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Contents related to nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic on the Youtube™ platform

Contenido relacionado conlosprofesionales de enfermería durante la pandemia COVID-19 enla plataforma Youtube™



to characterize the content of Youtube™ videos related to nursing professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.


a qualitative study that examined 47 videos on Youtube™ posted between 11/03 and 11/04 2020, which were subjected to thematic analysis.


four categories emerged: “the role of nurses in care production during the pandemic”, which addresses the management of services and individual care; “Overview of the pandemic from the perspective of nurses in different countries”, presenting experiences and encouraging physical distance; “Tributes and motivation to mobilize the category”, in addition to targeted tributes, calls for nurses to claim their rights; “Criticisms and demands to improve working conditions”, which highlights the insecurity of care provision settings.

Final considerations:

nursing work conditions in different countries, recognition of the importance of professionals during the pandemic, and claims of the category to improve working conditions were the main content found on Youtube™.

Nursing; Pandemic; Mass Media; Audiovisual Aids; COVID-19

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