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Becoming-Woman and Multiple Education: Clarice Cartographies


The text moves intensive with the literary art of Clarice Lispector to the encounter of sense construction for a multiple education. From the rhizomatic paths of Clarice's women, it aims to break with old representations that legitimize being a woman according to the laws of patriarchy. These paths lead to machining the concept of multiple education in the interweaving of the Philosophy of Difference, with Deleuze and Guattari, and the resonances of post-feminist thought, such as Beauvoir and Butler, in order to weave the relationships between art-gender-education through rhizomatic connections and intensive encounters with the feminist powers of becoming-woman, Clarician writing and the poetic-political becoming as a possibility of fabricating spaces of freedom in the arts of living and educating.

Becoming-woman; Poetic-political body; Multiple education; Clarice

Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário - Trindade, 88040-970 Florianópolis SC - Brasil, Tel. (55 48) 3331-8211, Fax: (55 48) 3331-9751 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil