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About the journal


Basic information


Full Name of Journal:


Editor in Chief
Marcelo de Souza Bispo (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, PPGA, João Pessoa, PB, Brasil,


RAC accepts submissions from research efforts supported by different approaches, the submitted texts must address contemporary issues of regional importance without losing sight of the articulations with the global context. Thus, the objective is to encourage debates, development of public policies and new forms of management in line with contemporary social challenges. Proposals for special issues by guests are encouraged and welcomed. RAC publishes seven types of manuscripts: Theoretical-empirical Articles; Theoretical Essays; Methodological Articles; Provocations; Executive Letters; Technological Articles; and Cases for Teaching.

RAC is aligned with Open Science practices: data, materials and open codes, in addition to the dissemination of additional information related to the editorial process. The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of COPE - Committee for Ethics in Publications. RAC seeks to be the leading academic journal on administration in debates involving organizations and society on contemporary issues, with high-quality, peer-reviewed contributions. Thus, RAC always works to be a reliable source of data, information, and knowledge. In addition, RAC, through its editorial scope, prioritizes works that explore topics relevant to society. And, for that, it uses the themes highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN.

Target Public: The target audience consists mainly of academics and, in parallel, managers of public, private and third sector organizations interested in the dialogue with the contemporary problems in which the Administration can contribute.

Periodic Interval:

Continuous publication - Bimonthly (January-February, March-April, May-June, July-August, September-October, November-December).

Areas of interest:

Information Management, Science and Technology Management, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Research and Teaching in Management, Organizational Strategy, Managerial Control and Finance, Agribusiness Management, Operations and Logistics Management, Personnel Management and Labor Relations, International Management, Management and Public Policy, Social and Environmental Management, Marketing, Organizations/Organizational Behavior, Organizations/Organizational Theory.

Its abbreviated title is Rev. adm. contemp., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Classification Systems


Indexers and Repositories:

  • CLASE – Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades,
  • EBSCO Publishing,
  • Econpapers,
  • Europub,
  • EZB – Electronic Journals Library,
  • GALE – Cengage Learning,
  • Index Copernicus International
  • IDEAS (RePEc)
  • OasisBR
  • ProQuest,
  • Redalyc – Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal, 
  • Scielo – Scientific Electronic Library Online,
  • Spell – Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library,
  • Sumá – Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras.


  • Diadorim - Diretório de Políticas de Acesso Aberto das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras,
  • DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals,
  • ERIHPLUS – European Reference
  • Google Scholar
  • LATINDEX – Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal,
  • MIAR - Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals,
  • REDIB – Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
  • ULRICH’S Periodicals Directory
  • The Global Science Gateway.


  • 10th Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management,
  • Academic Journal Guide (ABS)
  • Carhus Plus+
  • Capes/Qualis

RAC is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)



Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The Revista de Administração Contemporânea adopted until Aug/2015 the Creative Commons license  attribution-type BY-NC. Actually, the license  is the attribution-type BY.




  • Institution: Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração - ANPAD.


  • Support:



Editorial Board




Editor in Chief



Associate editors



Scientific Editorial Board



Editorial Council



Production Staff


Editorial assistants



Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Publishing Guidelines


The RAC's mission is to contribute to a deep understanding of Contemporary Administration and its relationships with broader social problems through the dissemination of relevant scientific research papers, theoretical analyses, technological articles, teaching cases and provocations that can support academic and administrative action in public, private or civil society organizations. In addition, in order to collaborate to maintain the research's standards of ethics, and still allow the replicability of published studies, since June 2018 RAC adopted data policy and open materials.

Scope and Focus:

RAC is a journal focused on contemporary issues without losing sight of historicity and future perspectives. Thus, it publishes studies related to the administration of companies, public organizations or civil society. RAC seeks interdisciplinarity and epistemic plurality to position itself at the academic vanguard with a special look at ethical, diversity, responsibility, governance and sustainability issues. The objective is to publish studies of quality, relevance and impact, which can contribute to advance the scientific debate and respond to the contemporary challenges of society.

Target audience:

The target audience consists mainly of academics and, in parallel, managers of public, private and third sector organizations interested in the dialogue with the contemporary problems in which the Administration can contribute.


Theoretical-empirical articles, Theoretical Essays, Methodological Articles, Provocations, Executive Letters, Technological Articles, and Cases for Teaching submitted to RAC must be unpublished, nationally and internationally, and are not under consideration for publication in any other dissemination vehicle. The Journal of Contemporary Administration (RAC) accepts the submission of preprint articles when they are stored in trustful counterparts, such as Scielo PreprintsSSRN, and OSF. Papers published in annals of congresses may be considered by the Editorial Board, provided that they are in its final article form. Articles and documents may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.


In order to submit works to RAC, authors should follow all steps and formatting requirements in the files Guidelines for Publication and Brief Summary of the APA Standards, available at

Areas of interest:

Information Management, Science and Technology Management, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Behavior, Research and Teaching in Management, Organizational Strategy, Managerial Control and Finance, Agribusiness Management, Operations and Logistics Management, Personnel Management and Labor Relations, International Management, Management and Public Policy, Social and Environmental Management, Marketing, Organizations/Organizational Behavior, Organizations/Organizational Theory.

Analysis of Submitted Texts - Evaluation System

Text submitted to the journal will be sent for evaluation only after it is verified that they meet journal formatting and editorial standards

Theoretical-empirical articles, Theoretical Essays, Methodological Articles, Provocations, Technological Articles, and Cases for Teaching in Administration:The evaluation goes through a review system in which the first reading is exclusively intended to evaluate the relevance of the articles submitted, their suitability to the scope of the journal and aspects such as contribution and novelty (Theoretical-empirical articles, Theoretical Essays, Methodological Articles, Provocations), dilemma and quality of teaching notes (Cases for Teaching) and quality of applicability (Methodological Articles). Only works considered by editors and reviewers to be relevant to the community and, in particular, to the journal readers, will continue to the other evaluation stages. Once approved at this stage, the text follows to be double-blind peer reviewed.

Executive Letters: Submitted documents are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and Associate or Invited Editors, in accordance with editorial policy, without external evaluation.

RAC performs similarity check in all articles that advance the desk-review stage. The journal seeks to detect plagiarism problems, self-plagiarism, insufficient and inadequate quotes. RAC adopts iThenticate system for plagiarism check.



Manuscript preparation and style


All information regarding manuscript preparation and style can be found in the files Guidelines for Publication and Brief Summary of the APA Standards, available at



Manuscript submission


All information regarding manuscript submission can be found in the files Guidelines for Publication and Brief Summary of the APA Standards, available at

The Journal of Contemporary Administration (Revista de Administração Contemporânea, RAC) adopts the policy of not imposing charges for fees at any stage of the editorial process, from submission to publication, with the cost of the editorial process being the responsibility of the journal, as well as maintenance of distribution and unrestricted access to documents published by RAC.



Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Pedro Taques, 294,, 87030-008, Maringá/PR, Brasil, Tel. (55 44) 98826-2467 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil