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A Política na Alcova: Ecos Espinosanos em Sade


This article aims to investigate the interpretation by the Marquis de Sade of Spinoza's Theological-Political Treatise. Sade's interpretation appears in a very peculiar work which defies all rigid attempts of classification: La Philosophie dans le Boudoir. In the "Fifth Dialogue", Sade inserts a pamphlet entitled "Yet another effort, Frenchmen, if you would become Republicans". Through the employment of a metalinguistic device - a book inside a book - politics is now introduced into the boudoir, and the reader becomes aware that Eugénie's education is not merely sexual, but also philosophical and political. Through his critique of Christianity in the first section of the pamphlet, Sade argues that tyranny and religious superstition are closely related and that theology is one of the main foundations of political power.

Marquis de Sade; Baruch Spinoza; Tyranny and religious superstition; Philosophy in the Bedroom; Theological-Political Treatise

Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil