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Potentialities and weaknesses in the care network of people with HIV/AIDS



to understand the strengths and weaknesses in the care network of people with HIV/AIDS in a referral center in the state of Santa Catarina-SC.


participants were eight subjects and their care network, totaling 18 participants. Data were collected through interviews and examined by content analysis, theoretically supported by symbolic interaction.


the analysis resulted in the following categories: The network offering care to people with acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome, and Facing Barriers in care, which refl ect the strengths and weaknesses in the care network. The fi rst depicts the provision of emotional and humanized care, and the second a restricted network formed by health professionals and a family member.


the professional care network is important, despite the increased number of assistances in a physical structure and amount of professionals who no longer meet the growing demand.

Nursing; HIV; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Patient Care

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