreign languages may be requested to the guest editors.


Sociedade e Estado is open to receive translated articles already published elsewhere, which must be accompanied by an argumentative reasoning on its relevance, credentials of the author(s) and the original publication, presentation of the proponent(s) and the translator(s). The translation implies the proponent's responsibility of revising the Portuguese version, obtaining the publication rights as well as preparing the translation accordingly to our journal's formatting. If approved by the Editorial Team, the translation will be published online solely on the UnB platform.



Sending of manuscripts


The articles should be submitted through the following link:

This journal does not charge submission or evaluation fees, and published articles are open access.




Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900 - Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil