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About the journal


Objectives and Editorial Policy



Geousp – Espaço e Tempo (Space and Time) is a publication of the Human Geography Graduate Program (PPGH) and the Physical Geography Graduate Program (PPGF) of the University of São Paulo. Access is free and non-commercial. Geousp is financed by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and by the Portal of Magazines of the University of São Paulo. Its main scope is to disseminate original and unpublished scientific articles from Brazilian geography. The magazine was launched in 1997 in print (ISSN 1414-7416) and, in 2009, started to be published in electronic format (ISSN 2179-0892).

Manuscripts are received in a continuous flow and published exclusively in a virtual environment, every four months (January / April, May / August, September / December) and depend on the observance of editorial standards and the opinions of the editorial board or ad hoc advisors. The journal guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers during the editorial evaluation.

The content of published texts is the sole responsibility of the authors.

Geousp Journal supports and practices Open Science principles that allow greater agility and transparency to the editorial process.

From the moment they are accepted for evaluation in the platform of Geousp Journal, the authors who so wish can publish the manuscripts in reliable preprints servers and/or publish them in institutional repositories during the editorial process, in order to allow productive contributions and increase the impact and citation of their work.

Acceptance for evaluation is the process of receiving the manuscript, in which it is checked against the norms and verified by an anti-plagiarism program, which guarantees the reliability of the submissions evaluated by Geousp Journal.

Aiming at transparency in the editorial process, the final version of the article will inform the Section Editor responsible for the evaluation, the reception and acceptance dates, as well as the contribution of each author, when applicable.

It is the author's responsibility to meet the best practices in relation to open science, as well as respect the ethical standards regarding the scientific production and content of the published manuscript, and failure to comply with such parameters may result in the rejection of the submission in addition to legal sanctions under the law.


The objective of Geousp – Espaço e Tempo (Space and Time) is to make public the record of geographic knowledge and its preservation feasible, to publish results of research involving innovative ideas and scientific proposals, to disseminate information and knowledge generated by the community of geographers and to create conditions for academic debate in the areas of Human Geography and Physical Geography.



Indexed in

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ);
  • Crossref; Digital Object Identifier (DOI);
  • Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. (Latindex);
  • CAPES Journal Portal;
  • Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB).
  • Portal of Journals of the Universidade de São Paulo


Intellectual Property


License Creative Commons attribution-type CC-BY.





The publication receives funding from:

  • Graduate Program in Human Geography / Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES-PROEX).
  • Portal of Journals of the University of São Paulo USP


Editorial board


Editorial Team

  • Ricardo Mendes Antas Jr. (editor-chefe)
    Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia Humana.
    São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  • Fernando Nadal Junqueira Villela (vice editor-chefe)
    Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia Física.
    São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
  • Thiago Muniz Garcia (editor executivo)
    Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Servidor técnico e pesquisador do Departamento de Geografia
    São Paulo, SP, Brazil                                                   
  • Vinicius Santos Almeida (assistente de edição)
    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia Humana (PPGH),
    Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo,
    São Paulo, SP, Brazil                             


Editorial committee



Scientific Committee



Editing advisors


Instructions to authors

Scope and policy


Geousp publishes original articles, and the authors undertake to declare that their manuscript is unpublished and that it is not being submitted, in part or in whole, to another journal.

The journal publishes theoretical or thematic texts in the area of geography, in the following sections:

  • Article – unpublished text resulting from research, and not from a monograph of graduation conclusion or projects of any nature.
  • Field research notes – systematization of data or new information collected in the field.
  • Critical review – necessarily from classic or current reference texts in geography.
  • Cartographies, images and other graphic expressions – they include maps, graphs and other figures describing the methodology or method of creation (software, techniques, etc.).
  • Essay – section reserved for invited authors.
  • Thematic dossier – it can be a proposal by research groups or by opening a public call with a theme defined by the magazine's editorial board. Dossier submission is conducted in the same way as the others. Manuscripts are only considered and accepted on their academic merit, regardless of any personal influence. The submission must have been previously discussed with the editor to justify its pertinence, through the electronic address or

Form and preparation of manuscripts


As long as they comply with the “Guidelines for Authors”, the works undergo an initial screening by the editorial board.

Approved in the first screening, the texts enter the merit evaluation process by consulting two ad hoc reviewers (experts in the field or in the topics on screen, with a minimum degree of doctor) and at least one external evaluator, appointed by the editorial committee, ensuring the double-blind evaluation system. If there are conflicting opinions, a third ad hoc referee is used.

If there is a request for the author to proceed with reformulations that partially or fully meet the criticisms or suggestions of the referees, the deadline for submitting the new version is 30 days. With the changes indicated in red font, this new version will be reevaluated by the editorial committee or by the reviewers who suggested the changes, according to its extension and depth.

Geousp reserves the right to diagram the manuscripts according to its graphic pattern.

The magazine offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific information freely available to the public democratizes access to knowledge. The authors pay no fee to submit their manuscripts for evaluation.



Send of the manuscripts


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.



Manuscript evaluation policy


As long as they comply with the “Guidelines for Authors”, the works undergo an initial screening by the editorial board.

Approved in the first screening, the texts enter the merit evaluation process by consulting two ad hoc reviewers (experts in the field or in the topics on screen, with a minimum degree of doctor) and at least one external evaluator, appointed by the editorial committee, ensuring the double-blind evaluation system. If there are conflicting opinions, a third ad hocreferee is used.

If there is a request for the author to proceed with reformulations that partially or fully meet the criticisms or suggestions of the referees, the deadline for submitting the new version is 30 days. With the changes indicated in red font, this new version will be reevaluated by the editorial committee or by the reviewers who suggested the changes, according to its extension and depth.

Geousp reserves the right to diagram the manuscripts according to its graphic pattern.

The magazine offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific information freely available to the public democratizes access to knowledge. The authors pay no fee to submit their manuscripts for evaluation.


Ethics statement


Ethical principles

Geousp – Espaço e Tempo (Space and Time) observes ethical principles and respect for academic culture and intellectual production, considering the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication: authors, editors and reviewers.

The magazine's editorial decisions are not influenced by commercial considerations or revenue sources.

Below we list the main guidelines of international and national organizations that serve as references of principles and good practices on ethics and malpractice:

  1. Principles of Transparency and Good Practice in Academic Publications” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  2. CSE’s White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications [COUNCIL OF SCIENCE EDITORSABEC BRAZIL. Diretrizes do CSE para promover integridade em publicações de periódicos científicos, 2012 
  3. Equator Network
  4. THE OFFICE OF RESEARCH INTEGRITY. Definition of research misconduct
  5. Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers - MOHER, D. et al. The Hong Kong Principles for assessing researchers: Fostering research integrity. Plos Biology., [s. l.], v. 18, n. 7, p. e3000737, July 16, 2020.
  7. FAPESP. Code of good scientific practice
  8. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). CNPq Research Integrity Commission Report
  9. SciELO. Guide to promoting the opening, transparency, and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals
  10. Guide of Good Practices for the Strengthening of Ethics in Scientific Publication
  11. Open Science Compliance Form


Conflict of interests


In case of close relationships with people, institutions or places, attention must be redoubled to avoid a conflict of interest. In the evaluation of a manuscript, involving authors and reviewers, the Geousp: Space and Time Journal rigorously observes, from its editorship, the establishment of a policy that seeks to avoid the involvement of people who maintain personal relationships, of friendship or adversity, as well as to involve people and institutions.

This procedure aims to give reliability to the analysis process of the submitted material, with a consequent increase in the credibility of the published articles. In this sense, authors and reviewers are requested to contact the Journal's Editorial Board in case there is evidence of

  • links and personal and institutional conflicts (of a family or partisan nature) between reviewers and authors;
  • financial support obtained in the development of the work and to incur in reading that may damage the reliability of the material produced.


Plagiarism and editorial misconduct


Geousp - Espaço e Tempo undertakes to investigate, after a formal and clearly identified complaint, cases of:

  • misappropriation of others' content - use of third party content without proper authorization, particularly in cases of content not yet published (software used for detection: Turnitin and iThenticate);-;
  • plagiarism - total or partial assumption of the authorship of third party material, which not only infringes ethics in scientific research but also constitutes a crime (software used for detection: Turnitin and iThenticate);
  • self-plagiarism - mere replication of more than a third of the results of previous works without the presentation of new results, including texts from annals (software used for detection: Turnitin and iThenticate);
  • undue authorship - allegation of individual authorship excluding other co-authors. This misconduct also applies when co-authored works are presented or published without the authorization of the other co-authors, even with the due attribution;
  • violation of widely accepted research practices - adulteration or falsification of documentary sources, citations or statistical or analytical data to obtain desired results, compromising the integrity of the research and, consequently, of the submitted or published article.

In case of suspicion of misconduct in investigating the cases mentioned above, constitute inappropriate behavior:

  • resisting to cooperate in clarifying the author's suspicions of scientific misconduct;
  • not reporting cases or suspected misconduct;
  • destroying evidence relating to infringement cases;
  • retaliating against people involved in reporting scientific misconduct;
  • raising false testimony about the misconduct of others.

After investigation and ample defense by the people targeted, the ethical violations verified will be dealt with according to their severity, through:

  • notification of the case to the party or to all involved - the main author, all authors, the institution that employs them, the study financier (s) and the third parties that are the target of misappropriation or plagiarism;
  • publication of a formal notice detailing the misconduct in a vehicle that is considered opportune;
  • publication of formal retraction of the article already published.

Complaints received by Geousp will be evaluated and answered by the editorial board, responsible for the investigation, which will be confidential.

In case of suspicious manuscripts, either due to a complaint by the referees or by the editors' confirmation, the evaluation process may:

  • be interrupted when there is clear evidence of misconduct;
  • be suspended pending the validity of the charges;
  • generate notification to harmed third parties, according to the cases of misconduct listed above.

If there is a formal complaint against the editors, the responsibility for the investigation will lie with a commission designated by the PPGH or the PPGF.

Claims, complaints or ethical violations other than those mentioned in this document will be examined by the editorial board in the light of COPE practices or the Guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brazil).

Sources consulted: Fapesp's Code of Good Scientific Practices_2014, CSE Guidelines for Promoting Integrity in Publications of Scientific Journals 2012, of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brazil), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); Good Practice Guide for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication; Open Science Compliance Form.



Preparing the manuscript manuscript evaluation policy


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Submissions must be made on the OJS Platform of USP's Portal of Journals.

Geousp Journal supports and practices Open Science principles that allow greater agility and transparency to the editorial process.

From the moment they are accepted for evaluation in the platform of Geousp Journal, the authors who so wish can publish the manuscripts in reliable preprints servers and/or publish them in institutional repositories during the editorial process, in order to allow productive contributions and increase the impact and citation of their work.

Acceptance for evaluation is the process of receiving the manuscript, in which it is checked against the norms and verified by an anti-plagiarism program, which guarantees the reliability of the submissions evaluated by Geousp Journal.

It is the author's responsibility to meet the best practices in relation to open science, as well as respect the ethical standards regarding the scientific production and content of the published manuscript, and failure to comply with such parameters may result in the rejection of the submission in addition to legal sanctions under the law.

Guidelines for submission of manuscripts

Geousp - Espaço e Tempo is an academic journal in the area of geography, with the following publication standards:

1 All works must be unpublished and cannot be submitted to another journal awaiting evaluation.
1.1 Submissions in Portuguese or Spanish are accepted.
1.2 Manuscripts must have three abstracts: mandatory in Portuguese and English and the third in Spanish or French. If the manuscript is in Spanish, the abstracts will be, in that order, in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

2 The submitted article can have one or two authors.
2.1 An author can only return to submitting manuscripts to Geousp after at least one year of their last publication.
2.2 When there are two authors, the contribution of each one in the elaboration of the article must be indicated using two minimum authorship criteria: a. What was the participation of each one in the discussion of the results; b. What was the participation in the revision and approval of the final version of the work

This information must appear at the end of the manuscript, after the references, as follows:


3 For blind peer review, the manuscript cannot contain the authors' names.
3.1 When referring to the author himself, his last name must be replaced by the word "Author".
3.2 Figures, tables, maps, tables and other illustrations cannot bear the name of the author (s), but only (Author, year).

4 It is up to the editors to judge whether the manuscript is unpublished and aligned with the scope of the journal:
4.1 Article - unpublished text that is the result of research, and not a monograph of graduation conclusion, project of any nature or field research note. Maximum of 8,000 words in up to 25 pages, including abstracts and bibliographic references; each abstract can have up to 150 words and 3 to 5 keywords.
4.2 Field research notes - systematization of data or unpublished information collected in the field. Maximum of 8,000 words in up to 25 pages, including abstracts and bibliographic references; each abstract can have up to 150 words and 3 to 5 keywords. The submission must have been previously discussed with the editor to justify its pertinence, through the electronic address or
4.3 Reviews - necessarily classic or reference text on geography (maximum 1,200 words). The submission must have been previously discussed with the editor to justify its pertinence, through the electronic address or
4.4 Cartographies, images and other graphic expressions - maps, graphics and other figures describing the methodology or method of creation (software, techniques etc.) (maximum 1,200 words). The submission must have been previously discussed with the editor to justify its pertinence, through the electronic address or
4.5 Thematic dossier - it can be a proposal by research groups or by opening a public call with a theme defined by the magazine's editorial board. Dossier submission is conducted in the same way as the others. Manuscripts are only considered and accepted on their academic merit, regardless of any personal influence. 

Observations on dossier submission:

The submission must be discussed with the editor to justify its relevance to the scope of the journal and its originality (especially taking into account the recently published dossiers).

The Dossier will have a maximum of five articles, in addition to the introduction, which must be made by the organizer. An important criterion for accepting the proposal is the institutional diversity of the authors, who must have research in the thematic area.

The evaluation of the articles in the Dossier is conducted in the same way as the others: evaluation by blind peers.

The Dossier's proponent will be the organizer and will work together with the magazine's editor, electing referees by mutual agreement.

5 Presentation of the manuscript

  • in Word format
  • A4 sheet
  • margins: 2.5 cm
  • font: Times New Roman, body 12
  • 5 cm lines (without indentation and without spacing)
  • without page number
  • upper and lower case title: only the first word and first names begin with a capital letter

6 Quotations
6.1 All quotes must give the author's last name and the year of publication.
6.2 Literal quotes should also give the number of the page (s) where they occur.
6.2.1 Literal quotes of up to 3 lines: in the body of the paragraph, in quotation marks and without italics.
6.2.2 Literal quotes with more than 3 lines: with indentation to the left of 4 cm, in body 11, simple lines, without quotes and without italics.

7 References
Note: the standard adopted by GEOUSP is ABNT (6023)

  • Book
    SURNAME, I. A. N. [Initials of the Author's Name]. Book's title. City of publication: Publisher, year.
  • Book chapter
    SURNAME, A. C. [Author of the Chapter]. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, B.O. [Book Organizer] (Org.). Book's title. City of publication: Publisher, year. P. XX-YY [chapter interval].
  • Journal article
    SURNAME, I. A. N. Title of the article. Journal title, City, volume, number, pages (initial and final), year.
  • Thesis/dissertation/monograph
    SURNAME, I. A. N. Title: subtitle. Thesis / Dissertation / Monograph (Doctorate / Master / Graduation in [Area of Knowledge]) - Institute / College, University, City, year.

8 Italics: words of foreign origin and highlights in the text. (Avoid bold and underline.)

9 Illustrations, charts, tables, maps, graphs and photos must be consistent with the text, have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be in the body of the text, close to the point where they are cited.
9.1 The title should be above (not inside) the figure, and the source, just below (not inside).

10 The file cannot have text boxes. (Titles and sources of figures must be in the body of the text.)

11 Filling in metadata
The submission metadata must be correctly and completely filled out, preventing the manuscript from being immediately rejected. We emphasize that, without the complete and correct filling of the metadata, the articles do not obtain the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and such information is the sole responsibility of the authors, as stated in “Duties of the authors”.
How to fill in the submission metadata:
11.1 Section: select “Articles” (other options must be agreed in advance with the editor)
11.2 Language of submission: select the language of the manuscript
11.3 Prefix: do not fill
11.4 Title: insert the prefix, title and subtitle
11.5 Subtitle: do not fill
11.6 Abstract: when clicking on the field for filling in the abstract, the other fields for entering the other languages will appear on the screen immediately below the main abstract. Fill
11.6.1 In Portuguese (required)
11.6.2 In English (required)
11.6.5 In Spanish or French (depending on the language of the abstract)
11.6.6 Each abstract must be inserted in the field reserved for its respective language, and all are indicated in the metadata form.
11.6.7 Abstracts in a foreign language submitted by machine translators will not be accepted.
11.7 List of coautors (if any). To fill in this information, click on the arrow next to the name (s) of the author (s) and then on “Edit” and fill in the fields that will appear on the screen. The following are mandatory:

  • full name
  • email
  • country
  • institution / affiliation (in full and without acronyms)
  • summary of the biography (maximum 3 lines of the text box)

11.8 Cover picture: do not fill
11.9 Languages: in each line, type in the respective language. “Portuguese”, on the line reserved for Portuguese; “English” in the reserved for English etc., according to the language adopted in the manuscript and abstracts.
11.10 Keywords: Insert the respective keywords in each abstract of the three languages.
note: When you click on the keyword field, the other fields for entering the other languages will immediately appear on the screen. It is necessary to insert them one by one, clicking on "Enter" or "Return" for each word entered (if they are all pasted together at once, the system will understand them as a single keyword).
11.11 Development agency: when there is a development agency, insert the name in full, including in other languages, and give the process number.
11.12 References: insert all references cited in the article in this field of the form.
note: Any references not cited will be removed from the article accepted in the editing phase.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors maintain copyright and grant the magazine the right to first publication, with the work with a license to use the CC-BY attribution, which allows to distribute, remix, adapt and create based on your work, provided that the due copyright, in the manner specified by CS.
  2. Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publishing in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any time before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Submission check list

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. (If it is, justify it in “Comments to the editor”.)
  • The submission is not from the annals of events or the monograph for the end of the course (nor its chapters).
  • The “Articles” section was selected for this submission
  • The submission file is in Word format
  • Referral URLs were informed when possible
  • The text complies with the graphic standards indicated in items 5 to 10 of the Guidelines for Authors
  • To submit a manuscript to a section with blind evaluation, the names of all self-references were replaced by the term "Author" (including maps, charts and tables), according to the instructions in item 3 of the "Guidelines for Authors"
  • The author (s) must be a teacher (s) from a higher education institution, or a researcher (s) from a research institute, or have a past (which resulted in obtaining a title) or current link to a post graduate program
  • All metadata will be entered in the three languages provided for in this submission (step "3.Data of submission"), strictly observing the instructions in item 11 of the “Guidelines for Authors” (“Filling in the metadata”)
  • The ORCID number will be informed (step "3.Data of submission")
  • The institution will be informed (university or research institute) and the summary of the biography (two to three lines in the respective field) were informed
  • The text may have one or two authors; in this case, each author must clearly indicate his or her participation in the article, as per tem 2.2 of the Guidelines for Authors.
Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo , SP - Brasil. Cep: 05339-970, Tels: 3091-3769 / 3091-0297 / 3091-0296 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil