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Profile of patients with gynecological cancer under chemotherapy

A study of socio-epimiological demographic profile of patients in chemotherapy for cancer in the Gynecology and Obstetrical Ward in HE- UFTM, presented in the periodo from 1998 to 2006. Retrospective study whose data collection was obtained from health records It was built a data base using Epi-Info. Data analysis considered simple distribution, mediacy with value between the maximum and the minimum and stand deviation. The sample was constituted of 321 health records; the more incident age group was 46 to 50 years-old; breast cancer was the most noticed cancer (45%); the chemotherapy most used was ciclofosfamida, in 173 treatments; had an increase in breast cancer. It was concluded that had a change in the patient's profile.

Neoplasms; Women's health; Nursing

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