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This paper aims to report the experience of a field researcher who sought to organize in the same research design using grounded theory constructivist and ethnography. For this, we sought to divide the work into three distinct parts. In the first part, we presented succinctly the two methodologies in an extensive way, introducing some of its fundamental principles. In the second part, we describe the main points of the field work that was conducted in order to investigate how Brazilian consumers derived of poor class experience their consumer experiences of electronic products. This part of the article highlights some reflections on the practical requirements for the "operationalization" of research committed to the "spirit" of ethnography and grounded theory, explores the points of adhesion, and throws light on some challenging issues that still require more thought about the conjunction between the two methodologies. Finally, briefly, tried to sketch, by way of a conclusion, the possible contributions to consumer research linking methodologies.

Ethnography; Grounded Theory; Consumer Research

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