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Human editing using the Crispr-cas9 technique: scientific enthusiasm and ethical concerns


This critical reflection takes place around the scientific ethics of Crispr-Cas9, and is structured in five moments: 1) it starts by remembering the film ‘Gattaca’ and the experiment of editing human embryos using the Crispr-Cas9 technique, by He Jiankui, in late 2018, in China, and which shocked the scientific world; 2) next, there is an inroad in search of understanding about the discovery of Crispr-Cas9 and what kind of ethical implications it brings to humanity; 3) at this stage, considerations are made around the scientific research of this revolutionary gene editing technique, which has to continue and evolve, while respecting ethical guidelines; 4) ethical guidelines are needed for the governance of human genome editing techniques - some general ethical principles are proposed; 5) the reflection ends by pointing to the need to make science with conscience, prudence and responsibility, to build a future with ethical hope, avoiding apocalyptic alarmism (technophobia) on the one hand, as well as naive technological utopianism (technoutopia) from another.

Bioethics; Gene editing; Crispr-Cas systems

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