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Inequalities and deprivation of rights in capitalist sociability and its expressions in Brazil


The article aims to develop a conceptual approach on inequalities, deprivation of rights and social issues in capitalist sociability, focusing on its broad spectrum of expressions. It deals with the Brazilian reality, highlighting the commodification of social protection and the dismantling of public policies. It focuses on the intensifying times of ultraconservatism in the national and global conjunctures, deprivation of conquered rights and regression of civilization stage reached.

Inequalities; Deprivation of Rights; Social Issues; Capitalism; Brazil

Cortez Editora Ltda Rua Monte Alegre, 1074, 05014-001 - São Paulo - SP, Tel: (55 11) 3864-0111 , Fax: (55 11) 3864-4290 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil