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The global/local relationship in the Covid-19 pandemic: the role of multilateralism in Human Rights violations

A relação global/local na pandemia da Covid-19: o papel do multilateralismo nas violações aos Direitos Humanos


This study reflects on the difficulties, within international organizations, in coordinating public health policies and freedom restrictions, both of which adopted in a disorderly manner by countries to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. We problematize, based on multilateralism, the lack of a coordinated intergovernmental structure and the difficulties of international organizations in administrating joint actions, open to local contexts, to face the pandemic. Furthermore, it is strengthened the perception that international politics is divided between disorder and the domination - or hegemony - of certain States and their alliances, on the one hand; and, on the other hand, several forms of fragile and, often transient, cooperation. Thus, the research points out the need for instruments to forward international coordination in facing the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the appreciation of local production chains to reduce their dependence on international markets. Based on such an issue and applying the hypothetical-deductive method, this work discusses the relationships between the global and the local, approached by human rights violations and public health in the pandemic context. In this sense, as a proposition of the present analysis, a dialogical re-approach between countries.

Human Rights; Local Power; Globalization; Short Productive Chains; Multilateralism

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Sala 216, 2º andar, Campus Universitário Trindade, CEP: 88036-970, Tel.: (48) 3233-0390 Ramal 209 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil