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Judicialization of politics in context(s): new elements for a theoretical map


This paper has two goals. First, in dialogue with scholarly efforts to explain variations in the intensity of the Brazilian Supreme Court’s role in the political process, we propose a theoretical map that can account, in a more systematic fashion, for the different ways and mechanisms by which judicialization can take place. Second, we offer a typology of varieties of judicialization of politics that combines different mechanisms for accessing the court’s jurisdiction, and features of the court’s internal decision-making process. At one side of the spectrum, judicialization as a phenomenon would result from a combination of two collective decisions - a collective actor (such as a political party) triggering a collective decision by the STF. At the other side, it would result from a combination of two sets of individual decisions - an individual politician, for example, obtaining a favorable ruling or injunction by a single STF justice. Within this framework, we exemplify and discuss four understudied dimensions of the judicialization of politics: mechanisms of access to the STF beyond abstract review lawsuits (ADIs); appeals to the STF by individual politicians; appeals to the STF by members of the ruling coalition, which highlight the relevance of contingent political dynamics in judicialization strategies; the individual judicial powers and their implications for the political process.

Judicialization of politics; political decision-making process; judicial decision-making process; constitutional review

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito de São Paulo Rua Rocha, 233, 11º andar, 01330-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3799 2172 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil