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Anatomic and surgical importance of macroscopic characteristics, location and vascular supply of cervical parathyroid glands

OBJECTIVES: The anatomic and surgical importance of the parathyroid glands, notably in the course of thyroidectomy still continues alive and awaking scientific interests. On the other hand, there are scarce scientific studies about the investigation of parathyroid glands anatomy. The main objective of this study is to contribute to establish these anatomic and surgical connections. METHODS: The macro and microscopic studies of the parathyroid glands dissected in anatomic parts from nineteen corpses, all male between 20 and 60 years old. To approach the vascular supply, it was used an erosion technique to identify the blood vessels and the thyroid gland adopted as a space reference in the parathyroid glands location. RESULTS: There were identified in macro and microscopy 76 cervical parathyroid glands. Thirty-four (44.73%) had a yellow-red colouring, 26 (34.21%) a grey-black colouring and sixteen (21.06%) a yellow-tan colouring. The size was between 3 to 15 mm, prevailing the interval of 4 to 6.9 mm in 43 (56.58%) glands. There were found from two to six parathyroid glands per corpse, prevailing the number of four in nine (47.37%) necropsies. Forty-two (55.26%) parathyroid glands were from the upper and 34 (47.74%) from the lower thyroid gland. Blood vessels moulds of parathyroid glands after the erosion technique, demonstrated that capillaries prevailing from the upper and lower thyroid arteries join together next to the gland. CONCLUSION: With strong influence in the course of thyroidectomies, the study showed up that upper and lower cervical parathyroid glands can be found in different positions face to thyroid gland, with greater or smaller intimacy gland is not prevailing of a unique artery.

Thyroid gland; Parathyroid glands

Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões Rua Visconde de Silva, 52 - 3º andar, 22271- 090 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Tel.: +55 21 2138-0659, Fax: (55 21) 2286-2595 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil