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Time and the production of space in sociology 1 Fraya Frehse is Professor of Sociology at the University of São Paulo (USP), alumna of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Productivity Research fellow of the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq), and Life Member of Clare Hall College (University of Cambridge). She coordinates the Centre for Studies and Research on the Sociology of Space and Time (NEPSESTE-USP), and is the lead partner of the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS/TU Berlin) at USP. Besides authoring Ô da Rua! and O tempo das ruas na São Paulo de fins do Império and papers in peer-reviewed international journals and in books, she edited A sociologia enraizada de José de Souza Martins alongside co-editing three books and six special issues on the relationship between time and (urban) space.

O tempo e a produção do espaço na sociologia


What does the category “time” disclose in conceptual terms about the spatialization of social phenomena, the so-called production of space? By considering that since the 1950s sociology has embraced various theoretical frameworks for tackling the sociospatial process at hand, the paper answers this question in four analytic steps. Based on the ascertainment that (Section 1) these approaches address the temporalities of the respective research objects by means of definite spatialities, one peculiar history of sociology comes to the forefront. This history comprises (Section 2) four original ways of addressing the spatialization of social phenomena methodologically which were developed by Erving Goffman, Henri Lefebvre, Pierre Bourdieu, and Martina Löw. The seven temporal-spatial scales implicit in these accounts suggest (Section 3) that the production of space is a simultaneously poly-temporal and poly-spatial social phenomenon. Its temporalities and spatialities contain (Section 4) two methodological contributions to the recent sociological debate on the issue.

Time & space; production of space (spatialization); sociology (of space); relational space; temporal-spatial scale

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil