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(Updated: 2023/10/11)

About the journal


About this journal

  Ambiente & Sociedade is an annual publication of the National Association of Graduate Courses and Research in Environment and Society – ANPPAS, that contributes with the interdisciplinary area of knowledge on Environment and Society.  


Brief historic of the journal


Ambiente & Sociedade publishes scientific work of national and international contributors, which are subject to evaluations by ad hoc reviewers.

The journal began its activities in 1997, as an outcome of an inter-institutional articulation of researchers of a then incipient area of knowledge, the interface between issues of environment and social sciences. Until 2010, the Centre for Environmental Studies and Research (NEPAM) of the University of Campinas was in charge of the administrative coordination. Since 2011, ANPPAS is responsible for all editorial and administrative activities.





The Journal is being published only digitally since 2011 - Online ISSN 1809-4422 printed version ISSN 1414-753X (until 2011). The journal is indexed in the following platforms.

  • SCIELO Brasil - Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • ISSN
  • IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
  • All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information
  • LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de información en Línea Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal
  • Pro-Quest
  • Directory of Open Access Journals


Intellectual Property


All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.

The online journal is free and open access.








Editorial Board

Contact with the Journal is made only and exclusively by email:


Editor in Chief



Scientific-Editorial Committee



Deputy Editors



Associate Editors



Editorial Board

  • Antonio Aledo - Universidad de Alicante, Valencia - Espanha,
  • Célio Bermann - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP - Brasil,
  • Daniel Eduardo Ryan - Instituto tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), Buenos Aires - Argentina,
  • Eduardo Viola - Universidade de Brasilia (UNB), Brasília - DF, Brasil,
  • Fábio de Castro - Centro de Estudos e Documentação Latino-Americanos (CEDLA), Amsterdam - Holanda,
  • Isabel Cristina de Moura Carvalho - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RGS), Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil,
  • Jelle Behagel - Universidade de Wageningen, Wageningen, Holanda,
  • Jessica Budds - University of East Anglia, Norwich - UK,
  • Jorge Rojas Hernández, Universidad de Concepción - Chile,
  • José Augusto Pádua - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil,
  • Jose Esteban Castro - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina,
  • La Dawn Haglund - Arizona State University, Arizona - Estados Unidos,
  • Luisa Schmidt - Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa - Portugal,
  • Marcel Burstyn - Universidade de Brasilia (UNB), Brasília - DF, Brasil,
  • Maria Carmen Lemos - University of Michigan, Michigan - Estados Unidos,
  • Néstor Mazzeo Beyhaut - Universidad de la República, Montevideo - Uruguai,
  • Wagner Costa Ribeiro - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo - SP - Brasil,


Assistant Editors



Editorial secretary




Instructions to authors


General guidelines



The paper evaluation process is as follows:

(1) Initial Screening: Assistant editors review the paper for compliance with publishing rules listed online. Within this phase, initially, all manuscripts will undergo an anti-plagiarism evaluation using CopySpyder software (or other equivalent software). After that, if necessary, the editors will ask to the authors to make modifications according to the editorial criteria. The sooner the author suits its paper to the changes solicited, the quicker the evaluation process will be. The deadline for responding to the changes solicited is two weeks. If these are not answered, the journal may reject the manuscript. In these cases, the authors will be able to resubmit the manuscript, with the pending issues corrected. It’s important that the authors are aware of the Journal formatting requirements. The author will be notified to make adjustments up to three times, and if the manuscript still doesn't meet the formatting requirements, the manuscript will be rejected.  At this stage, manuscripts that don't meet the scope of the journal will be rejected.

(2) Pre-analysis: The manuscript will be evaluated by the deputy editors. Within this stage, some requirements are analyzed, such as relatedness to the scope of the journal, originality, method consistency, and interdisciplinary discussion. Failure to meet the requirements may result in rejection of the manuscript. Evaluation proceeds without author identification.

(3) Designation: Should the papers be approved at the pre-analysis stage, they will be designated to the associate editors. These are responsible for following up the evaluation and indicate peer referees who will proceed with the paper revision.

(4) Evaluation: In this final stage, the paper is evaluated by a pair of referees using double-blind methodology. In some cases, it undergoes the evaluation of further referees if the decision is tied.

(5) New evaluation rounds: It is quite common for the reviewers to suggest a series of adjustments in the editorial decision, which will imply the beginning of a new evaluation round. The sooner the author delivers the adjustments, the faster the process of analyzing this new round will be. For this new round, authors must resubmit the corrected manuscript file in the ScholarOne system and must do so keeping the manuscript type “Original Article” (Step 1: Type, Title & Abstract), and not as a “review”. Failure to do so will result in the manuscript being returned for correction.

Important: The operation of the ScholarOne System is  based on the Eastern Time, not in the Brazilian time zone. Therefore, authors must submit revisions and corrections until two days before the deadline set by the ScholarOne system and communicated by email to the authors.

Since 2012, the Journal Ambiente & Sociedade has published all its articles in two languages: in the original language (Portuguese or Spanish) and English. Optionally, approved articles may also be published in three languages (Portuguese, Spanish and English). Translation costs in any language will be a responsibility of the authors.

The articles approved in step 4 will be published in the current volume if accepted for publication until August of the current year or until the Journal reaches the maximum number of articles to be published annually.

Papers must be submitted on the online platform:



Focus and scope


Ambiente & Sociedade is an annual publication of the National Association of Graduate Courses and Research in Environment and Society - ANPPAS, that contributes with the area of knowledge that articulates the interface between Environment and Society, within an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the dialogue between the natural and human sciences and their connections.

The Journal publishes scientific work of national and international contributors, which are subject to evaluations by ad hoc reviewers.

The journal publishes articles and reviews of unprecedented books in the interdisciplinary area of interaction between Environment and Society, and presents original and significant contributions from a theoretical, conceptual, methodological and/or empirical  point of view.

Articles of a strictly disciplinary nature, focusing on environmental or human transformations separately, or that do not have a discussion about the relationship between environment and society should be sent to other journals and will not be considered for publication, regardless of their quality.

Examples of articles outside the scope:

  • Strictly legal analysis of environmental issues
  • Description and diagnosis of environmental problems
  • Analysis of technologies
  • Spatial analysis and its methods
  • Economic analysis
  • Case studies with micro scale
  • Review and systematization of literature.


System of submission


Ambiente & Sociedade Journal migrated to Scielo ScholarOne submission platform hoping in that way to optimize the whole process, from submission to publication. To send your paper access:

We request the authors to read carefully below all the submission process requirements.

ScholarOne requires that authors indicate their ORCID code at the time of submission. The completion of the ORCID in ScholarOne can only be done by the author or co-author of the manuscript.

Contact with the Journal is made only and exclusively by email:


Authors must pay attention to the following formatting instructions:

  1. Manuscripts must be classified as "Original Article" in the submission step "Step 1: Type, Title & Abstract".
  2. The maximum number of authors and co-authors per submitted manuscript is 7 people.
  3. The paper must be structured as follows: Title in English, Abstract, Key-words, Title in Portuguese, Resumo, Palavras-chave, Title in Spanish, Resumen, Palabras-clave, Introduction, Main Body, References. Footnotes are optional.
  4. For evaluation, text can be written in the following languages: Portuguese, Spanish, or English.
  5. Document must be submitted in .doc or .docx format.
  6. Arial 12 font and 1,5 (one and a half) spacing between lines.
  7. All pages must be sequentially numbered.
  8. All the manuscript text should be 35.000-50.000 characters long (including spaces and references). Publication of articles does not include attachments or appendices. If the authors want this information to appear in the article, they must include it in the text or they can be cited if stored in digital repositories..           
  9. Title must be 15 words at most.
  10. Abstracts (three languages) must contain between 100-150 words each. They must not be written in first person, and must include the general topic, research problem, goals, method, and main conclusions.
  11. Key words for all languages must be at least 5 and at most 8.
  12. Acknowledgements (optional) must be cited as a footnote by the title. They must not contain either direct or indirect references to the authors.
  13. Graphic elements (Tables, and figures) are allowed up to a maximum of five elements (overall), numbered in Arabic, and following the same sequence they have in the text. It must be in an original format that allows their editing and must be included in the body of the text. All graphic elements must have a font, including those created by the authors. Tables cannot exceed one page. They should comply with ABNT rules for references and caption insertion for each element. If in doubt, access:
  14. Coloured and Black&White Images, digitalized in .jpg format, with resolution starting from 300dpi, presented in such dimensions that allow resizing without legibility loss.
  15. Footnotes are explanatory and should be avoided. They must be used only as exceptions, when strictly necessary for text comprehension and 3 line long at most. Footnotes must have consecutive numeration, in Arabic, sequenced as in the text body.
  16. Citations within the text body and references should comply with ABNT rules and optionally  Vancouver rules for authors affiliated with foreign universities. If in doubt, access:
  17. Blind evaluation: when submitting the paper on the online platform, the author must delete all authorship identification (direct and indirect) from the text which will continue toward blind evaluation by external referees. Authorial information will be concealed and kept registered within the system. When saving your document, make sure to remove MS Word’s metadata (file author; last modified by), in order to remove any possible author identification. Manuscripts with author’s informations will not be accepted and will be returned to the author for necessary adjustments.
  18. Reviews of books can be submitted both by invitation of the editors of the Journal, and also independently, in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. Document must be submitted in .doc or .docx format. Font must be Arial 12, with 1,5 (one and a half) spacing between lines. All pages must be sequentially numbered. Reviews must be 10.000-15.000 characters long (with spaces) and comprise the full reference of the reviewed book, as well as a title and author(s) of the book identification at the end of the text (full name and institution). Only reviews about books published within the last five years shall be accepted. Please review the book as a whole, avoiding in that way, if possible, a review for each chapter. Book reviews should be classified as "Review" in the submission step "Type, Title & Abstract". Authors should delete all identifications of authorship (see section “17. Blind Evaluation”, described earlier). For the submission of the review, a fee of R$ 150,00 (one hundred and fifty reais) will be required. Payment will follow the same rules provided for in point C) Payment system.


In order to streamline the peer review process, authors, at the time of submission, must indicate the full name and email of at least five potential reviewers. In “Step 2: File upload” section, authors should attach a document containing such information as "Supplemental File NOT Review". Failure to comply with this requirement will lead to the return of the manuscript to the authors.


Due to budget cut and support reduction by research financing agencies, Ambiente & Sociedade Journal has started charging online paper submission since 2012.

  1. As of 01/10/2022 the value of the submission fee is R$ 150,00 (One hundred reais) per submitted manuscript. For the manuscripts that are approved, for publication purposes, the authors must pay an additional fee of R$ 600.00 (Six hundred reais). This reformulation of the payment method aims to reduce the cost of submission by increasing the value only for articles approved for publication, due to the need to cover the production costs required to be part of the Scielo collection.    
  2. There are no refunds if the paper is rejected or incorrect payment by the authors. Editors hope to count on the collaboration of all authors through the fulfillment of the requirements that guide the production of the journal.
  3. For payments within Brazil, the fees can be paid at Banco do Brasil:

    Agency: 3559-9
    Account: 51117-X

    CNPJ: 04.484.842/0001-17
  4. For authors without a bank account in Brazil, the payment of fees can be made through PayPal, and it will cost R$170.00 (one hundred and seventy reais) for submission and R$ 620.00 (six hundred and twenty) for publication. In both cases it is included a tax for the service (charged by PayPal). To request this form of payment, the authors should send an email to:
  5. The author has to mandatorily attach the receipt of the fee in ScholarOne during online submission, in the section “File upload” together with the manuscript files as “Supplemental File NOT for Review. The submission will only be considered if the proof of payment is attached. 



ANPPAS - Revista Ambiente e Sociedade Anppas / Revista Ambiente e Sociedade - São Paulo - SP - Brazil