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Gesture and abstraction: employments of verb gounoûmai in Homer

In this paper, I investigate the significance of the act of supplication - an important social and religious institution in Greek civilization - and I try to identify the very moment when, in the Homeric vocabulary, the verb gounoûmai (literally: "to touch someone's knees") acquires an abstract value ("to supplicate, to beseech", without physical contact with the knees).

supplication; greek philology; greek poetry; homer

Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Filosofia Av.Hygino Muzzi Filho, 737, 17525-900 Marília-São Paulo/Brasil, Tel.: 55 (14) 3402-1306, Fax: 55 (14) 3402-1302 - Marília - SP - Brazil