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Relation between genotype and temperament of grazing steers on meat quality

The effect of two genetic groups, Aberdeen angus (AA) and 50% Nellore x 50% Aberdeen angus (NA), on temperament and meat quality of 40 steers averaging 2 years of age and 336.4 ± 29.39 kg of body weight was evaluated in this trial. Animals were assigned to treatments according to a completely randomized design. Temperament was evaluated through measurements of composite behavior score (BS) and flight time (FT). NA steers had higher BS than AA steers in this trial. Conversely, AA steers had greater FT values than NA steers on evaluations 1 and 4: 2.1 vs. 1.3 e 4.7 vs. 2.3 seconds, respectively. Mean daily weight gain was negatively related with overall BS (r = -0.47, P=0.0075, n=30) while the opposite was observed with overall FT (r = 0.39, P=0.0336, n=30). Within the NA group, more reactive animals gained less weight. Steers with higher BS showed lower pH1 values: 6.47, 6.28 and 6.09, respectively, for BS of 1, 2 and 3. Steers with smaller FT showed lower pH1: 6.1, 6.43, and 6.43, respectively, for TF of 1, 2 and 3. Meat of NA steers showed pH1 lower than that of AA steers: 6.17 vs. 6.57. It was observed 23% more color a* (P=0.0394) and 9% more color b* (P=0.0808) on meat from NA steers with larger FT values. Color L* was negatively related with BS3 and pH24 (r= -0.54 and -0.39, respectively) whereas color b* was negatively related with pH3 and pH7 (r= -0.39 and r= -0.45, respectively). Crossbred and more nervous steers had lower weight gain and poorer meat quality.

bovine; color; pH; reactivity; weight gain

Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia Universidade Federal de Viçosa / Departamento de Zootecnia, 36570-900 Viçosa MG Brazil, Tel.: +55 31 3612-4602, +55 31 3612-4612 - Viçosa - MG - Brazil