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Acesso aos serviços de saúde nas áreas urbana e rural do Brasil

The determinants of the demand for health services due to health problems is analyzed in the urban and rural areas of Brazil, based on a 1998 household survey. The variable health status of each individual was estimated as a function on the household's infrastructure, individual characteristics, family income, etc., and the estimates were used as an explanatory variable in the demand for health services, to avoid endogeneity problems. The most important factor in determining health services in urban and rural areas was the individual's health status. In urban areas, schooling was also important to reduce the demand for health services.

demand for health services; schooling; health status

Sociedade Brasileira de Economia e Sociologia Rural Av. W/3 Norte, Quadra 702 Ed. Brasília Rádio Center Salas 1049-1050, 70719 900 Brasília DF Brasil, - Brasília - DF - Brazil