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Splitting of nitrogen fertilization on the yield performance of wheat genotypes

This study aimed to evaluate the performance of wheat genotypes of different industrial qualities in response to the ratios of nitrogen (N) fertilisation topdressing. Six genotypes of wheat were evaluated, those being: IPR LD 136 and 052 114 (breeder), IPR 130 and IPR 144 (bread) and BRS Louro and CD 105 (basic). The nitrogen fertilisation topdressing was applied at a fixed dosage of 80 kg ha-1 as urea, divided five ways: P1 - the total dosage being applied when tilling, at 20 DAE (days after emergence); P2 - ¼ when booting and the remainder at 20 DAE; P3 - ½ at 20 DAE + ½ at booting; P4 - ¼ at 20 DAE and the remainder at booting; P5 - total N dosage applied at booting. The proportions for splitting the nitrogen fertilisation topdressing did not affect the cycle, the degree of bedding, the weight per hectolitre (HW), the 1000 grain mass, the number of spikelets per spike, the number of grains per spikelet, the number of grains per spike, the grain mass per spike and the number of spikes/m². The genotypes IPR 136 and 052 114 LD had higher grain yields when N was applied as a single application in P1 and P5 respectively. For the genotypes BRS Louro, IPR 130 and CD 105, the different nitrogen fertilization times did not affect grain yield. In cultivar IPR 144, the nitrogen fertilization topdressing in treatments P1, P2 and P5 favoured grain yield.

Wheat; Cover crops; Plants; Nitrogen effect

Universidade Federal do Ceará Av. Mister Hull, 2977 - Bloco 487, Campus do Pici, 60356-000 - Fortaleza - CE - Brasil, Tel.: (55 85) 3366-9702 / 3366-9732, Fax: (55 85) 3366-9417 - Fortaleza - CE - Brazil