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Alcohol consumption among women living in rural contexts

Consumo de alcohol entre mujeres que viven en contextos rurales



to identify the reasons associated with alcohol consumption in women living in rural contexts.


a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, whose data were obtained from semi-structured interviews, conducted between March and August 2018, with a total of 23 women in alcohol consumption who live in rural areas in Central Western Rio Grande do Sul. We used a discursive textual analysis, marked by the Bioecological Theory of human development.


The reasons associated with alcohol consumption are: leisure time, transportation, territorial and cultural characteristics, but they differ between women living in rural areas and those living in settlements.

Final considerations:

The context in which rural women live influences alcohol consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to include guidelines in public policies that address the problematic of rural women.

Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages; Rural Population; Women’s Health; Public Health; Health Services

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