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(Updated: 2022/06/28)

About the journal


Basic Information


The Psicologia Ciência e Profissão Journal is a quarterly publication by the Federal and Regional Psychology Councils. It publishes original articles concerning the professional work of psychologist, research, teaching activities or critical reflection about knowledge production in the field of Psychology.

Its major mission is to contribute to the professional qualification of Brazilian psychologists, besides socializing psychological knowledge produced by those who develop research and/or work in the field of Psychology.

Its abbreviated title is Psicol., Ciênc. Prof. (Impr.), which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Indexed in

  • INDEX – Psi Periódicos (CFP)
  • CLASE – Citas Latinoamericanas em Ciências Sociales y Humanidades
  • LATINDEX – Sistema Regional de Infórmacion em Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • PsycINFO – American Psychological Association
  • SciELO – Scientific Eletronic Library Online
  • REDALYC - Red de Revistas Científicas de América
  • Latina Y El Caribe, España Y Portugal - México
  • PSICODOC - Base de Datos Bibliográfica de Psicología
  • DOAJ


Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.





Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology
SAF/SUL Q. 02, lote 02, Bloco B
Edifício Via Office, térreo, sala 104
CEP.: 70.070-600
Telefone: (61) 2109-0100




Editorial Board



  • Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi
    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC, Florianópolis, SC – Brasil
    Conselho Federal de Psicologia


Editorial Committee

  • Camilla Fernandes Marques – Universidade Catótica Dom Bosco - UCDB
  • Daiane Gasparetto – Secretaria de Estado de Administração Penitenciária do estado do Pará
  • Ísis Gomes Vasconcelos – Doutora pela Universidade de São Paulo
  • João Batista Martins – Programa de Psicologia e Sociedade da UNESP - Assis
  • Walter Melo Junior – Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei


Associated Editor

  • Adolfo Pizzinato - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ana Paula Porto Noronha - Universidade São Francisco
  • Domenico Uhng Hur - Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • João Paulo Barros - Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Marcelo Calegare - Universidade Federal do Amazonas


Editorial Production


Journalist in charge
André Almeida

Ana Maria Torres de Sousa Maia
Gustavo Siqueira Gonçalves

Caboverde Tecnologia e Serviços Ltda.




Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


Psychology: Science and Profession (PSP) it is a journal quarterly published by the Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology.

The Journal publishes original texts in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French that are scientifically and socially relevant to the production of knowledge in the area of psychology and have a critical perspective, aligned with the policies of the profession and Human Rights.



Guide for authors


Submission of an article to PSP implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Regarding ethical aspects and the arrangement of the article, all manuscripts submissions  should follow the conventions laid down in the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed. Washington, DC). The information omitted in the following description implies that the APA orientation shall prevail.

Psychology: Science and Profession publishes:

1. Theoretical study / Literature review –The journal requires that the theoretical research in different fields of knowledge contribute to further the development of a subject or concept, put forth a theoretical debate that shows the state of the art in the field of psychology and its interfaces and culminate in notes suggesting a critical and innovative perspective. Articles that merely review literature and mention other authors’ position on concepts and theories or that research and survey data bases will not be accepted by this journal;

2. Research reports - Defined as scientifically relevant and unprecedented investigation, based on empirical material. It is necessary to explain the theoretical and methodological foundation and analysis, as well as the discussion that stems from the research. It should be between 20 and 25 pages long, excluding the abstract and reference list;

3. Case reports –Refers to reports on experiences that are related to professional intervention and that contribute to Psychological practices. Paper should be between 20 and 25 pages long, excluding the abstract and reference list.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Psicol., Ciênc. Prof. and should be used in footnotes and references.

Articles that are accepted for publishing become property of the journal.

In case the author wishes to disclose his/her work in other formats, this first publication must be quoted.

Texts requirements:

Papers submitted to RPCP cannot have been published in another format previously (journals, books, etc.) and cannot have been simultaneously submitted to or published in another scientific publication or research channel.

All submissions must be in accordance with APA Norms: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author), regarding paper presentation and ethical aspects inherent to the accomplishment of scientific research. Any omission of the following information will imply the enforcement of APA guidelines.

Note:  If a quote or interview excerpt is less than 40 words long it should be incorporated into the text inserted between double quotes. In the case that it is 40 or more words long, it should be presented in a different text block and not in quotes.

General evaluation criteria for texts:

  1. Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French and must include resumo, abstract and resumen;
  2. Text must be typed in double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, margins of 2.54 cm, aligned to the left;
  3. Texts should be submitted in .doc or .docx format;
  4. Tables and figures (graphs and images) should be in the body of the text, in an editable format;
  5. Sheets must not be numbered;
  6. Titles should be up to 12 words long, in bold, centered, and have upper and lowercase letters;
  7. Titles should refer to the phenomena studied and its relation to the research context;  
  8. The abstract should be in accordance with the development of the text and be 150 to 250 words long and contain from 3 to 5 key words per abstract;
  9. References and quotes should be in accordance to APA Publication Norms: American Psychological Association. (2010). (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author);
  10. All weblinks included in the paper should have active URLs and be accessible.
  11. Authors and coauthors that have a paper under evaluation should not submit a new one for consideration until an editorial decision is made.

Stages of Evaluation

  1. Papers will be evaluated according to their compliance to the Journal’s submission norms. If there are any mistakes in the submission process the authors and co-authors will be notified and their submission archived, and they may resubmit the paper at their own discretion;
  2. Papers approved during stage one will then be evaluated by the Editorial Committee regarding their alignment to the Journal’s scope. At this stage, the Editorial Committee may counsel with the Advisory Board. Articles may be filed if there is any dissonance and authors will be notified.
  3. Articles that are approved in the afore mentioned stages will then be sent to ad hoc third-party reviewers, keeping the authors anonymous. After this evaluation the article may still be refused, sent back for modification or accepted for publishing. In any case the authors will be notified.


Authors manuscript submission


Authors should submit manuscripts with the following specifications:

1) Letter to the Editor
All authors listed on the manuscript must have agreed to be authors and approved the submitted paper to the journal Psychology: Science and Profession through a cover letter signed by all authors authorizing its publication. The letter should be referred to Scielo platform, in .pdf format as a “Supplementary Document”. It also should include:

a) Type of text as descripted in the “Guide for authors”;

b) Declare that the text previously submitted to or published by any other scientific journal or publication;

c) Declare that the text previously submitted to or published by any other scientific journal or publication;

d) Declare compliance with ethical research procedures guidelines.The Editorial Committee may request documents related to the existing resolution (CONEP Resolution n. 466 from 2012 and/or CONEP Resolution n. 510 from 2016. Data from the decision from the ethics committee should not be included in the body of the manuscript to avoid identifying authors.

Only texts submitted to the Journal P: SP via SciELO Platform will be evaluated.

2) Title page
Title Page of each paper or article should be sent via SciELO platform as a supplementary document and must include:
Title in portuguese (12 words maximum);
Title in english;
Title in spanish;
Summarized Title;

The full names of all authors, academic titles given; the authors' affiliations; Authors' names as they should appear in citations;

An authors' address for correspondence to which the Journal can keep in touch.
Address for correspondence through which the Journal may maintain correspondence with the author.
Information regarding research funding from promotion agencies whenever suitable. 

In the case of the article having more than 4 authors, this should be specified alongside each one’s contribution to the conception and execution of the research and/or elaboration of the manuscript.

3) Online submission of the text
The original texts must be submitted via SciELO Platform upon registration of Author in the website of the Journal PSP (

To ensure the blind review process, authors will be responsible for removing from the text any authorship identification.

Authors will be notified automatically about the receipt of texts and can follow the electronic publishing process, using his/her username and password. Manuscripts will have the editorial process iniciated after the registration of all authors in the journal website and their respective e-mails.

There are no fees for submission and review articles.




Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil