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The tool “illegalisms” by Foucault as a category of analysis for legal problems in Brazil


The purpose of this article is to examine and provide a theoretical and analytical support for legal research. To this end, an exploratory research was carried out that investigated the tool “illegalisms” and its possible contributions as a category of analysis to define and explain the normative problems and the performance of the judiciary in modern times. The main reference is Foucault, whose reading was done in parallel with Delleuze’s contributions on Foucault. Significant contributions were also made from the readings of Rusche and Kirchheimer on the debate. After examining this possibility, a valid analysis category will be established for studies on the performance of the Brazilian judiciary. Finally, it is a bibliographic, exploratory, theoretical and analytical research.

Illegalisms; Judiciary; Law

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Sala 216, 2º andar, Campus Universitário Trindade, CEP: 88036-970, Tel.: (48) 3233-0390 Ramal 209 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil