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(Updated: 2023/12/22)

About the journal


A Brief History


The Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (RBSMI) / Brazilian Journal of Mother and Child Health (BJMCH) is a journal of international circulation, published by the Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP) with the mission of disseminating scientific articles investigating women's health, pregnant women and children in their clinical and epidemiological dimensions. In this sense, it is closely articulated with the same objectives of its sponsoring Institution, IMIP.

The BJMCH is the continuation of  the Revista do IMIP (Journal of IMIP), which was edited uninterruptedly since its foundation in 1987 until the year 2000.

Professor Fernando Figueira’s presence was fundamental in these undertakings, as a medical editor and founder of the Revista do IMIP a great encourager for BJMCH, who achieved to widen the Revista do IMIP (Journal of IMIP) in becoming international.

The BJMCH is open to health researchers from all over the world. Most of the published articles were not only come from Brazil, but from all Latin America, Portuguese-speaking African Countries, Portugal and Spain among others.



Compliance with Open Science


This journal follows the open Science Green model.

When submitting a manuscript, it is mandatory to fill in the "Open Science Compliance" form, in which the authors share with the journal information about the manuscript's compliance with Open Science communication practices.

Sharing research data, which are the scientific components or records that support the results, allows for their validation/replication. In this way, RBSMI recommends making Research Data and/or other materials available in repositories in order to facilitate the evaluation of manuscripts, contribute to the preservation and reuse of content as well as the reproducibility and transparency of research. We have adopted Level 1 data curation.

Access to the SciELO Data RBSMI repository and sample declarations and guides are available at the links below:

Filling in the Data Availability Declaration Topic 2.2;
Data Preparation Guidelines;
Data Deposit Guidelines;
Data Citation Guidelines

In adherence to the Science and Open Data guidelines, we have adopted the publication model with the name of the responsible editor (Associate) at the end of the published article.



Ethics in Publishing


The Helsinki Declaration of 1975, revised in 2013, must be respected. For Brazilian articles, it will be required that the Declaration of Approval of the Ethics Committee according to the guidelines of the Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP) (National Commission for Research Ethics) and, for the articles from abroad, the Declaration of Approval of the Ethics Committee from the place of origin where the research was carried out, must be mentioned in the methods section of the article, including the number and date of the opinion and submitted in the system. For articles that do not require approval from the Ethics Committee, a statement signed by the author waiving the requirement must be entered into the system.



Focus and Scope


RBSMI focuses on the field of maternal and child health, whose scope includes the different aspects of maternal health, women's health and children's health, taking into account their multiple epidemiological, clinical, surgical and psychosocial determinants.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing Sources


The articles published in the Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil / Brazilian Journal of Mother and Child Health are indexed or abstracted by:





Journal title: Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil / Brazilian Journal of Mother and Child Health
Short title: Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant.
Published by: Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira
Periodicity: Annual
Publication type: Continuous publication
Year the journal was created: 2001



Websites and Social Media


Instagram: imipensinoepesquisa






Preprints that have been deposited on a server and/or during the peer review process will be accepted for submission to RBSMI. The author must inform the server and assigned DOI. Articles that have already been approved should not be published on a preprint server.



Peer review process


In keeping with the Science and Open Data guidelines, we publish the name of the editor responsible (Associate) for the evaluation in the final article. Reviewers are also offered the option of talking directly to the corresponding author, whether or not their identity is disclosed. Authors have the option of publishing the approval of articles without identifying the reviewers.

The selection of each article rigorously obeys the following procedure:

As soon as the corresponding manuscript is received, it is verified by a checklist with the minimum editorial requirements (mission, scope and category of the article). After checking, the manuscript it is then evaluated by the editor-in-chief who sends it to the associate editor to be submitted for analysis and receive the opinion of two Ad Hoc reviewers to be evaluated for scientific merit. In case of disagreement among their opinions, a third reviewer will be requested. The associated editor may in the same way at his/her criteria, issue a third opinion.

Based on their opinions and on the judgment of the associate editor, the executive editor, and the editor-in-chief, the manuscript receives one of the following classifications: 1) accepted; 2) recommended, but with minor revision; 3) recommended, but with major revision; 4) rejected. In classifications two and three, the opinions are sent to the author(s), who have the opportunity to revise and resubmit to the journal accompanied by a reply letter detailing the items that have been suggested by the reviewers and the modification made; and in condition four, the manuscript is returned to the author(s). In case of acceptance, the article is published in continuous flow. Since the journal adopts the ScholarOne system to manage the flow of manuscripts, having clear knowledge of the process, authors can follow all the steps in the editing of the article.

Articles submitted to the BJMCH will undergo plagiarism detection before sending for Ad Hoc evaluation. Thus, to ensure the originality of the manuscripts, there may be questions for the authors to clarify anyinformation identified by the software. If there is evidence of plagiarism, an unacceptable editorial practice, the authors involved will not be permitted to submit new articles to the journal.

All approved articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish will be translated into English. In this case, the translation must be done by qualified professionals who issue a certification or appointed by the journal. The translated article must be accompanied with a statement from the translator.

The approved manuscript is edited for revision on the scientific writing (clarity, precision and robustness), grammar and style. The BJMCH reserves the right to make changes or recommend grammatical revision to the authors for optimal communication with the readers.

Before publication of the article the manuscript proof is submitted to the author(s) to verifiy and give the final approval. The article is only published after the author(s)’ approval. For the management of manuscripts, the BJMCH uses the website - ScholarOne.

The average processing time until the acceptance for publication of each article is six months.

The collection of our journal is available at SciELO Base since 2001 with no previous editions.

There were several important factors for the National and International Recognition of the Journal, should be highlighted as followed:

1. IMIP has total commitment of maintaining the journal with a high level of qualification;
2. IMIP is responsible to search for professional consultants with expertise in scientific publications in Brazil and abroad;
3. Total commitment in maintaining a team of qualified Scientific Editors in the areas of scope;
4. Indexation since its beginning in the Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO) and afterwards in 12 other international bases, including Scopus;
5. Membership and active participation in the Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC) (Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors), of which it is a partner and integrated as a general secretary for 4 years;
6. Maintenance of a uniform standard of technical and editorial quality (Layout, Format, Regularity of publication); 
7. Regular contact and has service with SciELO technical recommendations;
8. Commitment of the editorial production team with technical preparation in the area, and highly integrated;
9. Integration to the international requirements of good practices for scientific publishing (ethical aspects respecting the authors and everyone involved in the publication: CC-BY, DOAJ, ORCID, etc.)
10. Scientifically certified by SciELO and Scopus indexations, it occupies one of the first five positions among more than 60 health journals indexed. In Scimago it has an H=23;
11. In the Qualis Capes ranking it is classified with B1.



Open Data


In accordance with the Open Science guidelines, RBSMI encourages the sharing of data and/or other instruments used in the research that supported the study and that could not be published in the work itself. We offer the SciELO Data RBSMI repository or recommend other online repositories Lista de repositórios para depósito de dados de pesquisa (List of repositories for depositing data).

We suggest the Guide to citing research data: Guia de citação de dados de pesquisa (Research Data Citation Guide).

Data Availability - Level 1

Data not available

The data set that supports the results of this study is not publicly available.

Available Data

The entire data set supporting the results of this study was published in the article itself.

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study has been published in the article and in the "Supplementary materials" section.

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study has been made available at [repository name] and can be accessed at [URL or DOI].

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study has been made available at [name of repository] with the identifiers [list of identifiers].

The entire anonymized dataset supporting the results of this study has been made available at [repository name] and can be accessed at [URL or DOI].

Data available on request

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study is available upon request to the corresponding author [name of corresponding author]. The dataset is not publicly available due to [detail reason for restriction, e.g. contains information that compromises the privacy of research participants].

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study is available upon request from [name of organization]. The dataset is not publicly available due to [detail reason for restriction, e.g. contains information that compromises the privacy of research participants].



Fees charged


There are no fees charged to authors for submitting or publishing their work. However, once approved, articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish will be translated into English. The journal will send the authors the translator's contact details so that the translation/revision can be carried out, optimizing the process, transferring the fees and sending the receipt to the funding bodies.

RBSMI offers a fee waiver for the translation/revision of articles for authors based in low-income countries, promoting equity in open access publishing (See list).



Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction


In the event of ethical infractions, such as data fabrication, plagiarism, duplicate publications, among others, the journal will deal with them in accordance with the resolutions of the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE). 

RBSMI adopts the Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication  in order to avoid misconduct. However, if this is proven, the journal will publish an Guide to recordin, marking and publishing Correction retraction (Portuguese only) and/or a Guide for registering , marking and publishing a retraction (Portuguese only) in order to uphold the ethical conduct of research.



Conflict of Interest Policy


When submitting the manuscript the authors should inform about the existence of conflicts of interest of any nature: personal, academic, financial, commercial or political that could potentially interfere in the evaluation process of the manuscript.

To resolve conflicts of interest and/or any type of ethical violation, the Editorial Committee, composed of the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, and Associate Editors, will take appropriate action in the event of identifying articles in which there has been research misconduct, including data falsification, plagiarism, citation manipulation, and pertinent non-authorization, among others, and if necessary appeal to higher authorities.



Adoption of Similarity Checking Software


In order to conduct the publication according to the ethical standards of scientific communication, the Journal adopts the iThenticate system to identify plagiarism. The anti-plagiarism check is done at the manuscript review/approval stage.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of the Brazilian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER) guidelines. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines for reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results and interpretation of findings. In addition, RBSMI observes the policy of gender equity in the formation of its editorial board.



Ethics Committee


All manuscripts presenting data collection involving human beings must be accompanied by a statement of approval from the Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for approving the research.



Copyright, Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


The Journal adopts the CC-BY license of the Creative Commons System, under which the authors retain copyright over the article published in RBSMI, and the right of first publication to the journal is maintained.

Approved manuscripts must be accompanied by a Copyright Transfer Declaration signed by the authors. The concepts expressed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors.

RBSMI encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the journal's website version is included.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies


The publication receives funding from:




Editorial Board


Editor in Chief



Executive Editor



Editorial Board




Associated Editors



Assistant Editor



Editorial Consultants



Special Thematic Consultants



Biostatistics Consultor






Instructions to authors



The Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (RBSMI) / Brazilian Journal of Mother and Child Health (BJMCH) is an open access journal published in continuous flow. The mission of BJMCH is the dissemination of scientific articles covering the field of maternal and child health. Contributions address the different aspects of maternal health, women's health, and child’s health, and may take into account their multiple epidemiological, clinical, surgical and psychosocial determinants.

Each article is published in English and Portuguese or English and Spanish according to the source language of the submitted manuscript, and may be submitted in any of the three languages. The evaluation and selection of manuscripts is based on the principle of peers’ review. There is nocharge for submission, review, and publication of articles.

It is required that the submitted manuscript has not been published previously and is not being submitted concomitantly to another journal.



Types of documents accepted


Manuscripts submitted must fit into one of the following sections of the Journal:

Editorial written by one or more Editors or by invitation of the Editor-in-Chief or the Executive Editor, being mandatory to include the bibliographical references of the citations.

Review descriptive and analytical evaluation of a topic theme, supported by relevant literature, taking into account the relationships, interpretation and critique of the studies analyzed, as well as suggestions for new studies on the subject. It can be narrative or systematic, and the latter can be expanded with meta-analysis. Narrative and integrative reviews will only be accepted by invitation from the editors. The organization may contain topics referring to sub-themes according to the relevance to the text, and for systematic reviews, follow the recommendations of the PRISMA statement. The reviews should be limited to 6,000 words and up to 60 references. It is recommended to register the protocols of systematic reviews, such as PROSPERO, which is not mandatory, but if done should be mentioned in the article.

Original Articles These disseminate results of unpublished research and should seek to offer sufficient methodological quality to permit reproduction. For original articles, it is recommended to follow the conventional structure, according to the following sections: Introduction: where the relevance of the theme is presented, preliminary studies of the literature and the initial hypotheses, the research question and its justification as to the objective, which should be clear and brief; Methods: describe the studied population, the criteria selection for inclusion and exclusion of the sample, define the variables used and inform the way that allows the reproducibility of the study, in relation to technical procedures and instruments used. Quantitative studies must inform the statistical analysis used. Results: should be presented in a concise, clear and objective manner, in logical sequence and supported by illustrations such as tables and figures (graphs, drawings and photographs); Discussion: interprets the results obtained, verifying their compatibility with those cited in the literature, highlighting new and important aspects and linking the conclusions to the objectives of the study. Manuscripts should have a maximum of 5,000 words, tables and figures should be no more than five in total, and it is recommended that up to 30 references be cited. For each study design, international recommendations should be followed, using their respective checklists, such as the STROBE statement for observational studies, the STARD statement for diagnostic accuracy studies, the CONSORT statement for clinical trials, etc.

In the case of clinical trials, it is mandatory to register the protocol in specialized databases, such as or Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (REBEC).

Qualitative papers are accepted, and should follow the usual methodological principles and criteria for the preparation and writing. The qualitative article must explicitly present analyses and interpretations based on some theory or theoretical reflection that promotes dialogue between Social Sciences and Humanities and Public Health. It is acceptable to present the results and discussion in a single section, in which the item "Final Considerations" may be added.

Research Notes concise reports on preliminary results of the research, with 1,500 words, a maximum of three tables and figures in total, with up to 15 references.

Case Report/Case Series rare and unusual cases. The structure should follow: Introduction, Description and Discussion. The word limit is 2,000 words and up to 15 references. They may include up to two figures.

Technical-Institutional Reports refer to relevant information from research centers concerning the scientific and organizational activities. It should have a structure similar to a Narrative Review. On the other hand, citations may be made, at the author's criterion, in the text and the respective references at the end. The word limit is 5,000 words and up to 30 references. 

Point of View qualified opinion on themes within the scope of the Journal (by editors’ invitation).

Review Critic reviews of books published and printed in the last two years or in online communication networks (maximum 1,500 words).

Letters critique of works recently published in the Journal, with a maximum of 600 words and up to 10 references.

Special Articles texts whose theme is directly or indirectly linked to the scope of the Journal, is considered relevant by the editors, and does not fit into the categories mentioned above. The word limit is 7,000 words and up to 30 references.

Some summary characteristics of the sections of the manuscripts are described in the table below:

Summary characteristics of the manuscript sections - RBSMI.


Number of  words

Number of Tables / Figures

Number of References

Abstract (210 words)

Author’s Contribution

Editorial (by invitation of the Editor-in-Chief)


Up to 2

Up to 15





Up to 5

Up to 60



Original Articles


Up to 5

Up to 30



Research Notes


Up to 3

Up to 15



Case Report/Case Series


Up to 2

Up to 15



Technical-Institutional Reports


Up to 5

Up to 30



Point of View


Up to 2

Up to 15



Special Article


Up to 5

Up to 30





Up to 2

Up to 15





Up to 2

Up to 10




Preprints will be accepted if they are deposited on the server and/or during the peer review process.



Authors' contributions


RBSMI now uses the Contributor Roles Taxonomy CRediT. In the case of more than one author in the production of an article, according to the CRediT taxonomy, all authors must describe their participation in the preparation of the manuscript.



Manuscript Preparation


RBSMI advises authors to check that the manuscript complies with the journal's rules before submitting it, so that it can be processed more quickly.

Manuscripts should be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows, in Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced. 

The manuscript should be structured according to the rules of each section of the journal.


1. In all file types, word count excludes titles, abstracts, keywords, tables, figures and references.

2. At the time of submission, the authors must inform the number of words of the manuscript.

3. In articles with a long title (12 or more terms), the short title (maximum 9 terms) is also required.

4. Cover Letter: text forwarding the manuscript to the Journal that must inform about its originality and the reason why it is being submitted to the BJMCH. It should also inform the participation of each author in the elaboration of the work, that all authors have reviewed the version submitted, that the article has not been submitted to any other journal, the author responsible for the correspondence and the sources, type of support and name of the funding agency.



Article Submission Format



  • Titles of the work (Portuguese or Spanish and in English);
  • Abbreviated titles (Portuguese or Spanish and in English) (maximum 9 words);
  • Name and full institutional address of the authors and their respective institutions (only one per author);
  • Authors' names (when compound surnames are used [e.g. Castelo Branco C, Levi-Castilho R, Coelho Netto NM]);
  • Full affiliation of the authors;
  • ORCID of all authors;
  • E-mail address of the contact author;
  • Abstracts should have a maximum of 210 words and be written in Portuguese or Spanish and English. For original articles and research notes, abstracts should be structured as follows: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Case reports/Case series should be structured as follows: Introduction, Description and Discussion. In systematic review articles, abstracts should be structured as follows: Objectives, Methods (data source, period, descriptors and selection of studies), Results and Conclusions. For technical-institutional reports and special articles, the abstract is not structured.
  • Keywords To identify the content of the papers, the abstracts should be accompanied by three to six keywords in Portuguese or Spanish and English, using the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DECS) of the LILACS Methodology and its English counterpart the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) of MEDLINE, adapting the terms designated by the authors to these vocabularies. (The metadata, including the title, abstract and keywords, must be in English when the language of the text is not English;)
  • Funding Inform sources;
  • DOI registration (in the case of preprints);
  • Language of articles;
  • Length of manuscripts (consider spacing);
  • Statement that the research has been approved by an institutional ethics committee.


Digital Assets


Tables and figures in black and white or grayscale only (graphs, drawings, maps and photographs) should be inserted after the references section. Graphics should be two-dimensional. We do not publish in color, hatched, three-dimensional or pizza format; 300dpi resolution.



Citations and References


The Journal adopts the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors - ICMJE (Vancouver Group), with some changes; follow the format of the examples specified here:

  • Book

Author. Title. Edition. Place: publishing house; Year

Heeringa SG, West BT, Berglund PA. Applied survey data analysis. 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group; 2017.

  • ­Book chapter

Author. Title of the chapter. In: organizers. Book Title. Edition. Place: publisher; Year. Beginning and final pages of the chapter

Demakakos P, McMunn A, Steptoe A. Well-being in older age: a multidimensional perspective. In: Banks J, Lessof C, Nazroo J, Rogers N, Stafford M, Steptoe A, editors. Financial circumstances, health and well-being of the older population in England. The 2008 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (Wave 4). London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies; 2010. p.131-93. 

  • ­E-book

Editor, Organizer, Compiler (Author(s), publisher. Title. Place: publisher; Year

Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer. Washington (D.C): National Academy Press; 2001.

  • ­Events as a whole (Meetings, Scientific Meetings)

Event; Date; Event location. Place: publisher; Year

Anais do IX Congresso Estadual de Medicina Veterinária; 13-16 jul 1985; Santa Maria, RS. Santa Maria: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; 1985.

Proceedings of the 12th International Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association; 1994 Aug 15-19; Toronto, CA. Toronto: IEA; 1994.

  • Paper presented at event (published proceedings)

Author. Title of the work. In: event; Date; Place of the event. Place: publisher; Year. Beginning and final pages

Jung MRT. As técnicas de marketing a serviço da Biblioteconomia. In: Anais IX Congresso Brasileiro de Biblioteconomia e Documentação; 18 - 19 maio 2005; Salvador, BA. Brasília, DF: Associação Brasileira de Bibliotecários; 2005. p. 230-9.

  • Paper presented at event (unpublished)

Author. Title. [Event; Date; Place of event].

Philippi Jr A. Transporte e qualidade ambiental [Apresentação ao Seminário Riscos do Cotidiano no Espaço Urbano: desafios para a saúde pública; 1994 set 20; Rio de Janeiro, Brasil].

  • Dissertations and Thesis

Author. Title [dissertation/thesis]. Place: responsible entity; Year.

Pedroso M. Inteligência decisória e análise de políticas públicas: o caso das Unidades de Pronto Atendimento (UPAs) [thesis]. Brasília (DF): Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de Brasília; 2011.

Jardim DMB. Pai-acompanhante e a sua compreensão sobre o processo de nascimento do filho [dissertation]. Belo Horizonte (MG): Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; 2009.

Considering that the Vancouver style does not consider the information in Brazilian laws, there are adaptations:

  • Documents of Governmental Nature

Competence (country, state, city). Title (specifications of the legislation, number and date). Summary. Title of the official publication. Place (city): publisher and Date (year, month and day); Section, volume, number, pagination. [date of access]. Website available

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Portaria no 1.459, de 24 de junho de 2011. Institui, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS - a Rede Cegonha. Brasília (DF): DOU 27 de junho 2011. [access in 2020 sep 20]. Available from:

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Lei nº 8.080, 19 de setembro de 1990. Dispõe sobre as condições para a promoção, proteção e recuperação da saúde, a organização e o funcionamento dos serviços correspondentes e dá outras providências. Brasília (DF): DOU 20 de setembro de 1990. [access in 2022 sep 15]. Available from:

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Portaria nº 154, 24 de janeiro de 2008. Cria os Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF). Brasília (DF): DOU 4 de março de 2008. [access in 2022 sep 15]. Available from:

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Boletim Epidemiológico: Sífilis 2019. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; Outubro de 2019. [access in 2022 sep 15]. Available from:

World Health Organization (WHO). Ear and hearing care: indicators for monitoring provision of services. Geneva: WHO; 2019. [access in 2022 sep 15]. Available from:

  • Article Published in Journal

Author. Title. Acronym of the Journal. Year; Volume (number): beginning and final pages

Stewart JE, Bentley JE. Hearing loss in pediatrics: what the medical home needs to know. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2019 Abr; 66 (2): 425-36.

  • Article Published in Supplemental Issue

Author. Title. Acronym of the Journal. Year; Volume (supplementary number): beginning and final pages

Ko JY, DeSisto CL, Simeone RM, Ellington S, Galang RR, Oduyebo T, et al. Adverse pregnancy outcomes, maternal complications, and severe illness among US delivery hospitalizations with and without a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Diagnosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Jul; 73 (Supl. 1): S24-S31.

  • Citation from Editorial, Letters

Author. Title [Editorial/Letter]. Acronym of the Journal. Year; Volume (number): beginning and final pages

Cabral-Filho JE. A Pesquisa Qualitativa, um foco da RBSMI [Editorial]. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2022; 22 (2): 197.

Souza ASR, Katz L, Amorim MMR. Esforços para combater a mortalidade materna por COVID-19 no Brasil [Letter]. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant. 2022; 22 (2): 453-4.

  • Article Published in electronic journal

Author. Title. Abbreviation of the Journal [Internet]. Year [date of access]; Volume (number): beginning and final pages. Website available

Neuman NA. Multimistura de farelos não combate a anemia. J Pastoral Criança [periódico online]. 2005 [access in 2006 jun 26]. 104: 14p. Available from: www.pastoraldacrianç

Najim RA, Al-Waiz MM, Al-Razzuqi RA. Acetylator phenotype in Iraqui patients with atopic dermatitis. Dermatol Online J [Internet]. 2006 [access in 2007 Jan 9]; 12 (7). Available from:

National Osteoporosis Foundation of South Africa. Use of generic alendronate in the treatment of osteoporosis. S Afr Med J [Internet]. 2006 [access in 2007 Jan 9]; 96 (8): 696-7. Available from:

  • Article accepted for publication in a journal

Author. Title. Acronym of the Journal. Year. (in press).

Yang AF, San Chun K, Yu L, Walter JR, Kim D, Lee JY, et al. Validation of a hand-mounted wearable sensor for scratching movements in adults with atopic dermatitis, J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022. (in press).

  • Electronic materials available on CD-Rom

Author. Title [type of material]. Publisher, Edition. Version. Place: Publisher; Year.

Reeves JRT, Maibach H. CDI, clinical dermatology illustred [monografia em CD-ROM]. Multimedia Group, producers. 2nd ed.Version 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995

  • Material exclusively accessible in electronic media
    • Homepage

Authorship. Title. [support]. Place; Year [access year month day]. Availability of access

Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Departamento de Ensino. IOC ensino [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; 2004. [access in 2004 mar 3]. Available from:

For more information check ICMJE website.



Supplementary Documents


When submitting a manuscript, the following forms must be completed and sent:



Funding Statement


Please state whether there were any sources of support or sponsors during the research, including names and explanations of the role of these sources.



Additional Information


Submission is done exclusively online via the article management system.

Please check that you comply with the RBSMI publication rules in terms of document types, manuscript preparation and submission format according to the journal's sections.

The journal is open and free access with online availability and adopts the open data policy.





Secretaria /Contact
Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira - IMIP
Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil - Executive Secretary 
Rua dos Coelhos, 300 Boa Vista 
CEP: 50.070-902, Recife, PE, Brasil 
Tel: +55 +81 2122.4141




Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira Rua dos Coelhos, 300. Boa Vista, 50070-550 Recife PE Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 81 2122-4141 - Recife - PR - Brazil