Acessibilidade / Reportar erro

Um instrumento para identificação do rigor científico em trabalhos e relatórios de pesquisa

The study proposes to introduce a tool for the identification of scientific accuracy on research works and reports of the positivist thinking, listing also those main stops seen as necessary for the development of such tool. It is a "check-list" type questionnaire, tested and administered by seven Master's graduate students who intended, at the beginning, to gather data referring to general characteristics and phases of the research process used on the nursing Marter's course at UFSC. The theoretical framework utilized to prepare the Check-list was Polit and Hungler's Resezrch Process. Afterwards, having analysed the scarcity of references available on this theme the care given to all of its elaboration stages, and the indexes found for the tool validity and reliability, we concluded that it can expand into an important subvention to the development of new research in our area, since it facilitates the methodplogical assessment of the scientific product and supports research beginners, capable thus of being utilized as a guide on research development.

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