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Reproductive índices from species of Citharihthys Bleeker (Teleostei, Pleuronectiformes) at the Guaratuba Bay, Paraná, Brazil

The species of Citharichthys Bleeker, 1862, C. arenaceus Evermann & Marsh, 1900 and C. spilopterus Günther, 1862, are the most common flatfishes found in Guaratuba Bay, south Brazil. Different size categories of these flatfish occur in the mangrove area throughout the year. The Gonadosomatic Index, the Condition Factor, and the morphological analyses of the gonads from samples obtained between 1994 and 1996 reveals a spawning activity during late Spring and early Summer. This period coincides with the increase in temperature and decrease in salinity. Spawning evidence and the presence of ali size categories throughout the year indicate that Citharichthys spp. are permanent inhabitants of the mangrove in Guaratuba Bay, where they complete their life cycle.

Teleostei; Pleuronectiformes; fish reproduction; Guaratuba Bay; Brazil

Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 41 3266-6823, - Curitiba - PR - Brazil