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Superego and perversion: a devotional quest for mythical jouissance


In this article, we aimed to analyze how the pervert, sadist, or masochist, when acting out his fantasy ($<>a) takes himself as an object a to refuse castration and locates it in his anguished and divided partner ($). Thus, he enjoys and meets the superego imperatives in a very peculiar way. This is a stubborn strategy to restore the voice of the Other, to make him non-castrated, which would give him access to a mythical jouissance. To this end, neurotic and perverse fantasies are distinguished and the way in which the engendering of jouissance is correlated to the position of the object and that of the divided subject in each one is analyzed. Besides this, the relations of the superego with the fantasy of the perverse, sadist, or masochist are deeply studied, which demonstrates their particularities. Therefore, it is concluded, by the importance of the clinic and the differential diagnosis in the studies about the superego.

Key words:
Superego; perversion; sadism; masochism

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil