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Social and enviromental management in small and medium enterprises: power and influence of stakeholders

The aim of this study was to analyze how large companies influence their suppliers, in this case Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), in favor of adopting social and environmental responsibility practices. It was used for this purpose the perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that, although lacks a consistent theoretical unit, was more appropriate to the case. The relevance of the study was justified by the limited number of studies on CSR on SMEs and the influence that stakeholders - in this particular case the concept was used in the sense of interested groups - have on this relationship. The study was conducted within the framework of the Tear Program - Weaving Sustainable Networks - that aimed to mobilize, through large companies (or anchors), the adoption of social and environmental responsibility practices management for its suppliers. The methodology of multiple cases study was used with the purpose of considering such impacts through three anchors companies and six SMEs. According to results, it can be seen that the influence of stakeholders stressed the importance and accelerate the adoption of CSR practices but lacks the strength to ensure an increase in performance, competitiveness and market opportunities. This finding is contrary to the initial objective of the Tear Program, as was nailed to SMEs by its organizers.

Social Responsibility; Social and Environmental Management in Small and Medium Enterprises; Tear Program; Stakeholders

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