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(Updated: 2022/01/31)

About us


Basic information


Cogitare Enfermagem is a publication by the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Paraná and had its first edition published in 1996. Since 2015, it is available only in its electronic version, with circulation in national and international databases, directories and portals.

It is intended for the publication of original research articles, reviews, experience/case reports and free communication, in the health area, especially Nursing.

We are a journal that adopts the rolling press system. The evaluation process adopted is that of peer review, consisting of two external reviewers appointed according to the topic and focus of the article. It publishes the articles in full in Portuguese and English and, from 2022, will also publish the articles in their Spanish version.

Revista Cogitare Enfermagem provides public access to all its content, except where it is identified for non-publication, following the principle that making access to research free of charge generates greater global exchange of knowledge.

Its abbreviated title is Cogit. Enferm., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic captions.

Printed version ISSN 1414-8536 (for editions published until 2014)

Electronic version ISSN 2176-9133

Social networks





Indexed in

  • Base de Dados Nacionais da Enfermagem - BDENF
  • Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature - CINAHL
  • Index de Enfermería em Español, Fundación Index - CUIDEN
  • Diretório de Revistas de Acesso Aberto - DOAJ
  • Diretório de Políticas Editoriais das Revistas Científicas Brasileiras - DIADORIM
  • Índice Latinoamericano de publicações científicas seriadas - LATINDEX
  • Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - LILACS
  • Base de Dados Bibliográfica en Ciências Y Tecnología - PERIÓDICA
  • REDIB – Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
  • SciELO Brasil
  • Portal de Revistas de Enfermagem – REVENF
  • Portal de Periódicos da CAPES
  • Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde de Enfermagem - BVSE


Bbliometric indicators


Qualis Capes: B1 (2021)
Citation Cuiden: 1,129 (2019) 
SCOPUS SJR: 0.15 (2020)
Google h5: 23 (2021)



Intellectual property


Copyright and publishing rights

Cogitare Enfermagem reserves the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical alterations in the published article, in order to maintain the cult standard of the language, respecting, however, the style of the authors.

The published work is the sole responsibility of the author(s), and Cogitare Enfermagem is solely responsible for evaluating the work, as a vehicle for scientific publication. Cogitare Enfermagem is not responsible for any violations of Law No. 9.610/1998, Brazilian Copyright Law.

Cogitare Enfermagem allows the author(s) to retain the copyright of articles accepted for publication, without restrictions.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


The articles published will be licensed under license Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 – The attribution adopted by Cogitare Enfermagem allows:

  • Sharing – Copying and redistributing the material in any media or format;
  • Adapting – Remixing, transforming and building on the material for any purpose, even commercially;
  • Attribution – You must assign due credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the licensor supports it or approves of its use;
No Additional Restrictions – You may not use legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing something that the license permits.


Editorial Board


Editor [or Editors]



Board of directors



Associated editors



Editorial board



Editorial production

  • Revisão e diagramação
    Marianna Leichsenring Sella, Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, PR, Brasil
  • Secretaria e financeiro
    Liciane Sallun, Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
  • Gerencia editorial e indexação
    Dione Mari Caetano, Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, PR, Brasil
  • Normalização.
    Vilma Machado, Universidade Federal do Paraná – Curitiba, PR, Brasil


Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


Cogitare's mission is to publish and disseminate the knowledge produced in the areas of health and nursing with excellence and respect for the ethical principles.

The following will be considered for publication in Cogitare: topicality, originality and relevance of the topic, scientific consistency and respect for the ethical standards.

We are a journal that adopts the rolling press system. The evaluation process adopted is that of peer review, consisting of two external reviewers appointed according to the topic and focus of the article.

Manuscripts submitted to Cogitare must comply with its editorial policy and instructions to the authors, as well as with the guidelines of the EQUATOR Network

Cogitare follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors do Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, as well as the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE.

We emphasize that we support the Clinical Trials policy of the World Health Organization (WHO) and that of the Good Clinical Practice, Declaration of Helsinki (1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000 and 2008), as well as Resolution No. 466 of the National Council of Health, dated 12/12/12, and other legislations regarding research carried out in Brazil.
Clinical research articles must inform the identification number in one of the WHO Clinical Trials registries, validated by the criteria established by the World Health Organization and by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE.

The concepts, opinions and conclusions issued in the articles, as well as the accuracy and origin of the citations/quotations and references, are sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the Editorial Board's opinion.

Publication of the manuscript will depend on compliance with the rules of the Journal and on the consideration of the Editorial Board, which has full authority to decide on its acceptance, and may even submit suggestions to the authors for changes it deems necessary.

Open science

Open Science is an “umbrella” term, which encompasses different meanings, types of practices and initiatives, and involves different perspectives, assumptions and implications. These include everything from the free availability of research results and open access, to the appreciation and direct participation of non-scientists and non-specialists in doing science, such as “laymen” and “amateurs” (citizen science) (Albalgi, Clinio and Raychtock, 2014).

Following the scope proposed by Albalgi, Clinio and Raychtock, 2014, and in line with the Open Science movement that is taking place in the world, Revista Cogitare Enfermagem makes the policies related to this movement available to its readers, authors and contributors.
One of the Open Science pillars, in the scientific editing process, is transparency in the manuscript evaluation process. This process ranges from the opening of opinions between editors, authors and reviewers, to the publication of these opinions. For this stage, since 2020 Revista Cogitare Enfermagem will inform the authors and will gradually make available to the readers, in the manuscript, the Associate Editor responsible for the entire process of evaluating the manuscript.

As for the opening of opinions, as well as the identification of the reviewers to the authors, Revista Cogitare Enfermagem is making arrangements so that, from 2022, 50% of these opinions are open to the authors. For 2023, 100% will be open. This will happen gradually due to the need for communication and acceptance from the reviewers, who are currently registered in our Journal in the peer review and not in the open peer review format.

The other two topics that are linked to alignment with Open Science are as follows: provision by the authors of the research content in repositories, and acceptance of articles published in preprint repositories. We clarify that Cogitare Enfermagem will accept manuscripts from preprint repositories for the peer review process. As for the issue of making research data available in repositories, Revista Cogitare Enfermagem is working so that, from 2022 onwards, gradual implementation of acceptance policies takes place.


ALBAGLI, S.; CLINIO, A.; RAYCHTOCK, S. Ciência aberta: correntes interpretativas e tipos de ação. Liinc em Revista, Rio de Janeiro, v.10, n.2, p. 434-450, nov. 2014. Available in: Access on 5 dec 2019.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


Article categories

1. Editorial – Maximum limit of 600 words (excluding titles and references)

Matter under the responsibility of the Editorial Board.

2. Original articles – Maximum limit of 4,500 words (introduction, results, discussion, final considerations, tables, charts, graphs).

Note: the title, abstract and references are not included in the word limit.

Study related to original, unpublished and completed scientific research. It must adhere to the following structure: Introduction: present the theme, define the problem and its importance, literature review and objective. Method: the method used, description of the studied population/sample, study participants or data source, date of data collection, research locus (without mentioning the name of the institution), data collection technique and selection criteria, among others, must be described in a clear, objective, comprehensive and complete manner. Please include the approval protocol number of the Research Ethics Committee and state that the research was conducted in accordance with the required ethical standards; Results: they must be presented in a logical sequence. In case of tables, graphs or figures, their information must be complementary; Discussion: it must follow the logical sequence of the results, comparison with the literature and the authors' interpretation. Conclusion and Final Considerations: they must emphasize the main findings, as well as comment on the limitations and implications for future research studies.

3. Review – Maximum limit of 4,500 words (introduction, method, results, discussion, final considerations, tables, charts, graphs).

Note: the title, abstract and references are not included in the word limit.

Systematic, integrative and bibliometric reviews will be accepted. For systematic reviews, it is suggested that they follow the checklist and flowchart of the PRISMA model, available at the following link:

4. Free communication – Maximum limit of 2,000 words (introduction, development, results and discussion, final considerations, tables, charts, graphs).

Note: the title, abstract and references are not included in the word limit.

Descriptive, reflective and interpretive text, with theoretical foundations on the global situation of a given topic, corresponding to the scope of Revista Cogitare Enfermagem. It requires clarity and objectivity, pertinence to the “state of the art” of the topic discussed and, especially, innovative aspects for teaching and for the professional practice.

5. Experience/Case report – Maximum limit of 2,000 words (introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, tables, charts, graphs).

Note: the title, abstract and references are not included in the word limit.

Academic or professional experience report relevant to the area. It must include: Introduction presenting a problem situation and the purpose of the report; Methodology with a description of locus, date, people or information sources, development of the situation experienced, detailing information and informants that ensure a representation of the experience. It should include some kind of final evaluation of the experience, even if informal. In the Discussion, please include possible obstacles and strengths, impacts on the practice and changes adopted. Please include the bibliography. Conclusion with a synthesis of the experience, recommendations and future studies.

General document format
FORMAT: “.doc”;
PAPER: A4 size;
MARGINS: 2.5 cm on the four margins;
FONT: Times New Roman; size 12 (including tables and references). For direct citations with more than 3 lines, please use font 10.
ITALICS: Only for words or expressions in a language other than the one in which the article was written or in transliteration of testimonials.
FOOTNOTES: starting on the second page, with the following symbols and in this sequence: †, ‡, §, ††, ‡‡, §§, †††, etc.
SPACING: Double spacing throughout the article, including the abstract.
Single spacing for title, descriptors, direct citations with more than three lines, in transliteration of testimonials and in bibliographic references.

Model for download: Article Template

Structure of the article

  • Title (only in the same language as the article)
  • Abstract (only in the same language as the article)
  • Descriptors (only in the same language as the article)
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Final considerations/Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Annexes

 Article structure format

The articles cannot include identification of the authors; this identification should only be on the cover page.



It must appear in the same language as the article;

It is limited to 16 words;



It must include, in a structured way, information according to the article's category. It includes: objective, method, results and conclusion.

Text limited to 150 words, in the language in which the article was written.

It cannot contain abbreviations or acronyms.


They are presented immediately below the abstract and in its same language, with the word “descriptors” in: FULL CAPITAL LETTERS AND IN BOLD TYPE

Please include 5 descriptors, separating them by semicolons, with the first letter of each descriptor in capital letters;

The descriptors must identify or reflect on the main topics of the article;

Preferably, the words used in descriptors should not appear in the title;

To determine them, consult the list of Descriptors in Health Sciences (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde, DeCS) → Remember to click: “Descritor Exato” (“Exact Descriptor”).

Descriptors from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) → can also be used.

Simple spacing between lines, as shown in the example:

DESCRIPTORS: Education; Nursing Care; Learning; Nursing; Teaching.


It must contain justification, theoretical grounds and objectives. The justification must clearly define the problem, highlighting its importance, knowledge gaps, and the theoretical framework used, when applicable.


It must contain the method employed, period and place in which the research was developed, population/sample, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sources and data collection instruments, data analysis method.

For research involving human beings, the authors must make explicit their compliance with ethical principles, in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin of the article, and inform the number of the approval opinion by the Research Ethics Committee in accordance with the current legislation.

Emphasis is added on the importance of including the Opinion of the Ethics Committee in the “Supplementary Documentation” section when submitting the article.


Information limited to the research results. The text must complement the information contained in the illustrations presented, not repeating the data.

Always include the “n” value and the percentage in between parentheses. Remembering that numbers below 10 must be written in full and those equal to or greater than 10 must be numeric.
Example: “Of the 100 participants, 15 (15%) reported an improvement in the condition, while six (6%) reported deterioration”.


Presentation of relevant aspects and interpretation of the data obtained. Relationship and discussion with research results, implications and limitations of the study. Data contained in the results should not be presented again.

Conclusions or final considerations

Emphasize the main findings, and comment on the limitations and implications for future research studies.

Based on the objectives, results and discussion, avoiding statements unrelated to the study and/or new interpretations. Please include contributions from the study carried out.


In this section, acknowledge the funding agencies or organizations that, in some way, contributed to the study.

It is not the place to thank people or authors who collaborated in the research.

Acknowledgments, financial or technical support, declaration of financial and/or affiliation conflict of interest:

The authors are responsible for the information and authorizations related to the aforementioned items. Please mention the number of the notice to which the research is linked. In view of CAPES Ordinance 206, of September 4th, 2018, which provides for the mandatory mention of CAPES, we request all authors to report receipt of research assistance in all submitted articles. From this date onwards, authors must refer to the aid received that arises from activities financed by CAPES, in whole or in part.


References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text for the first time, and presented according to the Vancouver style.

Maximum limit of 30 references;

Exclusively for Review Article, there is no limit on the number of references;

It is suggested to include current references that are strictly relevant to the problem addressed, avoiding an excessive number of references in the same citation/quotation;

Articles available online must be cited according to electronic version rules;


Annexes, when indispensable, must be cited in the text and included after the references.

Guidelines for illustrations

By illustrations we mean tables, charts and figures (graphs, diagrams, photographs).

Please note that a maximum of 5 illustrations are allowed, and they must be numbered consecutively, in Arabic numerals.

They must be indicated in the text with the first letter capitalized.

Example: Table 2, Chart 1, Figure 3.

The information source of the illustration, when resulting from other research study, must be mentioned and included in the references.

  • The header and sources (if any) must be written in Times New Roman, size 12, with single line spacing; 
  • It should be inserted as close to the text as possible;


They are the non-discursive way of presenting information, from which the numerical data stands out as the main information. Its purpose is to present information statically processed, systematizing data in order to facilitate reading and interpretation of the information.

  • They are open on the sides, and have no closing lines;
  • Use internal lines only below and above the header and at the bottom of the table;
  • There must be no vertical or horizontal lines inside the table;
Every table must have a title, written at the top, consisting of the word Table, followed by the number in Arabic numerals identifying it.

After the title of the table, please include the name of the city, state, country and year, separated by a comma and without the use of a period, as shown in the following example.


Column titles must be short: when abbreviated, they must appear in full in the caption.


Charts are composed of qualitative and textual information and must be inserted as close as possible to the excerpt to which they refer. Unlike tables, charts are formed by vertical and horizontal lines with closed ends.

Every chart must have a title, written at the top, consisting of the word Chart, followed by the number in Arabic numerals identifying it.

After the title, please include the name of the city, state, country and year, as shown below.


Figures (Graphs, Diagrams, Photographs)

Maximum dimension of 22 cm high x 16.5 cm wide.

They must be presented in the text, as close as possible to the indication. 

The title of the figure must be placed immediately below it, separated by a period from the name of the city, state, country and year, separated by a comma and without a period.


Figures must be attached in a separate file, with the quality necessary for publication, preferably in JPEG, GIF, TIFF or PNG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

Colored graphs and diagrams will be accepted; colored photographs and pictures of people (except from public access, already published) will not be accepted.


Guidelines for citations and testimonials

Indirect citation or paraphrase

Please inform the reference number immediately at the end of the text, without space, in between parentheses, and before the graphic sign. 

The nurse contributes to the prevention of disabling conditions(1).

Sequential/Interspersed citation

Please separate the numbers of each reference by a dash, when sequential.

(8-10) – this states that references 8, 9 and 10 are included.

Separate the numbers of each reference by a comma, in case of interspersed citations.

(8,10) – this states that references 8 and 10 are included.

Direct citation with up to three lines

It is included in the body of the paragraph and enclosed in quotation marks. The number and page corresponding to the literal citation must be superscripted, in between parentheses and separated by a colon.

(8:13) – this refers to reference 8, page 13.

Direct citation with more than three lines

It must be included in a new paragraph, aligned with both margins to the right and indented 4 cm from the left margin, typed in Times New Roman font, 10 points, single spacing between lines, without quotation marks.

The number and page corresponding to the direct citation must be superscripted, in parentheses and separated by a colon.

(8:345-6) number 8 refers to the reference and 345-6 to the pages.


The transliteration of the testimonial must appear in a new paragraph, typed in Times New Roman size 12 font, italic, with single line spacing, without quotation marks.

The authors’ comments must be enclosed in square brackets and without italics.

The subject's identification must be coded (explaining such coding in the methodology), in between parentheses, without italics and separated from the testimonial by a period.

[Communication] is expressing something, saying something to someone is the act of communicating […]. (Family Member 2)


To guarantee the support services for editing, publishing, indexing and disseminating scientific journals, Cogitare Enfermagem will charge:

  • Evaluation Fee
  • Publication Fee

The Evaluation Fee in the amount of R$ 100.00 must be paid after approval of the article in the First Stage.

The corresponding author will receive an email message informing them of the approval in the First Stage and requesting payment of the Evaluation Fee. The payment slip must be generated at the address which will be sent in the email message. Proof of payment must be attached under “Supplementary Documents” within the Cogitare Enfermagem system.

*After approval of the article in the First Stage, payment and submission of proof of payment of the Evaluation Fee, the article will proceed to the Second Stage of the evaluation.

 The Publication Fee will be R$ 600.50; this fee will be requested only if the article is “Accepted” for publication at the end of the Third Stage of evaluation. 

Cogitare Enfermagem will forward the final version of the article to the corresponding author for approval, as well as the Publication Fee slip. The corresponding author is responsible for consulting the other authors and expressing acceptance of the final version for publication.

Requests for corrections, after electronic publication of the article, must be sent within 15 days since publication.


Send of the manuscripts


1. The article must be submitted to OJS – Open Journal Systems at, only once.

2. The corresponding author must register in the journal's system and inform the ORCID address in the METADATA.

3. The other authors must be informed to the Cogitare Enfermagem system at the time of submission, and they must inform the ORCID address in the METADATA. Authors who are not included in the METADATA at the time of submission and who do not inform the ORCID will not be included in publication of the article.

4. The articles are published in full in Portuguese and English and, from 2022, also in Spanish. The articles can be written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. After approval of the article for publication, the authors will be asked to:

  • for articles submitted in Portuguese: translate the entire article into English and Spanish;
  • for articles submitted in English: translate the entire article into Portuguese and Spanish;
  • for articles submitted in Spanish: translate the entire article into English and Portuguese.
Translations and spelling review: The authors will be asked to provide the necessary translations and spelling review. Cogitare Enfermagem will provide a list of accredited translators and proofreaders, and the authors will be responsible for making quotations, payments and sending the translated and reviewed versions to Cogitare Enfermagem.


Manuscript evaluation policy


The articles submitted to Cogitare go through an analysis process, consisting in three separate stages.

Once submitted to OJS – Open Journal Systems, a submission number is assigned, which will be the article's identification in the system.

In the first stage, the article is received and evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief, where the following items will be verified: scope, topicality, relevance, ethical issues and method used to carry out the research. In this stage, it can be refused or sent to the Section Editor, depending on the area of knowledge (up to 30 days).

In the second stage, the Section Editor forwards the article to the technical reviewer, who analyzes the article, according to the rules (preparation of the article and supplementary documentation), and submits it to the CopySpider© plagiarism checker software. At the end of this stage, the article can advance directly to the third stage or be returned to the authors for adjustment to the standards (up to 30 days).

In the third stage, with the article adjusted to the standards, it is forwarded to two ad hoc consultants to analyze the text along with the proper evaluation instrument. If there is any disagreement between the consultants' opinions, the text will be sent to a third consultant (up to 120 days).

The Section Editor manages all flow between the consultants and the corresponding author. During the entire evaluation process (peer review), identification of the consultants and authors is omitted.

After the reviewers' analysis and the final version, the article may be Rejected or Accepted, according to the decision of the Editorial Board, and the result will be communicated to the corresponding author by the e-mail address informed in the submission process.

During the analysis process and before submitting the article for publication, the corresponding author may withdraw the article upon formal request signed by all the authors.

Articles with emerging themes may have their evaluation process accelerated by the Journal's Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board is responsible for composing the volumes for publication.


Ethics Statement


The authors should also explain in the articles resulting from research or experience reports involving human beings whether the procedures complied with the provisions set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000 and 2008), in addition to compliance with specific legislation (if any) of the country in which the research was conducted. For original articles resulting from research carried out in Brazil, indicate compliance with Resolution No. 466 of the National Health Council, dated 12/12/12.

In articles resulting from research involving human beings, the authors must inform in the text that the project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee and specify the approval number by the Committee, in addition to sending a copy (as supplementary documents).


Conflict of interests


Authors are responsible for recognizing and informing the editorial board, in the submission document, of the existence of a conflict of interest, specifying its nature. The conflict of interest may be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. Conflicts of interest may occur between authors, reviewers or editors.



Clinical Trial Registry


As for the criteria and registration of clinical trials, Cogitare Enfermagem follows the criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE and the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information - BIREME. All of them must carry the clinical trial approval registration number in one of the following institutions: Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos -ReBEC; ClinicalTrials.govInternational Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number - ISRCTN; and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform -ICTRP



Plagiarism and Editorial Misconduct


“Violation of copyright is a CRIME provided for in article 184 of the Penal Code, with punishment ranging from the payment of a fine to four years' imprisonment, depending on the extent and the way in which the author's right was violated. In addition to the aforementioned penalties and academic demoralization, the plagiarist will be subjected to civil sanctions, such as public retraction and monetary damages for moral and/or property damage, as well as administrative sanctions, which can lead to failure/disengagement from the institution in the case of students, and to dismissal in the case of professors/researchers”(1).

The plagiarism policies adopted by Revista Cogitare Enfermagem are based on the clarification and definition of intellectual property, aiming to encourage quality publication and to curb the practice of plagiarism. They will directly impact on the manuscripts submitted for evaluation.

When Cogitare receives the manuscript submitted by the author, it is analyzed by means of an anti-plagiarism software program. After analysis and detection of plagiarism of up to 10%, indicated by the software, the Cogitare team will ask the author to rewrite it and quote the original source. If plagiarism is extended from 20% more than the stipulated minimum, the manuscript will be rejected and both the authors and their institutions will be notified. We believe that this practice, despite being punitive, also becomes educational and will help in the writing of new manuscripts.

If plagiarism is detected in the peer-review process, in the review stages or by the editors, the aforementioned measures will also be applied. When plagiarism is detected after publication of the article, Cogitare will notify and publish the committed infraction in an Editor's Note in the same edition in which the manuscript was published.


José Alencar Gomes da Silva National Cancer Institute [Internet]. Plágio acadêmico: conhecer para combater [accessed on 12 dec 2017]. Available in:

As for authorship, the authors need to specify, on the cover page, what type of individual contribution they made during preparation of the article. According to the criteria established by the ICMJE available in: .

It is important to highlight that four minimum authorship criteria are considered, and all those designated as authors must meet them, namely:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the study; or acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of study data;
  2. Elaboration and critical review of the intellectual content of the study;
  3. Approval of the final version of the study to be published;
  4. Responsible for all aspects of the study, ensuring issues of accuracy or integrity of any of its parts.


Preparing the supllementary documentation


As part of the submission process, in addition to the article, the authors must attach the required supplementary documentation:

  1. Cover page (for all article categories).
  2. Copy of the Research Ethics Committee Opinion (for original articles).
  3. Submission document, signed by all the authors (for all the article categories).
  4. Open Science Compliance Form (for all article categories).

Remembering that failure to insert the supplementary documentation, in the act of submitting the article, will result in its non-evaluation.

1. Cover page

Title (font size: 12)

It must be concise and reflect the main idea of the article, with a maximum 16 words and excluding the research geographical location.


IMPORTANT: In case the article originates from a thesis, dissertation, monograph or course completion paper, it must contain an asterisk (*) at the end of the title and the respective information in a footnote.

Authorship (font size: 10) / Limited to seven (7) authors;

Full names, presented immediately below the title, aligned to the right, separated by a comma, numbered with sequential Arabic numerals and superscripts.

Simple spacing between the lines.

The authors' information (Name of the institution, city, state and country, study contribution by author)* must be presented immediately below the names, aligned with both margins, with font size 10 and 1.15 line spacing.

*These data are mandatory for the article to be evaluated.

Study contribution by author: according to the criteria established by the ICMJE available in:, the authors and contributors must record the type of their contribution in producing the article.

Four minimum authorship criteria are considered:

a. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the study; or acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of study data;
b. Elaboration and critical review of the intellectual content of the study;
c. Approval of the final version of the study to be published;
d. Responsible for all aspects of the study, ensuring issues of accuracy or integrity of any of its parts.

All those designated as authors must meet the four authorship criteria.

In addition to being accountable for the parts of the study they have done, an author should be able to identify which contributors are responsible for specific other parts of the study. In addition, the authors should rely on the integrity of the contributions of their collaborators.

The following are considered as collaboration criteria:

a. Funding acquisition;
b. General supervision of a research group or general administrative support;
c. Assistance in writing, technical edition, language edition and review;
d. Others (specify).

Article Category (font size: 12)

The author must indicate which category the article fits into: Original article, Review, Experience/Case report or Free communication.

Corresponding author (font size: 10)

The corresponding author is the one to whom Cogitare Enfermagem will forward communications regarding the process of analyzing the article. That person is responsible for representing the other authors regarding changes to the text, article flow and formal acceptance of the final version of the article for publication.

Please inform name, institution, address (street, number, zip code, city, state, country), telephone number and email address.

The name of the corresponding author will appear as such at the time of publication of the article. It is his/her responsibility to notify Cogitare Enfermagem of any change in the address and/or email problems, in order to avoid delays in the article review process.

Model for download: Cover page

2. Copy of the research ethics committee opinion

For research articles involving human subjects, the authors must send a copy of the approval opinion, with the corresponding protocol number, issued by the Research Ethics Committee and in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin of the article. The copy must be attached as a supplementary document.

The copy must be attached in full, containing the opinion of "Approved”.

3. Submission document

This document includes the statement of responsibility, transfer of copyright, participation in the article and conflict of interest.

It must be completed and signed by all authors and attached as a supplementary document.
Model for download: Submission document

4. Open science compliance form

The corresponding author must inform about the research support and the article's compliance with the open science practices.

The “Open Science Compliance Form” must be completed and attached as a supplementary document.

Model of the form for download: Open Science Compliance Form



Submission checklist


Dear author, this checklist was designed to help you verify the main normative items for the submission of your article to our journal. Link: Checklist submission

Universidade Federal do Paraná Av. Prefeito Lothário Meissner, 632, Cep: 80210-170, Brasil - Paraná / Curitiba, Tel: +55 (41) 3361-3755 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil